U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-007
Date: October 2010
The following events provide opportunities to learn more about products and technologies for accelerating infrastructure innovations.
Green Streets and Highways Conference, Transportation and Development Institute/American Society of Civil Engineers
November 14-17, 2010, Denver, CO
The conference will feature leading-edge practices for planning, designing, and building sustainable roadways. More than 100 presentations in over 30 technical sessions will cover such topics as sustainable transportation planning, greening Interstate highways, and green pavements. The conference is cosponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Institute of Transportation Engineers, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Contact: To learn more, visit http://content.asce.org/conferences/greenstreets-highways2010/index.html.
Seventh International Bridge Engineering Conference: Improving Reliability and Safety-Restoration, Renewal, and Replacement
December 1-3, 2010, San Antonio, TX
Sponsored by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and FHWA and hosted by the Texas Department of Transportation, the conference will focus on improving bridge reliability and safety. Technical sessions will cover accelerated bridge construction, bridge management and preservation, innovative materials, inspection and monitoring, bridge scour, and seismic and blast hazards.
Contact: Ian Friedland at FHWA, 202-493-3023 (email: ian.friedland@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.TRB.org/Conferences/2010/IBEC.
TRB 90th Annual Meeting
January 23-27, 2011, Washington, DC
More than 10,000 transportation professionals from around the world will gather at the meeting to share perspectives on current developments in transportation research, policy, and practice. The spotlight theme for the 2011 meeting is "Transportation, Livability, and Economic Development in a Changing World." The meeting will feature more than 3,000 presentations in nearly 600 sessions.
Contact: For information, visit the TRB Web site at www.trb.org (click on "Annual Meeting"). Questions about the meeting can be emailed to trbmeetings@nas.edu.
Second International Conference on Transportation Construction Management
February 7-10, 2011, Orlando, FL
Following on the success of the First International Conference on Transportation Construction Management, held in 2009, this event will look at how anticipating and resolving issues before construction begins is key to minimizing risk, meeting or exceeding customers' expectations, and saving money. The second conference will feature additional emphasis on international success stories and case studies from other modes of transportation, including transit, rail, and airport construction. FHWA, AASHTO, TRB, and the Transportation Development Foundation are sponsoring the event, with the American Road and Transportation Builders Association serving as the conference manager.
Contact: Jerry Yakowenko at FHWA, 202-366-1562 (email: gerald.yakowenko@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.tcm-2.org.
First Transportation and Development Institute Congress: Integrated Transportation and Development for a Better Tomorrow
March 13-16, 2011, Chicago, IL
Organized by the Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the conference will bring together transportation and development researchers, engineers, planners, designers, construction managers, and contractors from around the world to discuss integrated strategies for smart development. Discussion topics will include transportation operations and safety, pavement and transportation materials, advanced technologies in transportation systems, airport planning and design, and smart development and sustainability. The conference will also feature a technical tour to an engineering project in the Chicago area.
Contact: Sam Tyson at FHWA, 202-366-1326 (email: sam.tyson@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.tdi-congress.org.
Fifth Asphalt Shingle Recycling Forum
October 27-28, 2011, Dallas, TX
Organized by the Construction Materials Recycling Association, the forum will cover all aspects of the opportunities offered by shingle recycling. Using recycled asphalt shingles in hot-mix asphalt and other construction applications can save money and conserve natural resources, while maintaining quality.
Contact: Audrey Copeland at FHWA, 202-493-3097 (email:audrey.copeland@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.shinglerecycling.org.