U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-058 Date: February 2017 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-058 Date: February 2017 |
This chapter outlines the guidelines and recommended styles for all RD&T publications. The applicable laws, rules and FHWA polices are as follows (see appendixes A through U for examples of forms, and other publication components):
The use of multiple colors increases both the cost and the production time for a publication. Therefore, additional color should be used only when necessary to ensure that the publication achieves its communication goal. If the goal is to simply disseminate information, consider using a single color of ink (i.e., black) to convey the information.
Four-color printing should be used only when the supporting visual elements (e.g., photographs or graphs) require full color to accurately convey the message or when there are other special considerations. The use of four-color printing requires the approval of the applicable office director because the cost will likely be increased significantly.
FHWA uses the CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) color model for processing print jobs through GPO. Please furnish all image and Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF files in CMYK. If necessary, convert RGB (Red-Green-Blue), hexadecimal, or Pantone colors into CMYK.
Photos of individuals must not be taken and published without their permission via a signed Model Release Form (appendixes M and N), which provides permission for FHWA to publish a person’s likeness (or image). It is especially important to receive permission to publish the image of a child. If a researcher, contract office representative, or contractor does not receive permission, then do not use the photo.
The Government Paperwork Elimination Act requires Federal agencies to allow individuals or entities that deal with the agencies the option to submit information or transact with the agency electronically (when practicable) and to maintain records electronically (when practicable). Therefore, all publications must be in electronic format.(28,29)
All RD&T publications must be prepared in an accessible electronic format for online use on an approved FHWA website such as www.fhwa.dot.gov/research.(1) When choosing to print the document, an electronic version of the same document must be prepared and meet the accessibility requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.(28,14)
There are two distinct components necessary to publish an electronic publication on a website: the written and visual portion (i.e., content) and the HTML programming portion. Both are needed for compliance with Section 508; however, each has a different role.(14) Therefore, two reviews will take place before posting a Web page on the Internet—an editorial review by HRTM and HPA and a technical review by the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).
Writing content, gathering information, creating visuals, and collecting photos for a publication or website is normally the function of a program specialist or writer. The person who performs this function is usually referred to as a content producer-writer or publication writer. A content producer-writer is normally responsible for fulfilling the information content portion of Section 508.(14) R&D information and publications that are written and posted on a website must be edited by HRTM. Because the information falls under the jurisdiction of “public information,” HPA also must review it.
Whether you are writing a report or publication or writing text specifically for a Web page, you must use the following Section 508 guidelines when creating material that will be posted on a website:(14)
Write the content in plain language.(17)
Write 508 captions or text for nontext elements in plain language and be specific.(22,32,33)
Select colors and include graphics, charts, photos, etc., that have high contrast.(22,33)
Design Web pages so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color.(22,33) The following are possible examples:
Label each line in a graph or make each line a distinct pattern such as dashes, exes, dots, thin lines, or thick lines.
Label or number each bar in a bar graph.
Do not refer to color alone as a differentiator within a graphic or text, such as “the red line,” “the blue text,” “the green button.” Instead of saying, “The red sign on this page…,” use, “The red stop sign shown in figure 1…” (22,33)
Create simple tables whenever possible containing one vertical header column and one horizontal header row, rather than nested tables with multiple subheadings.(22,33)
Ensure that a text equivalent, such as a transcript, is provided for audio files that will be included with an electronic publication or highlighted on a Web page. Audio is considered a nontext element because you cannot see it.(24,33)
Similarly, a (silent) Web slide show presentation does not need to have an audio description accompanying it but does require text alternatives to be associated with the graphics. See the section in this document entitled 508 Alternative Text for Nontext Elements (Captions) Requirements.(22,33)
When deciding what text and the order of text to include on an electronic or Web form, place labels adjacent to data input fields, not in separate cells of a table. Label each data field. Whenever possible, write any detailed instructions for completing a specific field before that field instead of the following:(22)
The programming portion of posting a publication on the Web consists of HTML coding (or other types of Web and database programming such as Java™, JavaScript™, Visual Basic®, etc.). It is normally a technical function carried out by a technical programmer under the auspices of an information technology office. A Web programmer must program a website using specific standards and programming language rules in accordance with FHWA requirements and Section 508.(21,14,22) The programming portion of a publication or website also will undergo a review by a technical group (OCIO) for adherence to Section 508 and FHWA’s Minimum Requirements for FHWA Web Pages.(14,21)
Researchers, contractors, and technical programmers who will work on a website or provide HTML files or a website as a final deliverable should see chapter 7 for more specific guidelines on electronic publishing on an FHWA website.
If your contract calls for HTML file delivery in addition to a Microsoft® Word file, the researcher should coordinate with HRTM for additional guidance. This is important because before the document is coded in HTML and deployed, any new RD&T Web publication or website must be edited in Microsoft® Word format by the HRTM editors and reviewed by HPA. For this reason, research contract office representatives should ensure that their contract deliverable schedules include sufficient time for editing and the editorial process by HRTM, alternative text for nontext elements (508 captions) requirements, and an HPA review.(14)
An electronic 508 captions file in addition to the final publication file is required when submitting a report or publication for print or electronic posting. The Intake Form will not be accepted without the complete 508 captions file.
The separate 508 captions file must contain a listing of all the descriptions of nontext elements within a publication—including but not limited to every photo, chart, graph, pie chart, flowchart, diagram, and equation.
To write a 508 caption, writers may find it easiest to use the technique of covering a figure with one hand. Describe both the content of the nontext element and what the relevance of the nontext element is within a document. Use the results of that technique to write the text equivalent.
The Access Board (the governing body responsible for enforcing accessibility standards) defines text equivalent as follows:(22)
“A text equivalent means adding words to represent the purpose of a nontext element. This provision requires that when an image indicates a navigational action such as “move to the next screen” or “go back to the top of the page,” the image must be accompanied by actual text that states the purpose of the image. This provision also requires that when an image is used to represent page content, the image must have a text description accompanying it that explains the meaning of the image.”
“How Much Information Actually Needs to Be in the Text Equivalent?
Whenever possible, the text information associated with a nontext element should communicate the same information as its associated element. For example, when an image indicates an action, the action must be described in the text. The types of nontext elements requiring actual text descriptions are limited to those elements that provide information required for comprehension of content.”(22)
For every figure, graph, photo, formula, equation, chart, etc., shown in a publication or Web document, use the following FHWA format for the 508 caption:
Figure 1. Graph. Name of graph. [Insert 508 caption for graph.]
Figure 2. Photo. Name of photo. [Insert 508 caption for photo.]
Figure 3. Formula. Name of formula. [Insert 508 caption for formula.]
Figure 4. Chart. Name of chart. [Insert 508 caption for chart.]
Figure 5. Equation. Name of equation. [Insert 508 caption for equation.]
The following are examples of 508 captions that were used in actual FHWA reports:
Figure 2. Graph. Strength and ductility increase with confining pressure in these triaxial compression simulations. The vertical axis of this graph depicts Stress (megapascals) and ranges from negative 42 to negative 1. The horizontal axis represents Displacement (centimeters) and ranges from 0 to 0.026. The graph shows three lines starting at negative 1 on the vertical axis and 0 on the horizontal axis. The red or solid line (representing 0 megapascals confinement) falls to negative 28 on the verical axis and 0.0045 on the horizontal axis and then climbs through negative 11 on the vertical axis and 0.0145 on the horizontal axis and ends at negative 1.5 on the vertical axis and 0.0245 on the horizontal axis. The blue or long-dashed line (representing 1.4 megapascals confinement) falls along the same trajectory, then at negative 35 on the vertical axis and 0.005 on the horizontal axis starts curving through negative 26 on the vertical axis and 0.012 on the horizontal axis, peaking and leaving the graph at negative 14 on the vertical axis. The green or short-dashed line (representing 2.8 megapascals confinement) falls along the same trajectory, stopping at negative 40 on the vertical axis and 0.006 on the horizontal axis and curving through negative 31 on the vertical axis and 0.012 on the horizontal and peaking at negative 20 on the vertical axis, where it leaves the graph.(34)
Figure 2. Pie Chart. Percent of respondents by truck volume corridor categories. Pie chart depicts the following distribution of respondents: 23 percent from corridors with fewer than 5,000 trucks per day, 24 percent from corridors with 5,001 to 10,000 trucks per day, 15percent from corridors with 10,001 to 15,000 trucks per day, and 38 percent from corridors with 15,001 to 20,000 trucks per day.
Figure 16. Illustration. A diagonal band of damage is calculated with frictional end constraints if one end cap is allowed to rotate or slide relative to the other (bottom cap constrained from rotating and sliding). This figure shows the damage simulated in one concrete cylinder at three different times, and two views. The damage is quite similar to that previously discussed in Figure 14. In the first three views, the cylinder is sliced in half vertically to reveal the cylinder midplane. By 400 milliseconds, a weak diagonal band of damage has formed, and spreads from the top right side, about three-fourths of the way down to the left side. By 1 second, the damage band has grown stronger and wider. By 3 seconds, the diagonal spreads across seven elements. The midplane cylinder mesh is 16 elements high and 8 elements wide. A view of the outside of the cylinder at 3 seconds reveals that two elements have eroded.(34)
Equation 1. Equation. Minimum Retroreflectivity Level at the Standard Geometry. This equation gives the minimum required retroreflectivity level at an observation angle of 0.2 degrees and an entrance angle of negative 4 degrees, or minimum R subscript A. To calculate the minimum R subscript A, the average retroreflectivity of new sheeting at the standard geometries (New R subscript A, SG) is multiplied by the quotient of the retroreflectivity required to produce the demand luminance (Demand R subscript A, NSG) divided by the retroreflectivity of the new sheeting at a nonstandard geometry (Supply R subscript A, NSG).(35)
For additional examples, see Evaluation of LSDYNA Concrete Material Model 150, Minimum Retroreflectivity Levels for Overhead Guide Signs and Street-Name Signs, Safety Evaluation of Improved Curved Delineation, Development of a Multiaxial Viscoelastoplastic Continuum Damage Model for Asphalt Mixtures, and Effects of Yellow Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons on Yielding at Multilane Uncontrolled Crosswalk. (See references 34 through 38.)
Including graphics in your document can help communicate your message. When doing so, please ensure that the graphic is as clear as possible for effectiveness. For this reason, the researcher should not submit second-generation or previously printed materials as graphics. In addition, please refrain from using tape; correction fluid; photocopies; or fuzzy, dark, or faded artwork, because this will make the graphics more difficult to read in the final publication.
Please submit high-resolution files at 300 dpi at actual size (i.e., the picture should be 300 dpi at the size that you would like the picture to appear in the report) or greater for printing purposes when submitting electronic files, especially for layout. The rule regarding graphics is that the larger the dpi number, the clearer and crisper an image will appear in a printed document. Making a graphic larger in size will not increase the resolution; in fact, it does the exact opposite. This is why large, high-resolution pictures have the best quality for printing.
According to Copyright Basics from the United States Copyright Office, copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to the authors of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. (See references 39 through 43.) Original works, when applied to FHWA publications, normally include photos, graphics, illustrations, tables, charts, sentences/paragraphs of information (i.e., excerpts), and possibly formulas depending on the application.
Works created by the Federal Government are not copyrightable.(41) This restriction on copyright applies to publications produced by the U.S. Government and its employees within the scope of their employment.
For more information about Federal Government employees’ ownership of content, see Title 17 Section §105, Subject Matter of Copyright: United States Government Works.(41)
Figures and texts that are not in the public domain must have clear license transfer such as in a stock photo purchase license, royalties paid to an owner, or written permission from the owner(s) to use the figure or text.
Prior to submitting the document for publication, the researcher, contract office representative (COR), or contractor must receive written permission for FHWA use and confirm with a copyright owner what type of credit should appear next to the copyrighted figure or text. Generally, most FHWA contracts do not allow contractors to include copyrighted material in a report without prior approval by FHWA.
See the Copyright Q&A in the appendix O for more information. For more information about copyright laws, see Title 17 of the U.S. Code.(39)
Whenever a copyright is published in the United States or elsewhere by authority of the copyright owner, a notice of copyright may be placed on publicly distributed copies as indicated under 17 U.S. Code §401.(39,40)
Within FHWA publications, the following notice must appear on the distributed copies of any communication documents containing copyrighted material: the symbol © (the letter C in a circle), the word “Copyright” or the abbreviation “Copr.,” the year of the first publication of the work, and the copyright owner. For more information, please see 17 U.S. Code §401.(40)
Federal CORs should review the data rights clauses in the back of their contracts regarding the contract deliverables to determine ownership of the photos and other copyrightable works that are the work of a contractor under that contract. Never assume that the Government or FHWA owns a photo or drawing, because the data clause determines the owner, not whether a contractor takes a photo while performing work on that contract. Seek assistance from the legal office or contract officer if needed because they have the ability to look up the data clauses and interpret the ownership of deliverables from that contract.
Public Domain Works
If a graphic is in the public domain, then you would not put anything except the figure number and caption, as illustrated in figure 1. The FHWA legal office recommends, however, that authors use a “Source: FHWA” credit line.
Figure 1. Photo. Example of copyright treatment for copyright owned by FHWA (public domain).
If a contractor or other company owns the graphic and the graphic was never published, then you would add a copyright attribution under the graphic and place the figure number and figure caption as illustrated in figure 2. Notice that under figure 2, the three elements needed for a copyright attribution are the copyright symbol, the year, and the copyright owner’s name.
Figure 2. Photo. Example of copyright treatment of a photo with copyright owned by an outside organization but never published.
Copyright Owned by Outside Source and Was Published
If a copyright owner is not FHWA, and the owner previously published the photo or graphic, you would reference it by placing a copyright symbol and a reference next to the figure number and caption as illustrated in figure 3.
Figure 3. Photo. Example of copyright treatment of a photo with copyright owned by an outside organization and was published.(1)
The reference citation that corresponds with the reference number would be shown in the reference section at the back of your report and correspond to the method of publication such as report, presentation, Web page, etc. as follows:
1. Doe, J. (2011). “Ultra-High Performance Meetings,” TechNote, Publication No., VTTI, Austin, TX.
Copyright Owned by Outside Organization, Previously Published, and Modified by Authors
If the copyright owner is not FHWA, the owner previously published the photo or graphic, and the photo or graphic or map was altered from the original copyrighted material, please contact the copyright owner to ensure that they are aware of the changes when seeking written permission for use. Indicate the changes to the graphic, if alterations were made. When doing so, please be sure to place the copyright owner’s name next to the graphic, a reference if applicable, and instructions to see the acknowledgements section of report, as illustrated in figure 4.
Figure 4. Photo. Example of a photo with the copyright owned by an outside source, published in a document, and modified by the authors.(44)
Modifications to Copyrighted Material Notice in Acknowledgements Section
In the acknowledgements section of the publication, add a description of the changes made and whether those changes are part of the study or the other circumstances. When developing your acknowledgements, an example to consider is as follows:
The original map is the copyright property of Google® Earth™ and can be accessed from https://www.google.com/earth.(44) The map overlays showing the incorrect longitudinal placement of centerlines were developed as a result of this research project. The overlays include red and blue lines showing the incorrect placement of centerlines.
FHWA prefers that publications follow the style guidelines in the following order: CRG and the most recent versions of the GPO Style Manual, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and The Chicago Manual of Style by the University of Chicago Press.(2–4) Therefore, when looking up a particular style, the above order helps prioritize conflicting styles or when a specific style element is not included in one or more style manuals. As previously stated, you may deviate from using the aforementioned preferred styles. However, the ultimate choice of style should be consistent throughout the publication.
The use of metric measurements is now optional, per the November 25, 2008, internal FHWA memo from former executive director Jeffrey Paniati.(45) However, research reports must include the metric/SI conversion chart at the beginning of the report in the front matter section. Each office may use its own judgement in the value of metric measurements or dual units based on the audience for each document. Offices that wish to use dual units are encouraged to present them in the format of inch-pound value followed by metric value in parentheses. When choosing to use metric measurements, the units must be used consistently throughout the report. You may not use English units in one chapter and then SI units in another chapter.
The GPO Style Manual uses a hyphen between the elements of compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine (when they must be spelled out) and in compound adjectives with a numerical first element.(2) For example, see the following measurements:
24-inch ruler.
four-lane highway.
8- by 12-inch page.
3-to-1 ratio.
3-m-wide screen.
For further guidance related to hyphenation and compounding of words, see the GPO Style Manual.(2)
Use an em dash—instead of a hyphen—as shown here to set off a particular phrase. There should be no spaces around the em dash.(2)
When parentheses or brackets are used to enclose an independent sentence, the period falls inside as in the following example. (See sample here.) If the enclosed matter is part of a sentence, the period falls outside (when the enclosed matter completes the sentence).(2)
Periods and commas should be placed inside quotation marks; semicolons fall outside quotation marks. Use a comma after each member within a series of three or more words, phrases, letters, or figures used with “and,” “or,” or “nor.”(2)
Semicolons are to be used to separate groups of items only when commas are already used within each group. For example, “He checked the streets, highways, and lanes; the subways, bus routes, and airlines; and the theaters, museums, and art galleries.” In other instances in which intervening commas are used and confusion may result, use semicolons to separate elements containing commas.(2)
Any number that begins a sentence is to be spelled out. Numbers that range from one through nine are to be spelled out. Use numerals for numbers 10 and above. However, if a number 10 or above is in the same sentence with a lower number, use numerals for all.(2)
Units of money, measurement, and time (actual or implied) must be expressed in numerals. These units do not affect and are unaffected by other numbers in a sentence. Therefore, when using a monetary, measurement, or time reference in the sentence, only use a numeral to depict other numbers if the number is 10 or greater.(2)
Numbers and their units of measurement should not be separated on two lines. Also, keep words that depend on each other for meaning together on the same line of type by using nonbreaking spaces.(2)
Use GPO Style Manual abbreviations for units of measurement.(2) Abbreviations used for units of measurement are the same for both singular and plural. However, to ensure Section 508 compliance is maintained and avoid confusion with the word “in,” do not abbreviate the word “inch” and do not use periods after these abbreviations.
The following are examples of some commonly used units:(2)
mi for mile(s).
mi2 for square mile(s).
m for meter(s).
mi/h or mph for miles per hour.
ft for foot (feet).
km/h for kilometers per hour.
ft3 lb for pound(s).
lbf/in2 ft2/s for square foot (feet) per second.
s for second(s).
“Percent” and most other symbols (e.g., & and #) should be spelled out in the text. Some symbols may be used in figures, tables, and references if there is not space to spell them out.
See appendix J for terms that are unique to FHWA.
The following are unique GPO Style Manual guidelines you should be aware of when developing FHWA publications:(2)
Common nouns such as table 1, chapter 2, sample A, reference 4, appendix A, etc., should not be capitalized within the text.
The word “State” should be capitalized when referring to a geographic or governmental entity.
Typically, the words “Federal” and “Government” are capitalized, whether they appear together or alone when referring to the Federal Government. The word “Nation” is capitalized when used as a synonym for the United States.
Acronyms or abbreviations must be established by spelling out the term the first time it is used followed by the acronym in parentheses, such as Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). If the publication or report has many acronyms, a list of acronyms/abbreviations may be included after the list of tables. The sole exception is for an executive summary, which should be treated as a separate document.
The following prefixes and suffixes generally do not require a hyphen when joined with other words: