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 FY'03 Performance Plan

Federal Highway Administration
Fiscal Year 2003 Performance Plan
September 2002


Information Contact

For more information, please contact Mr. Ronald Marshall, Associate Administrator for Corporate Management, Federal Highway Administration, Room 4208, 400 7th Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590, Telephone (202) 366-9393.

Download a copy of the Performance Plan in PDF format: fy03fhwaplan.pdf (935 KB). To view PDF files, you need the Acrobat® Reader®.


The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) priority initiatives for Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 are presented in this performance plan. The annual FHWA performance plan and report supports the new vision, mission, and roles of the FHWA, and the achievement of the multi-year goals in the FHWA and Department of Transportation (USDOT) strategic plans.

Strategic Direction

The FHWA Vision is Improving Transportation for a Strong America.

Addressing highway improvements continues to be a cornerstone in our efforts, but we will focus more in the future on improvements to the entire transportation system in order to sustain the Nation's economy, security, and quality of life. This vision includes a role for other Federal, State and local agencies, public and private sector organizations, universities and research institutes working with us in a collaborative partnership.

The FHWA Mission is Enhancing Mobility Through Innovation, Leadership, and Public Service.

The continuing challenge that we face is enhancing the movement of people and goods from one place to another, while also ensuring the safety of the traveling public, promoting the efficiency of the transportation system, and protecting the environment.

We will add value to the transportation community and ensure our Nation's prosperity by serving as innovators, leaders, and stewards.

As Innovators for a Better Future, we will:

As Leaders for National Mobility, we will:

As Stewards for National Highway Programs, we will:

The Vital Few

Our Vital Few priorities are featured in this performance plan. Our performance in these areas will define success for our Agency and affirm the need for a Federal role in highway transportation.

Achievement of the Vital Few priorities is what we want to be known for in the coming three to five years. During FY 2003, we will undertake a concerted effort with our partners to accelerate the implementation of specific actions in States and localities where major improvements in these priority areas are needed.

Goals and Objectives

Five strategic goals - safety, mobility and productivity, environment, national security, and organizational excellence- are addressed in the FY 2003 performance plan. Our focus continues to be on achieving the anticipated national outcomes, as we have stated in previous years. In FY 2003, there is an added emphasis on directly accounting for our progress in meeting the following national performance objectives.


Mobility & Productivity


National Security

Organizational Excellence

The national performance objectives are aligned to our multi-year strategic goals and objectives in this plan. Performance measures and FY 2003 targets are identified for each national objective. This information is summarized for the goals in the FY 2003 Performance Plan in Attachment A. A description of the national strategies we will adopt to achieve these national objectives is provided. The strategies that support the achievement of the Vital Few are also highlighted in the discussion under each strategic goal.

A comparison between the national goals and objectives in the FY 2002 and FY 2003 Performance Plans is provided as Attachment B. The changes in the plan framework, when compared to previous years, reflect an important reorientation that will allow us to better align and account for our work.

More detailed information about the performance measures, including the sources of data and methods of analysis, is provided in Attachment C.

Relationship of Funding to Goals

Funding for FHWA programs and activities in FY 2003 totals an estimated obligation level of $24.2 billion, which includes $360 million for Transportation Research and $318 million for Salaries and Administrative Expenses. Federal-aid funds are used to support the achievement of all of the Agency strategic goals. As illustrated in Figure 1, a preliminary analysis of the planned use of budgeted funds in FY 2003 reveals that approximately 80 percent, or $19.5 billion, will be used for infrastructure improvements and congestion mitigation under the Mobility and Productivity goal. Approximately 10.5 percent, or $2.5 billion, will be used to improve highway safety, and 8 percent, or $1.9 billion, will be used to promote Environmental Stewardship initiatives. The additional funds will be used to address the National Security and Organizational Excellence goal objectives.

While this preliminary analysis does not account for the fact that most Federal-aid programs and projects address multiple national objectives, it represents an initial attempt to identify how Federal-aid funds are being distributed to achieve the desired national results. Under each goal discussion in the plan after the discussion of Strategic Initiatives, an initial attempt has been made to assign budget accounts and activities to the national objectives.

Figure 1: Pie Chart: Mobility and Productivity 80.6%, Safety 10.5%, Environment 8%, National Security 0.5% and Organizational Excellence 0.4% Note: Highway safety and environmental benefits are associated with many Federal-aid highway projects funded through National Highway System and Surface Transportation obligations. In Figure 1, most of these obligations were assumed to contribute to the Mobility and Productivity goal, at the expense of the Safety and Environment goal. As a result, the estimated level of federal investment in improving highway safety and the environment may be less than the actual amount.
Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of FY 2003 Federal-aid Funds by Strategic Goal.

President's Management Reforms and Challenges

FHWA is committed to implementing the President's Management Agenda. A brief summary of efforts currently planned for FY 2003 is provided here.

Budget and Performance Integration. The FY 2003 performance plan reflects the priority objectives of the FHWA Administrator and Transportation Secretary. As part of its efforts to achieve greater performance and budget integration, FHWA will undertake studies in FY 2003 to identify how funds are allocated to these objectives, ensure that activities and resources contribute to improved performance in priority areas, and continue to develop performance measures that reflect the direct value of agency programs and initiatives.

Strategic Management of Human Capital. The knowledge and experience of agency staff is a critical factor to its success. Nearly one-half of FHWA's current employees will be eligible to retire within 10 years. Coupled with the task of replacing expertise that may be lost due to retirement, a changing operating environment calls for the continuing evolution of the agency's workforce in this decade. In FY 2001, an internal Workforce Planning and Professional Development Task Force released a set of recommendations, which are the impetus for all workforce planning efforts currently underway throughout the agency. To meet the intent of the Management Agenda, we will develop and deploy a Human Capital Plan in FY 2003 that builds on recent successes in this area.

Financial Management. In FY 2003, FHWA is converting to a new accounting system that will allow FHWA to provide timely financial statements and reports to the Office of Financial Management (OFM), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the U. S. Treasury Department, and also comply with Federal Financial Manager's Integrity Act (FFMIA) guidelines for accounting structure. We will have the capability to perform cost accounting, provide an automated procurement interface, and significantly improve our ability to qualify for clean audit reports. Sound financial management is key to delivering the Federal-aid program. Payments to the States constitute approximately 96 percent of all financial transactions managed by the FHWA.

Competitive Sourcing. In FY 2000, 35 Field Computer Specialist positions in FHWA were included on its inventory of Federal employees performing commercial activities, which was developed as required by the OMB Circular A-76 and the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998. The OMB has begun a phased approach to meeting the President's 50 percent goal for this initiative by assigning a 15% competition goal in FY 2003, based on the FY 2000 inventory. By the end of FY 2003, six Field Computer Specialist positions in FHWA will be competed or directly converted to contract.

Expanding E-Government. FHWA is leading a Departmental E-Government committee working on crosscutting initiatives. In FY 2003, the FHWA will develop and adopt a strategy for implementing E-Gov initiatives that is comprised of enterprise architecture; program management; security; sharing FHWA systems with governments, citizens, businesses, and employees; and information technology capital planning.

Information Technology Capital Planning

In FY 2003, the FHWA is implementing an information technology (IT) capital planning process in order to organize and set priorities for IT investment decisions, as well as ensure alignment with the priority national goals and strategies, architecture planning and standards, and security requirements. This effort also supports the purposes of E-government reform outlined in the President's Management Agenda. While the need for IT capital planning stems from Federal legislation and OMB guidance, FHWA is also adopting this approach because it is a recognized best business practice. The planning process aids in the identification, selection, control, and evaluation of major IT investments.

By the end of FY 2003, all major system investments will have a business case that demonstrates its strategic value, as defined by the OMB. In addition, all major IT projects will operate within 90 percent of the cost, schedule, and performance targets that are identified. This approach will simplify and integrate processes across redundant or duplicative programs; ensure sound security of government information systems and appropriate protection of information held in those systems; eliminate redundant or non-productive IT investments; bring successful electronic practices to Government administrative operations, including web-enabled architectures; and make appropriate use of technology components identified through the component-based architecture work of the FHWA, USDOT, OMB, and Chief Information Officers Council.


Following the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, the focus of FHWA shifted from the completion of the Interstate highway system to meeting a broader set of national highway transportation needs. The legislation authorized the National Highway System (NHS), which consists of the Interstate highway system and other important roads and connections to intermodal facilities; created new areas of program emphasis such as Intelligent Transportation Systems; placed a new emphasis on protecting the environment; improved public access to national parks, national forests, and other Federal lands; and supported national defense mobility and emergency preparedness. ISTEA reorganized the Federal-aid Highway program to give State and local officials greater flexibility in using Federal funds -highways, transit, bicycling, or walking- that would best meet their unique transportation needs.

In 1998, the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) reauthorized the programs created by the ISTEA. The legislation authorized an increase in funding for the Federal-aid and Federal Lands Highway programs, and formally established FHWA's Research and Technology program. The FHWA will continue to administer these programs in FY 2003, the final year of authorization under TEA-21. In addition, FHWA staff and their partners continue to provide national leadership and program expertise, conduct and support research, technology deployment, and technology transfer activities, deliver professional training, provide educational and outreach materials, and develop technical guidance and regulations -all in an effort to help achieve National, State, and Local goals.

Highways, particularly the 163,000-mile road network known as the NHS, and intermodal connectors form the backbone of America's surface transportation system. While the NHS represents only about 4 percent of total highway miles in the United States, approximately 43 percent of all vehicle miles traveled and 70 percent of all freight travel occur on this network that serves major population centers, international border crossings, intermodal transportation facilities, and major travel destinations. Using this system, Americans attain greater mobility and access, enjoy opportunities such as employment and recreation, and retain routes for national defense and emergency evacuation.

Travel Demand

The prosperity and economic growth experienced in the United States during the 1990s contributed to an increase in demand for many modes of surface travel. The annual amount of vehicle miles of travel (VMT) on the Nation's highways increased from 2.247 to 2.749 billion miles between 1992 and 2000 (see Figure 2). The increase was 22 percent during this period, or an average annual increase of more than two percent. By 2000, the majority of highway travel, slightly above 60 percent as measured by VMT, was on urban highways in metropolitan communities. Transit ridership also increased at a significant rate during the past decade. The amount of passenger miles traveled by transit increased from 38 billion to more than 45 billion miles between 1995 and 2000. This represents an increase of greater than 19 percent during this period, or an average annual increase of 3.8 percent.

Figure 2: 3D Bar Graph entitled 'Annual Vehicle Miles of Highway Travel.' The graph shows the trend of an increasing number of Vehicle Miles Traveled for the years 1992 (2.247 billion miles) through 2000 (2.749 billion miles). The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 2. Annual Vehicle Miles of Highway Travel.

Capacity Growth

During this period, growth in highway and mass transit systems in the United States did not expand at the same pace as the growth in travel demand. In the case of highways, total mileage in lane miles increased only 0.2 percent nationally during the entire period, from 8.11 million miles in 1992 to 8.25 million miles in 2000. As a result, travel per lane mile increased on all systems and, in particular, at faster rates on rural routes. While most travel now occurs in urban areas, approximately 77 percent of lane miles are on rural, local-owned highways.

Highway Condition

Improving the condition of pavement and bridges is critical to the long-term structural integrity and cost effectiveness of the transportation system. The condition of the NHS affects wear-and-tear on vehicles, fuel consumption, travel time, congestion, and comfort, as well as public safety. Steady progress has been made over the past decade to improve pavement condition. The percent of travel, in VMT, on NHS pavement that meets acceptable ride standards increased to over 90 percent by 2000. Of the approximately 590,000 bridges in the National Bridge Inventory (NBI), 115,000 serve major population centers, international border crossings, intermodal transportation facilities, and major travel destinations, as part of the NHS. This subset of bridges is in better condition than the total bridge inventory, but approximately 31 percent were still rated deficient in 2000. These bridges are classified as either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, in terms of dimensions, load, or other characteristics.

Traffic Safety

In the past decade, more than three million people were injured each year in traffic-related crashes. An average of 41,256 people died annually as a result of their injuries. While the trend in the annual number of injuries and fatalities was relatively constant, the rate of fatalities declined to a historic low of 1.5 fatalities per hundred million VMT by 2000 (see Figure 3). The injury rate was also at a historic low of 116 injured persons per 100 million VMT by 2000 (see Figure 4).

Figure 3: 3D Bar Graph entitled 'Annual Traffic-Related Fatality Rates.' The graph shows the trend of a decreasing number of fatalities per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled for the years 1992 (1.8 mill. fatalities) through 2000 (1.5 mill. fatalities). The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 3. Annual Traffic-Related Fatality Rates.

Figure 4: 3D Bar Graph entitled 'Annual Traffic-Related Injury Rates.' The graph shows the trend of a decreasing number of injuries (per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled) for the years 1992 (137 injuries) through 2000 (116 injuries). The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 4. Annual Traffic-Related Injury Rates.

The FHWA and its partners are committed to reducing the rate of fatalities and injuries further, even though vehicle travel is expected to continue to grow and the population of more accident-prone groups, such as older drivers, will increase over this decade.

Traffic Congestion

During the past decade, highway transportation congestion levels steadily worsened as population and travel continued to grow at a much faster rate than system capacity. Congestion is occurring on all transportation modes and is adversely affecting travel, business efficiencies, energy availability, and air quality. An increase in traffic congestion on the Nation's highways is evident from traffic statistics. A common measure of congestion is annual delay, or the annual person-hours of lost time due to travel delay. Between 1992 and 2000, the annual number of hours that users were delayed in metropolitan traffic increased 46 percent, from 21.9 to 31.9 person-hours (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: 3D Bar Graph entitled 'Annual Delay per Person.' The graph shows the increasing time of slowed travel, based on the annual person-hours of lost time due to travel delay. Between 1992 and 2000, the annual number of hours that users were delayed in metropolitan traffic increased 46 percent, from 21.9 person-hours in 1992 to 31.9 person-hours in 2000. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 5. Annual Delay per Person.

In addition to the normal periods of heavy congestion, unexpected disruptions account for half of all congested travel. Roadway capacity is also lost to work zones and weather-related events. The impact of all of these delays is significant. Addressing congestion and improving system reliability requires a balanced and flexible approach. The Nation must continue to invest in new system capacity where possible, and optimize the use of the system that is already in place through more effective operations and improvements.

Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining

The FHWA is committed to ensuring that highway improvement projects are delivered that preserve and enhance communities and protect the natural environment. Transportation plans and operations must address community concerns and the social impacts of transportation facilities. As part of the effort to serve as a steward of the environment, the FHWA is adopting a heightened focus on encouraging innovative mitigation strategies to address ecosystem and habitat conservation needs in areas where Federal-aid and Federal Lands projects are planned or underway. In addition, we work closely with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce transportation-related emissions from on-road motor vehicles, which are a major source of ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter.

Coinciding with social and environmental concerns is the need to expedite environmental reviews and clearances associated with transportation improvement projects. Over the past 30 years, the average length of time required for the completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a transportation project increased to more than 5 years. In recent years, this trend was reversed. From a peak of 66 months in 1999, the median time required to complete an EIS for all projects declined to 54 months in 2001. To continue to expedite environmental reviews, the roles, relationships, and expectations of Federal resource agencies need to be better clarified and their commitment as full partners is needed.

Infrastructure Security

The surface transportation system is vital to our Nation's economy, defense, and quality of life. The September 11 terrorist attacks provoked a new discussion about the relationship between transportation infrastructure and national security. There are heightened concerns about the vulnerability of transportation systems and supporting infrastructure to direct and indirect attacks. There are further questions about the requirements associated with restoring reliability to the transportation system through effective transportation operations in response to an attack. The FHWA is cooperating with other Federal, State, and Local government agencies to address these immediate concerns.

Project Stewardship

The Central Artery/Tunnel Project in Boston, Massachusetts is one of the most spectacular engineering challenges in the history of the Interstate System. Controversy has been a big part of the challenge, too, particularly because cost increases have made this project the most expensive Interstate project ever. Experience on this project as well as others prompted the USDOT to establish a task force on the Oversight of Large Transportation Infrastructure Projects. FHWA is implementing the task force recommendations for Federal-aid Highway projects. We will ensure improved planning to meet the requirements in TEA-21 for annual financial plans for mega-projects over $1 billion. Although State transportation departments will continue to retain primary responsibility for managing projects, this stewardship responsibility extends to hundreds of improvement projects funded by the Federal-aid Highway program.



To continually improve highway safety, a strategic goal of the FHWA and the USDOT is to reduce the number of highway-related crashes, and the resulting fatalities and injuries associated with a crash. A key indicator of progress in this area is the number of highway-related fatalities and injuries per 100 million VMT. To meet the Department goal of reducing fatalities and injuries 20 percent by 2008, FHWA's target for FY 2003 is to reduce the rate of fatalities and injured persons to 1.4 and 107 per hundred million VMT, respectively. This is based on projected VMT and a target of reducing the number of fatalities and injured persons to 38,700 and 3.07 million, respectively. Recent trends and annual targets for these measures are illustrated in Figures 6 and 7.

Figure 6: Line Graph entitled 'Annual Traffic-Related Fatality Rates.' The graph shows the trend of a decreasing number of fatalities per 100 Vehicle Miles Traveled for the years 1997 (1.6 million fatalities) through 2001 (estimated at 1.5 fatalities). A benchmark projection is made for future years with a target of 1.4 fatalities per 100 VMT in the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 6. Annual Traffic-Related Fatality Rates.

Figure 7: Line Graph entitled 'Annual Traffic-Related Injury Rates.' The graph shows the trend of a decreasing number of injuries per 100 Vehicle Miles Traveled for the years 1996 (140 injuries) through 2001 (estimated at 109 injuries). A benchmark projection is made for future years with a target of 107 injuries per 100 VMT in the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 7. Annual Traffic-Related Injury Rates

Vital Few Strategies

  • Increase the quality of strategic safety programs at State, MPO, and local levels; including the degree to which safety consciousness is a part of planning, project development, and operations.

  • Support NHTSA in efforts to raise seat belt use to 90 percent nationwide by 2008.

  • Enhance the ability of drivers to remain on the roadway by assuring greater visibility and providing effective warning systems, such as rumble strips.

  • Implement Statewide programs which reduce the consequences of roadway departure through removal or shielding of hazardous roadside conditions.

  • Conduct comprehensive intersection analysis program to determine safety problems and opportunities, and implement cost-effective countermeasures.

  • Foster comprehensive integrated pedestrian safety programs targeting major pedestrian crash concerns.

Strategic Initiatives

Recognizing that State and local transportation agencies are the principal owners and operators of America's roadway system, FHWA provides them with policy guidance, program expertise, and tools to improve the safety performance of highway design and operations. In partnership with other USDOT modal administrations, we directly influence and facilitate increased awareness, adoption, and quality of highway safety engineering, enforcement, and education programs in States and localities.

FHWA will continue to intensify the focus on reducing four types of crashes that result in the most fatalities and injuries nationwide: 38 percent of all fatal crashes involve run-off-road situations, speeding is a contributing factor in 30 percent of traffic fatalities, 21 percent of fatal crashes occur at intersections, and 13 percent of all fatalities are pedestrians and bicyclists involved in collisions with vehicles.

Run-off-road (ROR) crashes. We will continue to address the dual challenge of keeping vehicles within the roadway travel lane and minimizing harmful effects when they leave the roadway. Some of the major initiatives to reduce ROR crashes include: the distribution and marketing of a two-lane rural road version of Interactive Highway System Design Model (IHSDM), and the development of four-lane model; the completion of a final rule on retroreflectivity; and the continued evaluation and development of crashworthy roadside hardware designs.

Intersection-related crashes. With our partners, we will implement the national intersection safety agenda and assist others to implement action plans for intersection safety. Other activities will include: organizing regional intersection safety workshops; developing a road safety audit program for intersections; marketing best practices and guidance for intersection safety; and continuing to support research programs including Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) to improve intersection safety.

Speed-related crashes. We will develop and disseminate guides and implementation materials on the use of variable speed limits in work zones, rational speed zoning, the use of expert systems for setting speed limits, and improved guidelines for speed management workshops.

Pedestrian and bicyclist-related crashes. Working closely with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and other government and private partners, we will attempt to integrate pedestrian and bicyclist safety issues into the planning and design of facilities, continue research and development of comprehensive countermeasures, and direct attention to appropriate tools, and technologies. FHWA will also continue its efforts to provide engineering and ITS approaches to increase the safety of pedestrian and bicyclists, and accelerate the deployment of processes, tools and technologies to State and local government.

Other Initiatives

In addition to the four priorities discussed above, some of the key initiatives that FHWA will undertake to improve overall safety design and management processes include:

Other Federal Programs With Common Outcomes

FHWA works closely with NHTSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) toward shared traffic safety objectives. To support these objectives and carry out highway safety efforts throughout the government, we also coordinate with a number of other Federal agencies including the National Academy of Sciences, primarily through the Transportation Research Board, by using expert panels and committees that offer essential perspective and advice; the National Transportation Safety Board, to identify infrastructure enhancements for improve highway safety and provide recommendations on program improvements; and the National Park Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs in the U.S. Department of the Interior, to identify safety improvements to National Park and Native American Government roadway systems.

Safety - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program (STP)

  • Safety Set-aside from STP

  • Safety Incentive Grants

  • National Highway System

  • Minimum Guarantee

  • High Priority Projects Program

  • Federal Lands Highway

  • Transportation Research

  • ITS Standards, Research, Operational Test and Development

  • ITS Deployment

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Reduce roadway departure (run-off-the-road and head-on) fatalities by 10% by FY 2007.

    FY'03 Target: Increase the number of State highway agencies adopting the Roadway Shoulder Rumble Strips technical advisory, or equivalent.

  • Objective: Reduce intersection fatalities by 10% by FY 2007.

    FY'03 Target: Increase the number of State highway agencies adopting an Intersection Safety Plan, based on the national agenda.

  • Objective: Reduce pedestrian fatalities by 10% by FY 2007.

    FY'03 Target: Increase the number of communities with active programs to identify and improve pedestrian problem sites.

  • Objective: Support national strategies with multiple objectives, including an increase in seat belt use.

    FY'03 Target: Increase the number of State highway agencies implementing a high-quality, comprehensive safety plan, based on assessment criteria to be developed in FY 2003.

Mobility and Productivity

A primary concern of the FHWA and its partners is the need to slow the increase in traffic congestion nationwide. In FY 2003, success will be measured by our progress towards limiting the percent of travel under congested conditions to 34 percent, from a projected increase of 34.2 percent. Recent trends and annual targets are illustrated in Figure 8. Increasing system reliability is another critical objective. To measure our progress, we will continue in FY 2003 to develop the buffer index as an indicator of performance, by increasing the number of data collection sites and identifying out-year projections and targets. The buffer index reflects the percent of extra time travelers allow for congestion in order to arrive at a location, on-time.

Figure 8: Line graph of Percentage of Travel Under Congested Conditions. The graph shows an increasing percentage of congested travel, from 32.0% in 1996 to 33.1% in 2000. A target is established of 33.4% in 2001, 33.7% in 2002 and 34.0 in 2003, representing the goal of a slowing of congested travel by 0.2% each year. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 8. Percent of Travel Under Congested Conditions

Vital Few Strategies

  • FHWA units will proactively assert leadership with transportation stakeholders to establish, enhance, and nurture collaborative local partnerships that champion implementation of strategies to mitigate the impacts of congestion.

  • FHWA units will proactively assert their leadership with transportation stakeholders to champion implementation of innovative solutions to reduce work zone delays.

  • FHWA units will proactively assert their leadership with transportation stakeholders to champion implementation of innovative solutions to reduce incident delays, including establishment of effective regional traffic incident management programs.

Strategic Initiatives

Increasing roadway capacity is one approach to reducing traffic congestion. However, there are limits as to how much system capacity can be increased. To have more of an impact on traffic congestion, transportation planners and officials must consider multiple approaches that include:

In FY 2003, we will encourage the use of all of these approaches by our partners and actively promote the critical initiatives that are discussed below.

Deploy ITS Infrastructure. We will continue to deploy ITS Infrastructure to support Mobility, Productivity, Safety and Security goals. Key initiatives for 2003 implementation include finalizing requirements and initiating testing of a National Infostructure, conducting 40 courses on ITS Architecture and Systems Engineering, leading 30 workshops on ITS standards suites and standards applications, and executing awards for 80 ITS integration projects, and supporting FMCSA's target to complete a Level 1 Deployment of Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN).

Institutionalize Operations. Through research, analysis, and outreach, we will work with the transportation community to institutionalize Operations as one of the core missions of transportation agencies. Key initiatives we will undertake include disseminating guidelines and training on regional planning for Operations; sponsoring regional forums and information materials to explore actions that metropolitan areas might pursue to improve transportation system operations; and creating a forum for stakeholders in the incident management and ITS public safety arenas to communicate and coordinate issues with their peers.

Elevate the state-of-the-practice. We will strive to elevate the state-of-the-practice by raising the levels of acceptable performance and increasing the implementation of proven state-of-the-art technologies advances through education, outreach, technical assistance, best practices, operational assessments, and peer programs. Key initiatives we will undertake include expanding the number of sites collecting performance measurement data on reliability; developing additional guidance on transportation management in small communities, implementation of adaptive control strategies on signalized arterials, freeway system performance monitoring and evaluation procedures, traveler information, and travel demand management strategies; tracking changes in traveler information business models and identifying their impact on the sharing of information among public and private entities.

Accelerate the state-of-the-art. A significant portion of the research budget will focus on identifying and developing advanced technologies and strategies in communications, monitoring, systems control and information to foster the next generation of operations. Key initiatives we will undertake include initiating an operational test of Adaptive Control Systems Lite; developing ITS Work Zone Implementation Guide and Case Studies; developing analysis tools to support evacuation decisionmaking; and begin field testing to enable data interoperability between public safety dispatch centers and transportation traffic management centers.

Develop Freight Analytical Framework. We will develop and disseminate intermodal freight data and analytical tools to assist State and local transportation agencies, and provide training to partners and stakeholders on available freight data and analysis. In addition, FHWA will initiate a multi-year effort to develop the analytical capability of its partners to plan and implement freight improvements.

Develop Institutional and Policy Underpinning for Freight Planning. We will continue to develop an institutional and policy underpinning for freight planning by conducting a scan of U.S. and Latin American freight logistics; and by disseminating benefit-to-cost tools to State, metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and multi-jurisdictional partners and stakeholders for application in intermodal freight transportation planning and decisionmaking. In addition, FHWA will continue support of multi-state coalitions and their efforts to bring a regional perspective and solutions to freight transportation planning and decisionmaking.

Mobility and Productivity (Congestion) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Metropolitan Planning

  • National Corridor Planning & Border Programs

  • State Border Infrastructure

  • ITS Standards, Research, Operational Test and Development

  • ITS Deployment

  • Transportation Research

  • Value Pricing Pilot Program

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Work with the States to further deploy Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) infrastructure and sustain improvements to system operating practices

    FY'03 Target(s): Increase the number of regional ITS architectures deployed to 130. Increase the number of metropolitan areas deploying an integrated ITS infrastructure to 64. Increase the share of the nation's population with access to 511 traffic information to 30 percent.

  • Objective: Mitigate overall impacts of congestion through effective local partnerships.

    FY'03 Target: Increase the number of local and regional partnerships focusing on congestion mitigation strategies.

  • Objective: Reduce work zone delay by ensuring that all States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Federal Lands offices are engaged in aggressively anticipating and mitigating congestion caused by highway work zones.

    FY'03 Target: States will complete the Work Zone Self-assessment to identify a baseline figure, and establish out-year targets for improvement. (Note: The self-assessment is scheduled for completion and release by October 2002.)

  • Objective: Reduce traffic incident delay by ensuring that all States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Federal Lands offices are engaged in aggressively anticipating and mitigating congestion caused by traffic incidents.

    FY'03 Target: An Incident Management Self-assessment Tool will be used by States and metropolitan areas to identify a baseline figure and establish out-year targets for improvement. (Note: The self-assessment is scheduled for completion and release by October 2002.)

Mobility and Productivity (continued)

Preserving the infrastructure of Federal-aid highways, particularly the National Highway System (NHS), is another key area of focus. If repairs and reconstruction occur less frequently and can be performed more quickly, traffic congestion and work zone safety will be improved. FHWA is encouraging this approach through the development and deployment of longer lasting and innovative pavement and bridge materials in the system.

Pavement and bridge condition in the NHS are used as indicators of system performance. In FY 2003, FHWA seeks to increase the percent of VMT on NHS pavements with acceptable ride quality to 92.5 percent, and decrease the percent of deficient bridge deck area, adjusted for average daily traffic (ADT), to 27.5 and 29.7 percent on NHS and non-NHS bridges, respectively. Recent trends and annual targets are illustrated in Figures 9, 10 and 11. In addition, we will continue to monitor the per-mile cost of highway freight transportation, which is a key indicator of goods movement throughout the system, and undertake initiatives that influence the factors determining freight operating costs.

Figure 9: Line graph entitled 'Percentage of Vehicle Miles Traveled on the NHS with Acceptable Pavement Smoothness. [Note: IRI is the International Roughness Index.]' The graph tracks an improving International Roughness Index through the years 1996 (88.9%) through 2000 (90.9%). In addition, the graph presents an improved target IRI of 92.5 for the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 9. Percent of Vehicle Miles Traveled on the NHS with Acceptable Pavement Smoothness.
[Note: IRI is the International Roughness Index.]

Figure 10: Line graph entitled 'Percent of Deck Area on Deficient Bridges, NHS' The graph tracks the decreasing percentage of deficient deck area on National Highway System bridges for the years 1996 (35.9%) through 2001 (30.6%). The graph establishes a target of 27.5% deficient deck areas for NHS bridges for the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 10. Percent of Deck Area on Deficient Bridges, NHS

Figure 11: Line graph entitled 'Percent of Deck Area on Deficient Bridges, Non-NHS' The graph tracks the decreasing percentage of deficient deck area on non-National Highway System bridges for the years 1996 (34.1%) through 2001 (32.3%). The graph establishes a target of 29.7% deficient deck areas for non-NHS bridges for the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 11. Percent Deck Area on Deficient Bridges, Non-NHS.

Strategic Initiatives

Improve pavement condition. We will continue to work with the States and other authorities to promote infrastructure development and improvements using Surface Transportation Research program funding, grants, and technical assistance and advances in technology. Through the pavement smoothness team, FHWA will partner with AASHTO to develop and deliver technology transfer and training programs to promote the implementation of pavement smoothness technologies. We will provide technical assistance, best practice workshops, and training to State departments of transportation to implement these new technologies. In cooperation with the States and industry, the agency will also continue to promote and publicize the results of the Pavement Smoothness Initiative. We will encourage equipment upgrade and adoption of recommended protocols, and work with profile measuring equipment manufacturers to offer equipment for measuring pavement smoothness.

Improve bridge condition. We will provide technical assistance and share best practices to increase the number of States that achieve a medium or high rating for implementing high performance bridge materials. Utilizing Technology Deployment and Partnership Program funds, we will support the deployment of innovative materials that are more durable and resistant to traffic loads and corrosive attack and result in less maintenance and traffic restriction. The FHWA will continue to provide technical assistance and training to the States and local governments in the use of high performance materials, new design techniques, and cost effective details for bridges.

Improve investment decisions. We will continue to work to promote economic analysis techniques such as benefit-cost and life cycle cost analyses. Key initiatives will include the development and delivery of an executive level seminar for FHWA and State DOT managers. We will initiate a dialogue with key State executives to assess current practice and promote the use of economic analysis concepts, principles, and tools. In addition, we will develop educational materials for practitioners such as an economic analysis and user cost primer. Key software products, including the State version of the Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis, will be enhanced based on feedback from our State partners. Also, training and support in the use of these products will be provided.

Mobility and Productivity (Pavement and Bridge Condition) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program (STP)

  • Bridge Program

  • National Highway System

  • Interstate Maintenance

  • Appalachian Development Highway System

  • Minimum Guarantee

  • State Planning & Research

  • High Priority Projects Program

  • Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge

  • Federal Lands Highway Program

  • Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Program

  • Others (Puerto Rico Highway Program, Miscellaneous Studies & Reports, TIFIA, Miscellaneous Programs funded from the Administrative Takedown, Emergency Relief, FAH Demos, High Speed Rail Crossings)

  • Transportation Research

  • Administration

  • Miscellaneous Appropriated Demonstration Projects

  • Miscellaneous Highway Trust Funds.

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Work with the States to improve and expand the NHS to increase system efficiency and return on investment.

    FY'03 Target(s): Increase the number of States that employ 3 or more technology drivers to improve pavement smoothness. Increase the number of states that employ 2 or more types of innovative bridge materials to 37 (from 31 in FY 2001).

  • [Note: Technology drivers include: pavement smoothness specifications; a non-contact inertial measurement of profile; an incentive program for smoothness construction; a calibration system for smoothness measurement; the use of AASHTO smoothness measurement specification; and a pavement preservation program. Innovative bridge materials include: high performance concrete; high performance steel; fiber reinforced polymer composites; corrosion-resistant concrete reinforcement; high performance coatings for structural steel; and innovative cathodic protection anodes.]


To increase ecosystem and habitat conservation, FHWA will encourage the implementation of exemplary project initiatives that are either unique in geographic scope, in the application of innovative scientific and technological practices, that attain a high level environmental standard or achieve a high level of results, or are recognized as particularly valuable from an environmental perspective. Examples of such initiatives include mitigation projects that address wildlife movement and habitat connectivity, the development of watershed-based environmental assessment and mitigation approaches, the use of wetland banking, or the use of special measures to prevent invasive species along highway rights-of-way. In FY 2003, FHWA will increase the number of exemplary initiatives from 5 to 8 towards the long-term goal of 30 initiatives in at least 20 States or Federal Lands Divisions by FY 2007. In addition, FHWA will continue to replace, at a minimum, a program-wide average of 1.5 acres of wetlands per acre directly affected by Federal Aid highway projects. Recent trends in wetlands replacement are illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Line graph entitled 'Ratio of wetland replacement resulting from Federal-aid highway projects.' The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 12. Ratio of wetland replacement resulting from Federal-aid highway projects.

The FHWA seeks to improve the quality of transportation decisionmaking by promoting strategies that establish a better link between transportation planning and environmental review processes at the systems planning level as well as the project level. Integrated planning approaches are recognized by good working relationships with resource agencies built upon partnership agreements, more meaningful consideration of environmental and community issues in planning decisions, the adoption of regional approaches to mitigation, and the identification of pre-mitigation and dual-purpose project opportunities. In FY 2003, we will establish a baseline of best practices for integrated planning and encourage 8 States to adopt Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS), and encourage the adoption of Context Sensitive Designs (CSD). Longer-term success will be measured by the adoption of integrated approaches and CSS in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Federal Lands Highway Divisions by FY 2007.

Vital Few Strategies

  • Build FHWA staff capacity (awareness, knowledge, skills) to encourage and facilitate the development and implementation of exemplary initiatives.

  • Involve resource agencies at national and local levels.

  • Identify projects as candidates for exemplary initiatives and direct national focus and resources to them.

  • Provide guidance, information, and training to States on "integrating the planning and environmental processes" and "CSS/CSD."

  • Emphasize safety as a component of CSS and CSD.

Strategic Initiatives

The FHWA will promote the design, construction, maintenance, and use of transportation projects that conform to Federal environmental legislation and regulations primarily through research, new technologies, analytical models, management training, and the transfer of technology. We will continue to promote initiatives that protect and enhance ecosystems, including the use of inventories, partnerships with resource agencies, best practices, tools, and reports such as Wildlife Ecology and Transportation Issues in Europe, jointly sponsored by the FHWA and AASHTO. These initiatives will be implemented through interagency activities, conference presentations and demonstrations, and a wetlands training course. We will also support additional research and development on wetland protection and enhancement, practical techniques of habitat restoration, and ecosystem analyses and characterization. This includes research on ecosystem analyses and methodologies, water quality course development, stormwater management practices, functional evaluation of wetlands, and public information measures.

Other Federal Programs With Common Outcomes

We continue to coordinate wetlands programs and research initiatives with the EPA, the Departments of Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers aimed at improving wetlands policies and ensuring a net gain nationwide in wetlands acreage. The FHWA meets regularly with other Federal agencies as a member of several inter-agency groups addressing wetlands and related topics, including threatened and endangered species, environmental streamlining, ecosystem management, the control of invasive species, and watershed protection. We also participate in joint research with other Federal agencies for studies on wetland evaluation and mitigation.

Environment (Ecosystems) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program (STP)

  • National Highway System

  • Federal Lands Highway Program

  • National Recreational Trails Program

  • Scenic Byways Program

  • Transportation Research

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Enhance knowledge of FHWA staff in areas of ecosystem and habitat conservation, and showcase existing exemplary initiatives.

    FY'03 Target(s): Develop and disseminate best practices on 5 existing initiatives. Increase the number of exemplary initiatives from 5 to 8. Continue to replace at least a program-wide average of 1.5 acres of wetlands per acre directly affected by Federal Aid highway projects.

  • Objective: Increase the number of States that implement Integrated Approaches and CSS by providing training and guidance.

    FY'03 Target(s): Increase the number of States that have adopted CSS from 5 to 8. Establish baseline of best practices associated with integrated approaches to multimodal planning, the environmental process and project development.

Environment (continued)

In FY 2003, we will continue to work closely with EPA towards the reduction of on-road mobile source emissions to 61.8 million tons. In addition, we will seek to influence factors that increase the percentage of nonattainment and maintenance areas meeting their mobile source emissions budget goals for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. Recent trends and targets are illustrated in Figures 13 and 14.

Figure 13: Line graph: Mobile-source emissions in millions of short tons. The graph shows decreasing numbers of short tons from the year 1996 (69.1 short tons) through the year 1999 (64.2 short tons). The graph establishes further decreasing target goals for the future, resulting in a target of 61.8 short tons for the year 2003. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 13. Mobile-source emissions in millions of short tons.

 OzoneOzone TargetPM-10PM-10 TargetCarbon MonoxideCO Target
199696.7% 68.2% 92.6% 
2002 98.0% 86.0% 96.0%
2003 98.0% 86.0% 96.0%
2004 98.0% 86.0% 96.0%

Figure 14. Percent of nonattainment and maintenance areas meeting their mobile source emissions budget goals

To ensure progress in achieving these targets, we will also seek to minimize the number of area transportation conformity lapses that occur during FY 2003. Through improved integrated transportation and air quality planning, the transportation conformity process is designed to ensure that emissions from an area transportation system are consistent with Clean Air Act goals. While there are multiple causes for a lapse, we will monitor the number of lapses as an early indicator of our success in achieving the national targets for emissions reductions.

Strategic Initiatives

FHWA will continue to encourage the use of less polluting modes of transportation, the design of infrastructure that reduces congestion and emissions, and research and modeling of the emissions impacts of investment choices. Through research, new technologies, and model development, FHWA promotes the design, construction, maintenance, and use of highways that are compatible with the national environmental goals. In partnership with our stakeholders, we support the development of environmental analytical models to assist decision makers. We also provide resources, guidance, and technical assistance for States and local agencies to ensure compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, especially reducing transportation-related emissions. Key initiatives that we will undertake include:

Through continued research, we will develop approaches to improve air quality and to evaluate emissions impacts and cost-effectiveness of transportation strategies. Our activities include research on air toxics and a 2.5-micron particulate matter emission model to support new National Ambient Air Quality Standards. We will also continue to participate in the activities of the DOT Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting to fund research that examines the relationship between transportation, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Other Federal Programs With Common Outcomes

To achieve the national clean air goals, we work closely with the EPA to implement a number of initiatives including the Transportation and Air Quality public education initiative, the transportation conformity regulation, and the CMAQ program. The USDOT and EPA have jointly funded a number of research efforts that target the reduction of mobile source emissions.

Environment (Air Quality) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program

  • National Highway System

  • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement

  • Minimum Guarantee

  • High Priority Projects Program

  • Transportation Research

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Achieve reductions in on-road mobile source emissions.

    FY'03 Target(s): Maintain the number of conformity lapses to the average level for the previous 12 months , based on a moving average of 6 lapses in October 2001.

National Security

Before the September 11 terrorist attack, the primary national security goal of FHWA was to support the deployment requirements of the Department of Defense (DOD) by improving access between key military installations, including power projection and power support platforms, and the airport or seaport of embarkation. Since the events of September 11, a paramount objective is to increase the preparedness of our Nation's transportation system in the event of another terrorist attack. Our success will be measured not only by increasing military deployment support, but also by an improved ability by State and local DOTs nationwide to develop countermeasures for securing their more critical highway infrastructure, by an increased ability of State and local DOTs and other first responders to respond effectively and efficiently to any emergency event (natural or manmade), by better collaboration between military and civilian authorities to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of military deployments, and by the development of new security countermeasures technology based on an effective research program.

Strategic Initiatives

FHWA will continue to work with a number of USDOT and other partner organizations to improve highway-related security. Primary organizations include the USDOT Office of Intelligence and Security, FMCSA, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Rail Administration, Research and Special Projects Administration, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Office of Homeland Security (OHS), and the AASHTO Security Task Force. A continuing effort will be improving the security knowledge of our entire workforce. In FY 2003, the FHWA's highway security efforts will focus on:

Vulnerability assessment. Assisting owners/operators of highway infrastructure nationwide to determine their most critical infrastructure, evaluate its vulnerability, and institute effective countermeasures to reduce vulnerability. This goal will be achieved through developing and distributing best practices and facilitating workshops.

Emergency preparedness. Ensuring preparedness for -and the ability to respond to- malevolent attacks, including those that could force evacuation of FHWA offices and those that could significantly impact highway and other infrastructure. These goals will be achieved through emergency planning activities, developing and distributing best practices, and conducting workshops.

Military readiness. Improving the readiness of military and civilian authorities to support military deployments during times of national emergency. Activities will focus on the more significant military installations throughout the country and will consist of "table-top" exercises with both military and civilian authorities. FHWA is also developing a Military Deployment Procedures Guide for State Agencies to assist States in developing or updating their own procedures.

Security research. Security-related research needs will be identified and studies will be initiated for the highest priority needs. A workshop will be held to define the FHWA research needs that, along with AASHTO identified needs, will be used to direct a transportation security research program. FHWA will lead a pooled fund study to synthesize effective technologies for bridge surveillance during FY 2003.

In addition to these four primary security focus areas, FHWA will continue: working to improve the physical and operational quality of the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET), with a focus on fort to port connectors; coordinating with USDOT, other USDOT modes, and private industry to improve freight movement security; and improving both effectiveness and security at the Canadian and Mexican borders.

Other Federal Programs with Common Outcomes

We are working closely with the TSA and other USDOT modal administrations, Federal agencies including the DOD and the MTMC, the OHS and State and local governmental agencies responsible for highway planning and emergency management to achieve the national security goals.

National Security - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program

  • National Highway System

  • Minimum Guarantee

  • High Priority Projects Program

  • Federal Lands Highway Program

  • Transportation Research

  • ITS Standards, Research, Operational Test and Development

  • ITS Deployment

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Identify critical highway infrastructure, evaluate its risk and vulnerability, and develop measures to reduce vulnerability.

    FY'03 Target(s): Facilitate four AASHTO Regional Physical Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment Workshops; develop strategies for increasing bridge and tunnel security; and schedule three training workshops for FHWA and other government engineers in structural response to malevolent actions.

  • Objective: Ensure preparedness for response to, and recovery from, attacks on highway infrastructure.

    FY'03 Target(s): Evaluate the FHWA Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) through a table-top exercise, and improvements implemented - three (3) training sessions will be held for Division office emergency coordinators; and facilitate 10 additional emergency preparedness/response workshops.

  • Objective: Facilitate military deployment from forts to ports; and

    FY'03 Target(s): Facilitate additional military/civilian table-top exercises at major military installations in 11 States to improve military deployment during a national security emergency.

  • Objective: Initiate research, technology development, and deployment activities in support of a more secure highway system.

    FY'03 Target(s): Identify a long-range security research program and initiate several security research studies during FY 2003.

Organizational Excellence

A goal of the FHWA is to improve our ability to manage for results. In FY 2003, the FHWA will define this goal in terms of our ability to oversee transportation projects and efficiently manage Federal-aid Highway funds, streamline the environmental review and permitting processes for projects, and improve employee satisfaction and effectiveness. We believe that achieving these three objectives, combined with continued progress in meeting our program-related goals, should also improve satisfaction among our partners and customers.

Project Oversight

Even as TEA-21 legislation directed us to delegate many project level authorities to the States, the responsibility for program oversight remains with FHWA to ensure the effective delivery of all programs. Our objective is to improve project oversight and stewardship so as to realize more cost efficient Federal-aid funds administration and project management and more effective use of funds in terms of the return on investment.

Strategic Initiatives

In FY 2003, we will place more emphasis upon the efficient use and management of Federal funds by promoting best practices, innovative financing, and better project funds management. We can promote best practices by assisting Federal, State, and local governments in the planning phase to identify projects that are ready for advancement; streamlining the environmental review and permitting process; using innovative contracting techniques; applying innovative finance techniques such as advance construction, Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle bonds, State infrastructure banks, or tapered match; and encouraging better project funds management through the early release of excess obligations. We will assist State and local governments in the use of techniques that help to expedite projects, such as innovative financing and contracting. We will also provide technical assistance and conduct training sessions relating to these innovative techniques. FHWA will participate with the States in an annual review of projects to determine if any funds committed to the projects can be released for use on other projects.

Organizational Excellence (continued)

By promoting environmental stewardship practices, FHWA will facilitate the goal of streamlining environmental review and permitting processes for projects. Our objective is to introduce innovative management practices that: demonstrate stewardship and result in timely project delivery; use our administrative authority to exercise innovative program agreements among States and Federal agencies to improve the review and approval process used in the majority of States; lead efforts to achieve widespread implementation of environmental stewardship during project development as demonstrated through context sensitive design solutions; introduce more innovative reinvention processes that integrate environment and transportation decisionmaking in more States; and ensure that environmental reviews are carried out in a more timely way based on effective decisionmaking.

Our indicators of success are the median time required for all projects to complete an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or Environmental Assessment (EA), as well as success in meeting agreed-upon project schedules for EIS and EA completion. In FY 2003, our target is to decrease the median completion time for all EIS and EA projects to 51 and 17 months, respectively. Recent trends and targets for the completion of an EIS are illustrated in Figure 15. The median time to complete an EIS, rather than the average time, is more representative of the actual length of time required in reviewing all projects underway, since one or two projects may take an exceptionally long time to complete. We will also agree upon schedules for all projects under consideration to establish a basis for future comparisons. The longer-term targets are to reduce the median time to complete an EIS and EA to 36 and 12 months, respectively, and to meet the project schedules for 90 percent of all projects by FY 2007.

Figure 15: Line graph: Median time for EIS Completion, in months. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 15. Median time, in months, to complete an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for all Federal-aid projects. [Note: This measure was developed for the FY 2002 Plan and refined for FY 2003. A target was not set for FY 2002.]

Vital Few Strategies

  • Partner with state transportation agency and State and Federal resource agencies to establish ambitious yet realistic project specific timeframes for completion of an EIS and EA.

  • Provide guidance and training in NEPA and Environmental Streamlining including the establishment of project timeframes.

  • Implement the Environmental Document Tracking System (EDTS).

  • Establish local and regional programmatic agreements. Possible areas for programmatic agreements including but not limited to: Categorical Exclusions, Tribal Consultation, Section 4(f) of the DOT Act, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

Strategic Initiatives

To enable States and MPOs to advance environmentally sound projects more expeditiously, we are working with our partners to streamline transportation decision-making. By enhancing tracking systems for measuring project development time frames, projects will be expedited through the EIS permit and review process. Process improvements will provide closer linkage between project development under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and transportation planning under Titles 23 and 49.

We will conduct a process review of the success of implementing the environmental commitments made in NEPA documents and permits and strengthen the link between transportation planning and the NEPA processes by identifying practices and procedures that allow MPOs and States to assist sponsoring agencies in performing more effective planning analyses. We will also support the Center for Environmental Excellence in their partnership with AASHTO to provide environmental stewardship demonstration projects. We will continue to provide technical assistance, guidance and the deployment of national and local initiatives through the use of environmental streamlining funds.

Organizational Excellence (Project Oversight and Environmental Streamlining) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Surface Transportation Program

  • National Highway System

  • Minimum Guarantee

  • High Priority Projects Program

  • Federal Lands Highway Program

  • Transportation Research Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Provide stewardship of funds and coordinate efforts to maintain good accountability for expenditures.

    FY'03 Target(s): Increase the percent of obligations expended on active projects compared to total obligations, from a FY 2001 baseline of 71 to 73 percent. Reduce the annual amount of Federal Aid funds obligated, but not expended, by 10 percent from the previous year.

  • Objective: Establish timeframes for all current EIS and EA projects. Continue to reduce the environmental processing time for EIS and EA projects.

    FY'03 Target(s): Establish a baseline number of EIS and EA projects with a negotiated timeframe. Reduce the median time to complete an EIS for all projects to 51 months. Reduce the median time to complete an EA for all projects to 17 months.

Organizational Excellence (Continued)

A strategic objective of the FHWA is to improve employee satisfaction and effectiveness on the job. Job satisfaction is measured using an internal employee survey. Our target in FY 2003 is to increase employee job satisfaction, defined as satisfied and very satisfied, to 80 percent of all survey participants. Recent trends are illustrated in Figure 16.

Stacked Bar Graph: Employee Job Satisfaction. The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 16. Employee Job Satisfaction

Strategic Initiatives

The initiatives discussed below will be included as components of the FHWA Human Capital Plan currently under development and will be tailored to Agency needs that must be addressed in order to achieve the Vital Few goals.

Encourage Professional Development. We will implement the key recommendations of the internal Workforce Planning and Professional Development task force, which include expanding the development of leadership, business, and professional skills to all levels of the organization, including non-supervisory positions; expanding and providing earlier leadership development opportunities, including training to shape future executives; increasing academic study opportunities for non-technical employees; and increasing courses of study.

Improve Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Retention. We will identify and recruit individuals possessing the skills to meet emerging mission needs. Quickly identifying, evaluating, and selecting well-qualified replacements will address loss of expertise due to retirements and attrition. We will expand our use of paid advertising and the Internet to reach a broader applicant pool. To fill vacant positions more quickly, supervisors will develop workforce and succession plans that allow us to identify needs before they arise. Selecting officials will receive training in behavioral interview techniques to improve applicant selection and employee performance. FHWA will also test an automated application and rating program to improve the timeliness of the recruitment and hiring process.

Mega-Project Oversight Managers. To address our oversight responsibilities, we will develop grade level and selection criteria for Major Project Oversight Manager positions, as well as a core competency framework and proficiency levels for these positions. We will provide individuals recruited for these new positions with the necessary prerequisite training in project management and oversight.

Ensuring Progress. We will continue to conduct all-employee surveys and implement suggested improvement actions adopted by the FHWA management. We will track and measure the corporate funding amount that is targeted at accomplishing the identified training and development needs of the Agency. At the unit operating level, we will ensure that budgeted funds are obligated and that any additional opportunities for training and development are identified.

Organizational Excellence (Employee Satisfaction and Customer/Partner Satisfaction) - Activities and Associated Performance Objectives

Budget Accounts & Activities
  • Transportation Research

  • Administration

Arrow pointing from 'Budget Accounts & Activities' toward 'National Performance Objectives and Targets' indicating a relationship.
National Performance Objectives and Targets (Aligned to Unit Plans)
  • Objective: Develop and Implement the FHWA Human Capital Plan, and the Restructuring Assessment recommendations for Professional Development and Training.

    FY'03 Target(s): Maintain percent of payroll for training and development at or above 3 percent of total salaries and compensation. Increase the percent of hiring selections made within 90 days to 55 percent. Increase the percent of employees with professional registration or certification in technical areas; the percent of employees with professional association membership; and the hours of training per employee in a technical discipline. A baseline for all three measures will be developed in FY 2003.

  • Objective: Lead and coordinate efforts to effectively perform the role of Innovator for a Better Future, and increase the effectiveness of all FHWA units, as well as our partners and stakeholders, in determining research priorities and deploying technologies and innovation.

    FY'03 Target(s): Develop and implement a FHWA Corporate Plan for Research, Technology, and Innovation Deployment. Establish performance measures and targets for assessing research program results, in terms of the deployment of technology and innovation that contributes to achieving strategic goals and objectives.

Organizational Excellence (continued)

Our partners and stakeholders are a diverse group of individuals in Federal, State and local government agencies, elected offices, nonprofit organizations, associations representing a variety of member interests, different types of engineering firms, many different manufacturing and service industries, university and research institutes, as well as private citizens. As a result, improving partner and stakeholder satisfaction can be a challenging and problematic undertaking. The FHWA took its first small step in this direction in FY 2001 by measuring satisfaction among its State DOT partners using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). The ACSI is a nationally recognized survey instrument that rates the value of the services that participants receive by several dimensions, such as overall satisfaction, timeliness of decisions, usefulness of information, and competency of personnel. As illustrated in Figure 17, the FHWA rated at or near the Federal government-wide average for each of the dimensions.

Figure 17: Bar Graph: Agency Customer/Partner Satisfaction (Baseline Results). The data table from which the graph is derived can be viewed by following the link.
Figure 17. Customer and Partner Satisfaction (defined as satisfied and very satisfied.)

While the ACSI survey revealed important information about the satisfaction of one of our key partners with aspects of our work, other customer surveys directed at particular segments of our partner and stakeholders, at both the national and local unit level, have been conducted or are currently underway. The potential uses of these surveys, as well as the ACSI survey approach, are currently being reexamined from a corporate perspective. The purpose of the surveys is to identify aspects of our work that we are doing well and aspects that need improvement. In FY 2003, we will refine our measurement and customer relationship strategy from this perspective and make fundamental improvements where needed. This review may result in significant changes to our approach to data collection and the identification of targeted segments at all levels and might include the use of an alternate method to the ACSI survey instrument.

In our role as Innovator for a Better Future, a particular concern is how FHWA, on behalf of our partners and stakeholders, invests in our research program and encourages innovation in the transportation community. In addition to FHWA's Restructuring Assessment, the Transportation Research Board Special Report 261, The Federal Role in Highway Research and Technology, and a recent General Accounting Office Report, Highway Research, Systematic Selection and Evaluation Processes Need for Research Program, outlined the challenges the Agency faces. We must develop a more systematic approach that includes involving our external stakeholders in establishing our research agenda, and deploying, tracking, and evaluating the results of research, technology, and innovation. In response to the recommendations in these Reports, we will renew our commitment to highway research and technology and innovation deployment. Increased partner and stakeholder involvement in priority setting, project selection, and deployment will be a key part of our future measure of success.

Strategic Initiatives

In FY 2003, we will deploy an agency-wide strategy for obtaining customer feedback. A second customer and partner feedback survey regarding our products and services will be conducted using the ACSI instrument or an alternate instrument based on the proposed agency foundation surveys.

We will develop a Corporate Plan for Research, and Technology and Innovation Deployment that includes a focus on significant highway research gaps not addressed in other highway research programs, as well as emerging issues with national implications, including "advanced" research, the use of a systematic approach to obtain input from partners and stakeholders outside the Agency who can help define the research program agenda; and the use of a systematic process for evaluating significant ongoing and completed research. The plan will affirm a corporate commitment to technology and innovation deployment that is evident to employees, partners, and stakeholders, supports the allocation of resources by internal FHWA units, and reflects our research and technology and innovation deployment priorities. The plan will improve the tracking key projects, initiatives, and results through the use of performance measures.

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