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Highway Trust Fund, FY 2006 Financial Report

Department of Transportation
Highway Trust Fund
Notes to Financial Statements
September 30, 2006
(Dollars in Thousands)


Available Contract Authority, End of Period  $    17,797,292
Unobligated balances of budgetary resources of unexpired accounts are available in subsequent years upon apportionment from OMB, and are subject to the obligation limitation contained in DOT Appropriations Acts.  As a result of the obligation limitation, at September 30, 2006  this amount was not available for obligation.    $    21,560,770
Undelivered Orders, End of the Period   $    44,060,178
The amounts reported for undelivered orders only includes balances obligated for goods and services not delivered and does not include prepayments.
The amount reported as Temporarily Not Available Pursuant to Public Law of $9,670 relates to the correction of certain system conversion balances. The appropriate amount was reflected in the FY2005 budget in MAX and therefore must be reported as an adjustment to the balance carried forward as reported in FACTS II in FY2006.  MAX is OMB's budgetary data entry system.  The Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial-Balance System (FACTS II) is a computer program that allows agencies to submit one set of accounting data. This data includes mostly budgetary information that is required for the Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources (SF 133), the Year-End Closing Statement (FMS 2108), and much of the initial data that will appear in the prior year column of the Program and Financing (P&F) Schedule of the President's Budget.  
The FY 2008 enacted budget of the United States has not been finalized.  The President's Budget of the United States for "actuals" of FY 2006 will not be published until February 2007.  Therefore, the HTF Agencies are unable to confirm if differences exist between the information required by SFFAS No. 7 and the amounts described as "actual" for FY 2006 in the FY 2008 Budget of the United States. 

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