TEA-21 logo TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
Moving Americans into the 21st Century
Fact Sheet
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Program Purpose

TEA-21 creates a pilot program under which a State may collect tolls on an Interstate highway for the purpose of reconstructing or rehabilitating an Interstate highway that could not otherwise be adequately maintained or functionally improved without the collection of tolls. [1216(b)(1)]

A maximum of three Interstate facilities may be included in the pilot program, and they must be in different States. [1216(b)(2)]


No funds are authorized for the pilot program.


Eligibility criteria for the pilots include [1216(b)(3)]—

An agreement between the State and the FHWA covering use of toll revenues must be executed for each Interstate toll pilot project. [1216(b)(5)]

During the term of the toll pilot, Interstate Maintenance funds cannot be used on the portion of the Interstate route where tolls are being collected. [1216(b)(6)]

The term of the toll pilot shall not be less than 10 years. [1216(b)(7)]

September 14, 1998

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