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TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century Moving Americans into the 21st Century |
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TEA-21 Home | DOT Home | Fact Sheet Index |
Year |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Authorization |
($30M)* |
$25M |
$75M |
$150M |
$200M |
$225M |
$225M |
Program Purpose
Design and construction of a new bridge where Interstate 95 crosses the Potomac River, along with related approaches and interchanges, as well as any needed interim repairs to the existing Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (together, the "Project").
On September 26, 1996, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Coordinating Committee identified its preferred alternative for improvement to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.
The preferred alternative for the Project has now been selected: two side-by-side, 70-foot-high drawbridges along the current alignment, plus associated improvements at 4 interchanges in Maryland and Virginia.
On November 25, 1997, a record of decision (ROD) was executed in compliance with the 1969 NEPA.
Funding Features [1116(c)]
A total of $900 million in HTF contract authority is authorized, to remain available until expended.
None of the funds shall be available for construction before the execution of an agreement concerning transferring ownership of the Bridge. Until such time, only maintenance and rehabilitation of the Bridge, the design of the Project, and right-of-way acquisition (including early acquisition of construction staging areas) can be funded.
Costs associated with the new bridge shall be given priority for funding over other eligible Project costs, other than design costs.
Federal Share [1116(c)]
The Federal share of the Bridge component of the Project shall not exceed 100 percent.
The Federal share of the cost of any other component of the Project shall not exceed 80 percent.
Ownership Agreement [1116(b)]
TEA-21 requires that an agreement be entered into between the Secretary and the Authority (or another designated political jurisdiction) that accepts ownership of the new bridge.
In compliance with the ROD, the agreement must require that
The agreement must also contain a financial plan satisfactory to the Secretary that specifies
September 14, 1998