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Federal Register Notice - FHWA Docket No. FHWA-98-4370
Transportation And Community And System Preservation Pilot Program --
Implementation Of The Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century

AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice; request for comments on program implementation in FY 2000 and beyond; request for letters of intent for FY 1999 planning and implementation grants.

SUMMARY: This document provides implementation guidance on section 1221 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), Pub. L. 105-178, 112 Stat. 107 (1998), which establishes the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program (TCSP). The TCSP provides funding for planning grants, implementation grants, and research to investigate and address the relationship between transportation and community and system preservation. The States, local governments, and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are eligible for discretionary grants to plan and implement strategies which improve the efficiency of the transportation system, reduce environmental impacts of transportation, reduce the need for costly future public infrastructure investments, ensure efficient access to jobs, services and centers of trade, and examine development patterns and identify strategies to encourage private sector development patterns which achieve these goals.

Through the TCSP, the States, local governments, and MPOs will implement and evaluate current preservation practices and activities that support these practices, as well as develop new, innovative approaches. Funding for the TCSP is $20 million in FY 1999 and $25 million per year for FY’s 2000 through 2003. The FHWA seeks public comments from all interested parties regarding implementation of the TCSP in FY 2000 and beyond, and letters of intent from potential grantees for FY 1999 funding.

DATES: Comments on program implementation must be received on or before (Insert date 60 days after date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER). Requests for letters of intent for FY 1999 planning and implementation grants must be received on or before (Insert date 60 days after date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER).

ADDRESSES: Your signed, written comments on program implementation must refer to the docket number appearing at the top of this document and you must submit the comments to the Docket Clerk, U.S. DOT Dockets, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001. All comments received will be available for examination at the above address between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Those desiring notification of receipt of comments must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope or postcard.

Submit letters of intent to the FHWA Division Office in the State of the applicant. The addresses and telephone numbers are provided in an attachment to this notice.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan B. Petty, Office of Environment and Planning, HEP-20, (202)366-6577; or S. Reid Alsop, Office of the Chief Counsel, HCC-31, (202)366-1371; Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington D.C. 20590. The voice mail telephone number for the TCSP is (800)488-6034.


Electronic Access

Internet users can access all comments received by the U.S. DOT Dockets, Room PL-401, by using the universal resource locator (URL): http://dms.dot.gov. It is available 24 hours each day, 365 days each year. Please follow the instructions online for more information and help.

An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem and suitable communications software from the Government Printing Office Electronic Bulletin Board Service at (202)512-1661. Internet users may reach the Federal Register’s home page at: http://www.nara.gov/fedreg and the Government Printing Office's database at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara.


Section 1221 of the TEA-21 establishes the TCSP. The Department of Transportation’s Strategic Plan (1997-2003) includes a series of goals related to safety, mobility and access, economic growth and trade, enhancement of communities and the natural environment, and national security. The TCSP pilot program relates to each of these goals and provides funding for planning grants, implementation grants, and research to investigate and address the relationship between transportation and community and system preservation. By funding innovative activities at the neighborhood, local, metropolitan, State and regional level, the program is intended to increase the knowledge of the costs and benefits of different approaches to integrating transportation investments, community preservation, land development patterns and environmental protection. It will enable communities to investigate and address the relationship among these many factors.

This notice includes three sections: Section I – Notice of Program Implementation; Section II – Requests for Letters of Intent for FY 1999; and Section III – Request for comments.



The TCSP provides funding for planning grants, implementation grants and research to investigate and address the relationship between transportation and community and system preservation. States, local governments and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are eligible for discretionary grants to plan and implement strategies which improve the efficiency of the transportation system, reduce environmental impacts of transportation, reduce the need for costly future public infrastructure investments, ensure efficient access to jobs, services and centers of trade, and examine development patterns and identify strategies to encourage private sector development patterns which achieve these goals. Through the TCSP, States, local governments, and MPOs will implement and evaluate current preservation practices and activities that support these practices, as well as develop new, innovative approaches.

The activities and research funded under this program will develop, implement and evaluate transportation strategies that support transportation and community and system preservation practices. The program will demonstrate transportation strategies that incorporate the short- and long-term environmental, economic, and social equity needs of communities. Examples of current preservation practices include policies to direct spending to high growth regions; establishment of urban growth boundaries to guide metropolitan expansion; and designation of green corridors that provide access to major highway corridors for efficient and compact development. In addition, it may include preservation practices that are necessary to implement transit oriented development plans, traffic calming measures and other coordinated transportation and community and system preservation activities. The size, scope and number of grants funded under TCSP will be dependent on the proposals received. The FHWA anticipates that in the first year of the program there may be 20 to 30 grants.

Outreach and cooperation

The DOT is establishing this program in cooperation with other Federal agencies, State, regional, and local governments. To prepare the initial design and implementation of this program, and to review and evaluate grant applications for the Secretary of Transportation, the FHWA is administering this program and has established a working group with representatives from the Federal Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Research and Special Programs Administration/Volpe Center, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The working group is gathering input through this notice and through meetings with stakeholders conducted as part of DOT's outreach activities following the passage of the TEA-21. For ongoing input into the development and priorities for the program, the working group is considering workshops with grantees and stakeholders and further Federal Register notices to announce subsequent rounds of grant funding. In addition, section 5107 of TEA-21 requires the establishment of an advisory board under the Surface Transportation- Environment Cooperative Research Program. This board of scientists, engineers, and State and local agencies may, when it is established in the future, provide another opportunity to gather ongoing input for the development of the program.

Research program

The TCSP includes a comprehensive research program to investigate the relationships between transportation, community preservation, and the environment, and to investigate the role of the private sector in shaping such relationships. The research program also includes monitoring and analysis of projects carried out under the grant program.

The goal of the research program is to build a knowledge base of work in this field that will enable State, regional and local government agencies, the private sector and neighborhood groups, through transportation activities, to help shape communities that meet current and long term environmental, social equity, and economic goals. With coordination and input from its partners and stakeholders, the FHWA will identify and initiate needed research to support the purposes of the TCSP. The research program is integral to TCSP, and it will support and complement the activities conducted through planning and implementation grants. Likewise, applied research activities that may be a part of a grant activity would be beneficial to the research program.

This notice requests comments and suggestions on the research program but does not solicit specific research proposals. The DOT anticipates that most of the TCSP will be allocated for planning and implementation grants and that limited funding will be available for research. The research may be conducted through cooperative agreements with organizations, contract support, or through State, local and MPO grants.

The DOT proposes to concentrate research activities in five areas:

  1. Synthesis of existing research and knowledge. Initial work will focus on gathering information about existing and ongoing transportation projects related to the development of community preservation activities which could include for example, the Maryland Smart Growth initiative, and the Land Use, Transportation and Air Quality (LUTRAQ) program in Portland, Oregon. The synthesis will highlight critical issues that will be particularly useful to agencies developing grant proposals in the early years of the TCSP.

  2. Identification of gaps in our knowledge base and the strategies for closing them. The synthesis of existing knowledge will also be used to identify those areas where further research and information is required and to determine the tools needed by practitioners at the local and regional level to implement programs which support transportation investments that foster community and transportation system preservation.

  3. An evaluation component for each grant project and an overall program evaluation. In addition to the evaluation of each planning and implementation project that receives TCSP funding, the FHWA will also conduct an overall program evaluation combining the results of the planning and implementation grants and the research program to help set the strategic direction and future priorities for the TCSP.

  4. Development of needed tools and methodologies to support decision makers. Transportation-related tools and analytical techniques will be enhanced to help support the State and local decision makers in taking a longer term view and balancing economic, social equity, and environmental goals.

  5. Effective coordination and dissemination of results, tools and information developed by the program. An important measure for the success of TCSP is the extent to which the results and best practices from the pilot program are used effectively by government agencies, the private sector, and others. Under the research component of TCSP, the FHWA will establish outreach, technical assistance, and other means to share and implement the results elsewhere.

Planning and Implementation Grants Program

The TCSP will provide grants for planning activities and for implementation activities. Planning grants are intended to help States, local governments, and MPOs begin to initiate transportation, community and system preservation activities in partnership with non-governmental organizations. Implementation grantsare intended to support States, local governments, and MPOs (and their non-governmental partners) that have already initiated community preservation programs and policies. These grants will fund innovative transportation and planning activities, which are carried out as part of a cooperative, continuing and comprehensive transportation planning process, to meet these goals.

Activities eligible for TCSP funding include activities eligible for Federal highway and transit funding (title 23, U.S.C., or Chapter 53 of title 49, U.S.C.) or other activities determined by the Secretary to be appropriate. However, where possible, grants will be awarded for new and innovative activities that are eligible but remain unfunded under the current Federal-aid program.

Eligible Recipients

State agencies, metropolitan planning organizations and units of local governments that are recognized by a State are eligible recipients of TCSP grant funds. This would include towns, cities, public transit agencies, air resources boards, school boards, and park districts but not neighborhood groups or developers. Non- governmental organizations that have projects they wish to see funded under this program are encouraged to partner with an eligible recipient as the project sponsor.

An MPO may be both a project sponsor and endorse other activities proposed and submitted by a local government within its metropolitan boundary. An MPO or State may consider packaging related activities for submittal as one larger grant request.

Purposes and Criteria of the TCSP Grant Program

Activities funded under TCSP must address and integrate each of the purposes of the program listed below. If a proposal does not address one or more purposes, the applicant must clearly state why each purpose was not addressed. Priority will be given to those proposals which clearly and comprehensively meet and integrate the greatest number of purposes and are likely to produce successful results. How well proposed projects achieve each of these purposes will be a principal criterion in selecting proposals for funding.

Grant proposals must address how proposed activities will meet all of the following:

  1. Improve the efficiency of the transportation system.

    Proposals for TCSP activities should identify, develop and evaluate new strategies and measures of transportation efficiency that are based on maximizing the use of existing community infrastructure, such as highways, railroads, transit systems and the built environment. Performance measures should include a focus on people and access rather than cars or goods carried, and services provided rather than miles traveled.

  2. Reduce the impacts of transportation on the environment.

    Proposals for TCSP activities should explore the long term direct and indirect social, economic and environmental impacts of transportation investments on the natural and built environment. Performance measures should relate the results of individual activities to the larger community and regional environment and the transportation system.

  3. Reduce the need for costly future public infrastructure.

    Proposals for TCSP activities should describe how they will reduce the need for costly future public infrastructure investment and/or create tools and techniques to measure these savings over the life cycle of the activities. Performance measures should include projected life cycle savings obtained through avoided future investments or maintenance.

  4. Ensure efficient access to jobs, services and centers of trade.

    Proposals for TCSP activities should clearly demonstrate how they improve efficient, affordable access to jobs, services and centers of trade, including for disadvantaged groups. This could also include the use of new technologies to reduce the need to travel. Performance measures should include improved access to jobs and services, and improved freight movements.

  5. Encourage private sector development patterns.

    Proposals for TCSP activities should identify effective strategies to encourage private sector investments that result in land development patterns that help meet the goals of this pilot program. Performance measures should demonstrate and monitor changes in development patterns and private sector investment trends or opportunities resulting from TCSP-related activities.

Priorities for all grants

In addition to the items listed above, applications for planning and implementation grants will also be evaluated based on a number of factors:

  1. A demonstrated commitment of non-Federal resources. Although matching funds are not required, priority will be given to projects which leverage non-Federal funds and take advantage of in-kind contributions such as maintenance agreements, land donations and volunteer time.

  2. An evaluation component (see later discussion). This should include a description of activities that will be undertaken to disseminate the results and lessons of the project to peers, especially neighboring or nearby agencies and jurisdictions.

  3. An equitable distribution of grants with respect to a diversity of populations. The DOT will also be ensuring the equitable distribution of funds to geographic regions, including an appropriate mix of rural and urban activities.

  4. The involvement and participation of non-traditional partners in the project team. Such partners might include public utility operators, social services agencies, community groups, environmental organizations, non-profit organizations, public health agencies, private land development organizations and real estate investors.

Additional Planning Grant Information

Planning assistance under the TCSP is intended to provide financial resources to States and communities to explore integrating their transportation programs with community preservation and environmental activities. Grants will be awarded for planning activities that will achieve this integration, meet the purposes of the program described above and are innovative. This may include, for example, public and private involvement activities; improving conditions for bicycling and walking; better and safer operation of existing roads, signals and transit systems; development of new types of transportation financing and land-use alternatives; development of new programs and tools to measure success; and the creation of new planning tools and policies necessary to implement TCSP-related initiatives.

Additional Implementation Grant Criteria

Implementation grants under the TCSP are intended to provide financial resources to State, local governments, and MPOs to enable them to carry out activities that address transportation efficiency while meeting community preservation and environmental goals. Examples of such policies or programs include:

Implementation activities may include community preservation activities to implement transit-oriented development plans, traffic calming measures or other coordinated transportation and community and system preservation practices.

Priority will be given to applicants that have already instituted preservation or development programs and policies that:

  1. Qualify for Federal highway and transit funding (to be determined by FHWA);

  2. Coordinate with State and locally adopted preservation and development plans;

  3. Integrate transportation and community and system preservation practices;

  4. Promote investments in transportation infrastructure and transportation activities that minimize adverse environmental impacts and lower total life cycle costs; and/or

  5. Encourage private sector investments and innovative strategies that address the purposes of TCSP.

Implementation grants will help carry out the results of planning activities that may have been funded by planning grants under this same program. In future years of the TCSP, applicants who have completed activities using planning grants will be encouraged to apply for implementation grants. We expect the results of an implementation grant to affect the way new projects are designed and constructed in the future.


Every proposal funded under the planning and implementation grant programs must include a description of the applicant’s plans for monitoring and analysis of the grant activity and for providing the results of such monitoring and analysis to the FHWA. This information is necessary to provide an opportunity for the Department of Transportation, States, MPOs and local governments to learn more about the practical implications of integrating land development, transportation and environmental decision making.

The measures used to evaluate project results should be based on the goals and objectives of the project. In addition to individual project evaluations, an overall program evaluation will be conducted under the research component of the program described above.

Developing measures to determine the results of the projects is difficult and there is no general consensus on operative measures. The FHWA, the FTA and other Federal partners will work with grantees to develop and test measures. Methods to measure and evaluate current and future performance may include, for example:

  1. Quantitative assessments such as measurement of changes in traffic flow and mode choice (e.g. increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic), environmental impacts and reduced vehicle miles of travel or number of trips;

  2. Analytic procedures which forecast the current and future impacts of projects such as travel demand, land development, or economic forecasting; and/or

  3. Qualitative assessment such as interviews, surveys, changes in local ordinances, or other anecdotal evidence.

Relationship of the TCSP to the Transportation Planning Process

The TCSP will complement, improve and enhance the Statewide and MPO planning process created by Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), Pub.L. 102-240, 105 Stat.1914, and refined by TEA-21. This process promotes the ongoing, cooperative and active involvement of the public, transportation providers, public interest groups, and State, metropolitan and local government agencies in the development of statewide and metropolitan transportation plans and improvement programs (23 CFR part 450).

The DOT fully supports this planning process, which has brought diverse constituencies and government agencies together, and views the TCSP activities as a logical step in the continuing improvement of transportation planning at the State and regional level. In particular, the TCSP can help broaden the scope and impact of the planning process to better integrate land development planning, environmental goals and objectives, economic development, social equity considerations, and other private sector activities. The integration of interest groups, investors and developers through partnering with government applicants is a goal of the program. The TCSP activities will also consider incorporation of much longer planning horizons and consider the impacts on future generations.

Activities funded by this program may be used to test or implement new, innovative planning methods and programs that significantly enhance the existing Statewide and MPO transportation planning processes. The TCSP funds are intended to leverage new transportation and community preservation initiatives rather than to fund the ongoing planning activities of States and MPOs. The TCSP-funded activities must demonstrate coordination with the State and/or MPO to ensure the planning process is not circumvented. In addition, activities should encourage and improve public involvement in the overall planning process as well as in the individual project.

Construction projects funded by the TCSP will ultimately be included in an approved State or MPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TCSP funds should not be requested for projects that have already been scheduled for funding and are in the current State or MPO TIP. Highway and transit projects which either use Federal funds or require Federal approvals, and are in air quality non attainment or maintenance areas, must be included in an air quality conformity analysis required as part of the transportation planning process. Because TCSP projects may target improved air quality as part of their broader goals, documentation of the beneficial air quality impacts of the project will be important.

Non-construction activities funded by the TCSP, such as the development of regional plans and policies, project evaluations and land development code changes, may not need to appear in a Statewide or MPO TIP, but should still have the support or endorsement of the State or MPO. Non-construction activities may result in changes to existing State and MPO plans and therefore need coordination with other jurisdictions within a metropolitan region or State.



To lessen the burden on potential grantees in the first round of funding, the DOT is requesting that interested State, metropolitan and local governments submit Letters of Intent (LOI) to apply for either a planning or an implementation grant for FY 1999. (Proposals for research are not being solicited.) From these LOIs, the DOT will select approximately 50 applicants who will be asked to prepare a more detailed grant request for further consideration. We anticipate making final decisions on awards early in the calendar year.

Although a single activity or proposal should not be submitted for both planning and implementation grants, applicants may apply for both planning and implementation grants for different activities. Funding is limited to a maximum of $20 million in FY 1999 and competition for those funds is expected to be high. There is no predetermined balance between planning and implementation grants to be awarded in FY 1999. Grants may be spent over a period of up to two years but no commitment can be made for second or subsequent years of grant awards. Thus, phased projects must stand alone and be capable of being implemented and producing results in each phase.

Contents of LOIs

An LOI should be approximately four pages long and should follow the sample format in the attachment to this notice. Letters from partners demonstrating their commitment to the project may be attached to the LOI. The LOI should briefly describe how the activity would addresses each of the purposes of the program and the specific criteria for planning or implementation grants. Applicants should also show public involvement, non-traditional partners and private sector participation in their project.

The DOT is particularly interested in supporting projects that are ready to begin and have plans to collect and document results that can be shared with others quickly. The LOI should highlight when the proposal would be initiated and when results are expected.

Schedule and Administrative Processes

There are several options for the administration of grants under TCSP. The FHWA has established financial management systems with the State Departments of Transportation and anticipates that most TCSP grants will be channeled through this established process. However, if another process such as a cooperative agreement or grant through another eligible agency (e.g., a public transit agency) is preferred, the applicant can work with the appropriate FHWA Division Office to develop a different funding mechanism.

An applicant should send five (5) copies of the LOI to the FHWA Division Office in the State in which the project is located within 60 days from the date of this notice. The FHWA, with the multi-agency working group described under the caption “Outreach and Cooperation” will recommend to the Secretary the applicants who will be asked to develop full proposals. The FHWA anticipates issuing a notice requesting FY 2000 applications in March 1999. The time line for FY 1999 applications for TCSP and a proposed time line for FY 2000 follows.

Questions about the grant program should be directed to either the FHWA Division Office or FTA Regional Office in the State in which the applicant is located.


TCSP Milestones

FY 1999
FY 2000
Issue Federal Register Notice and Request for Letters of Intent September 15 , 1998 March 1999
Comments and Letters of Intent due November 15, 1998 May 1999
Select applicants to prepare grant requests December 9, 1998 June 1999
Grant proposals from selected Letters of Intent due February 16, 1999 August 1999
Grants awarded March 15, 1999 October 1999


The TCSP is a new initiative in the transportation field and may still be unfamiliar. Consequently, the DOT is seeking comments on a wide range of questions related to the administration of the program; the size, scope and nature of projects that should be supported by the program; the role of TCSP-related activities in the planning process; and the appropriate balance between research, planning and implementation activities funded as part of the initiative. The comments and suggestions received from interested parties to this notice and other outreach activities, as well as the experience gained from the first round of grant applications, will help define the program for FY 2000 and beyond. The Department is seeking comments on the following questions, as well as on other issues relating to the implementation of the TCSP.

  1. Project selection criteria: Should there be any additional weight or priority applied to any of the criteria for FY 2000 and beyond? Should additional criteria by which the proposals will be evaluated be added?

  2. Planning: How can we ensure that TCSP-funded activities support the existing Statewide and metropolitan planning process? How can we support innovative activities, integrate new planning techniques and refocus the planning process to ensure TCSP-related activities are addressed? What is the best way for local governments and non-traditional partners to coordinate with the State and MPO planning process?

  3. Grants: The TCSP addresses broad issues with regional or Statewide implications. How can we ensure improvements to a single location, neighborhood street, or job center provide meaningful community preservation impacts on the larger region? How should we balance grant-making between planning and implementation grants? Should there be a cap on the size of grants? Should land acquisition and right-of-way purchases be funded?

  4. Project timeliness: How important should the time line be for implementation of projects in our evaluation of proposed projects?

  5. Evaluation of projects: How can project sponsors effectively evaluate the results of activities? How can the results of individual project evaluations be used to evaluate the overall impacts of TCSP?

  6. Public and private sector involvement: How should grantees demonstrate a commitment of non-Federal resources and effective involvement of public and private partners? How can we broaden the base of program participants and encourage participation beyond the traditional transportation community?

  7. Research: What gaps currently exist in our knowledge of transportation and community preservation practices? What experience -- both good and bad -- do we have with work in this field? What tools do practitioners need to achieve the integration of these issues in the transportation planning process and in project implementation?

  8. Definitions: A number of the terms and concepts used in the TCSP pilot program may be unfamiliar to potential grant applicants. Are there established and/or helpful definitions of “community preservation” practices and “system preservation” that can be used? What examples can be given of successful community preservation and system preservation activities?



Type Of Project Request: (Planning Grant or Implementation Grant)
Project Name And Location:
Key Contact:
Estimated Grant Request:

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Briefly describe the project, the geographic scale of the proposed activity (system, region, corridor, etc.), its expected results in the short and longer term (20-40 years), and the vision you have for the ultimate impact of the activity.

PURPOSE and CRITERIA: Further describe the project and its objectives. Relate how it furthers and integrates each of the following purposes of the TCSP program:

  1. Improve the efficiency of the transportation system;

  2. Reduce the impacts of transportation on the environment;

  3. Reduce the need for costly future investments in public infrastructure;

  4. Ensure efficient access to jobs, services, and centers of trade; and

  5. Examine development patterns and identify strategies to encourage private sector development patterns which achieve the goals of the TCSP.

Address the other criteria which will be used to evaluate the proposal:

  1. A demonstrated commitment of non-Federal resources;

  2. An evaluation component;

  3. An equitable distribution of grants with respect to a diversity of populations; and

  4. The participation of non-traditional partners.

For Implementation Grants applicants should also provide background information on established community preservation practices within their community that:

  1. Qualify for Federal highway and transit funding;

  2. Coordinate with State and locally adopted preservation and development plans;

  3. Integrate with transportation and community and system preservation practices;

  4. Promote investments in transportation infrastructure and transportation activities that minimize adverse environmental impacts; and

  5. Encourage private sector investments and innovative strategies that address the purposes of TCSP.


Indicate how the proposal is consistent with State and metropolitan planning processes and how MPO and/or State DOT support will be demonstrated (e.g., letter, reference to report, etc).


List, and briefly describe if necessary, the agencies, organizations, and companies participating in the activities and/or on the project team. Describe plans for involvement and/or education of the broader public. You may attach to the LOI letters of support from project partners.


List all funding, both Federal and non-Federal, and in-kind resources supporting the project.


State the number of months or years to complete the project, including dates of major milestones, and evaluation and reporting periods.


Summarize the preliminary plans for evaluation of the activity, including means of monitoring, indicators and measures of performance, and plans for reporting results. Evaluation plans should address the following:

  1. The accomplishment of the objectives as outlined in the project LOI, and

  2. Measurement of the short- and long-term results of the project.


The LOI and 4 copies should be mailed to the FHWA Division Office in the State of the applicant. The FHWA office addresses are listed below:



State FHWA Address, Phone No.
Alabama 500 Eastern Boulevard, Suite 200, Montgomery, 36117-2018, 334-223-7377
Alaska Federal Building, 9th and Glacier Ave., P.O. Box 21648, Juneau 99802-1648, 907-586- 7422
Arizona 234 N. Central Avenue, Suite 330, Phoenix 85004, 602-379-3646
Arkansas Federal Office Building, Room 3128, 700 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock 72201, 501-324-6441
California 980 9th Street, Suite 400, Sacramento 95814-2724, 916-498-5034
Colorado 555 Zang Street, Room 250, Lakewood 80228, 303-969-6730
Connecticut 628-2 Hebron Avenue, Suite 303, Glastonbury 06033, 860-659-6703
Delaware 300 South New Street, Room 2101, Dover 19904-6726, 302-734-2835
District of Columbia Union Center Plaza, 820 First Street, N.E., Suite 750, Washington, 20002, 202-523-0163
Florida 227 North Bronough Street, Room 2015, Tallahassee 32301, 850-942-9605
Georgia 61 Forsyth St., SW, 17th Floor, Suite 17T100, Atlanta 30303-3104, 404-562- 3634
Hawaii 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 3202, Box 50206, Honolulu 96850, 808-541-2700
Idaho 3050 Lakeharbor Lane, Suite 126, Boise 83703, 208-334-1843
Illinois 3250 Executive Park Drive, Springfield 62703, 217-492-4638
Indiana Federal Office Building, Room 254, 575 North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis 46204, 317-226-7492
Iowa 105 6th Street, P.O. Box 627, Ames 50010, 515-233-7315
Kansas 3300 South Topeka Blvd., Suite 1, Topeka 66611-2237, 785-267-7284
Kentucky John C. Watts Building, 330 West Broadway Street, P.O. Box 536, Frankfort 40602, 502-223-6727
Louisiana 750 Florida St., Room 239, P.O. Box 3929, Baton Rouge 70821, 504-389-0400
Maine Federal Building, Room 614, 40 Western Avenue, Augusta 04330, 207-622-8350
Maryland The Rotunda, Suite 220, 711 West 40th Street, Baltimore 21211-2187, 410-962- 4342
Massachusetts Transportation Systems Center, 55 Broadway, 10th Floor, Cambridge 02142, 617-494-2253
Michigan 315 West Allegan Street, Room 207, Lansing 48933, 517-377-1880
Minnesota Galtier Plaza (Box 75) 175 5th Street E., Suite 500, St. Paul 55501-2901, 612-291- 6109
Mississippi 666 North Street, Suite 105, Jackson 39202, 601-965-4232
Missouri 209 Adams Street, P.O. Box 1787, Jefferson City 65102, 573-636-7104
Montana 301 South Park Street, Room 448, Helena 59626-0056, 406-441-1230
Nebraska 100 Centennial Mall North, Room 220, Lincoln 68508, 402-437-5964
Nevada 705 North Plaza Street, Suite 220, Carson City 89701, 775-687-5332
New Hampshire 279 Pleasant Street, Room 204, Concord 03301,603-225-1643
New Jersey 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 310, West Trenton 08628-1019, 609-637-4211
New Mexico 604 W. San Mateo Road, Santa Fe 87501, 505-820-2026
New York Leo W. O'Brien Federal Building, Clinton & N. Pearl Sts., 9th Floor, Albany 12207, 518-431-4125
North Carolina 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410, Raleigh 27601, 919-856-4330
North Dakota 1471 Interstate Loop, Bismarck 58501-0567,701-250-4349
Ohio 200 North High Street, Room 328, Columbus 43215, 614-469-5877
Oklahoma 300 N. Meridian, Suite 105-S, Oklahoma City, OK, 73107-6560, 405-605-6012
Oregon Equitable Center, Suite 100, 530 Center St., N.E., Salem 97301, 503-399-5749
Pennsylvania Forum Place, 555 Walnut Street, Harrisburg 17101-1900, 717-221- 3759
Puerto Rico US Courthouse & Federal Building, Carlos Chardon St., Rm 329, San Juan 00918- 1755, 787-766-5600
Rhode Island 380 Westminster Mall, Room 547, Providence 02903, 401-528- 4548
South Carolina 1835 Assembly Street, Suite 758, Columbia 29201, 803-253-3881
South Dakota Federal Office Building, 116 East Dakota Avenue, P.O. Box 700, Pierre 57501 605- 224-8033
Tennessee 249 Cumberland Bend Drive, Nashville 37228, 615-736-7106
Texas Federal Office Building, Room 826, 300 East Eighth Street, Austin 78701, 512-916- 5917
Utah 2520 W. 4700 South, Suite 9A, Salt Lake City 84118, 801-963-0182
Vermont Federal Building, 87 State St., P.O. Box 568, Montpelier 05601, 802-828-4433
Virginia Dale Building, Suite 205, 1504 Santa Rosa Road, Richmond 23229, 804-281-5111
Washington 501 Evergreen Plaza, 711 South Capitol Way, Olympia 98501, 360-753-9485
West Virginia Geary Plaza, Suite 200, 700 Washington Street. E, Charleston 25301, 304-347-5329
Wisconsin 567 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison 53719- 2814, 608-829-7514
Wyoming 1916 Evans Avenue, Cheyenne 82001- 3764, 307-772-2004
New York City 6 World Trade Center, Room 320, New York, NY 10048, FAX: 212-466-1939, 212-466-3483
26 Federal Plaza, Suite 2940, New York, NY 10278-0194, FAX 212-264-8973, 212-264-8162
Philidelphia 1760 Market St., Suite 510, Philadelphia, Pa 19103, 215-656-7070, FAX: 215-656-7260, 215-656-7111
Chicago 200 West Adams, Room 2410, Chicago, IL 60606, 312-886-1616, FAX 312- 886-0351,312-886-1604
Los Angeles 201 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1460, Los Angeles, CA 90012; 213-202-3950; FAX: 213- 202-3961

(23 U.S.C. 315; sec. 1221, Pub.L. 105-178, 112 Stat. 107, 221 (1998); 49 CFR 1.48)

Issued on:

Signed by: Kenneth R. Wykle 9/11/98
Administrator, Federal Highway Administration

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