U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Transportation Performance Management


State Highway Infrastructure Report - Texas

The information below summarizes the TPM Highway Infrastructure performance measures, which include four pavement condition measures and two bridge condition measures. Per 23 CFR 490, State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are required to establish 2- and 4-year targets for these measures. The targets should represent the anticipated condition/performance at the mid-point and end of the 4-year performance period. State DOTs establish targets at the beginning of each 4-year performance period, and report on progress every two years. When establishing targets, State DOTs have the flexibility to use the methodology they deem most appropriate. FHWA encourages States to review data sets and trends and consider factors that may affect targets. Performance targets should be data-driven, realistic, and attainable and should align with the performance management framework and legislative intent.

The targets and discussion of basis for targets, optional adjustment of targets, progress, and planned activities were provided by the State DOT in its most recent biennial performance report. FHWA has not edited this information. It is provided to help bring context to the State DOT’s performance targets and progress. The data in the tables and graphs is from the biennial performance report or HPMS data submittal as noted below each measure summary. Any questions about the information should be directed to the State DOT.

Data reported by State DOTs was collected in the previous year, representing the condition/performance at the time of collection. Thus, in the tables and graphs below, FHWA labels data with the year representing the condition/performance, rather than the year the data was reported. The same thing is done for the targets--the year represents when the corresponding actual condition/performance data will be collected, not reported. More Information.

Significant Progress Determination
FHWA determines significant progress for these measures after the mid-point and end of each performance period. A State has met or made significant progress toward target achievement if “actual” condition/performance is equal to or better than the established two-year target or “actual” condition/performance is better than baseline performance 23 CFR 490.109(e). As provided in 23 CFR 490.107(b)(2)(ii)(A), baseline condition/performance is derived from the latest data collected through the beginning date of the performance period. FHWA will classify the assessment of progress toward the achievement of an individual 2-year or 4-year target as “progress not determined” if a State provides the extenuating circumstance information required in 23 CFR 490.109(e)(5), and FHWA accepts the information.

Most recent Significant Progress Determination for the Infrastructure measures

Most Recent Significant Progress Determination for all applicable measures


  • Interstate Pavement in Good Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↑

      Texas % Interstate Lane Miles Good Condition

  • Interstate Pavement in Good Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 64.5 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 63.9 -- 63.6

  • Interstate Pavement in Good Condition

    Interstate system pavements are evaluated based on IRI and pavement surface distresses. FHWA methods are used to classify each pavement section and then to summarize statewide percentage of the Interstate System pavements in Good condition. The most recent four years of pavement condition data are used as the basis for the target setting. The moving-average method is used to set up the target of Good Condition for the 2022-2025 Performance Period.
  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 HPMS Data Submittal

  • Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↓

      Texas % Interstate Lane Miles in Poor Condition

  • Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 0.1 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 0.2 -- 0.2

  • Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition

    Interstate system pavements are evaluated based on IRI and pavement surface distresses. FHWA methods are used to classify each pavement section and then to summarize statewide percentage of the Interstate System pavements in Poor condition. The most recent four years of pavement condition data are used as the basis for the target setting. The moving-average method is used to set up the target of Poor Condition for the 2022-2025 Performance Period.

  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 HPMS Data Submittal

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Good Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↑

      Texas % Non-Interstate Lane Miles Good Condition

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Good Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 51.7 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 45.5 -- 46.0

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Good Condition

    The pavement targets were set based on the historical federal performance measure data using the 4-year moving average approach.

    TxDOT uses state measures to manage the state owned pavement network. Performance measures established by FHWA were used to calculate asset condition for NHS assets. TxDOT’s performance measure showed overall pavement condition has been consistently improved in the last four years. Last year’s percentage of lane miles in Good or better condition reached the record high since FY 2001 when the Texas Transportation Commission established the statewide pavement condition goal. Because of the different performance measures used by FHWA, TxDOT’s performance measure doesn’t always consistently align with FHWA performance measures. All of them except for non-IH NHS trended downward. The largest performance variation is in Good condition for non-IH NHS.

    Although TxDOT has a funding increase over the next several year, Texas continues experiencing population growth, higher volume and heavier traffic on our highway network. Inflation is another factor eroding the buying power of our highway fund.

    TxDOT seeks to improve and enhance Texas’ transportation assets in furtherance of national and state goals. TxDOT uses the Unified Transportation Program (UTP) to balance the needs for capacity improvements versus the needs to maintain the existing network. TxDOT’s UTP contains a catalog of projects that are planned to be constructed and/or developed within the next 10 years. Each annual UTP adoption uses updated planning forecasts and investment strategies that are based on past system performance and system key performance objectives. These forecasts guide funding distribution, project selection, and formation of new UTP. As well, TxDOT develops a 4 year Pavement Management Plan which prioritizes rehabilitation and preventative maintenance pavement work based current conditions and available funding working towards the condition improvements.

    The pavement targets were set based on the historical federal performance measure data using the 4-year moving average approach. The 2022 TAMP Chapter 4 shows 2031 performance projections for IH and TxDOT owned non-IH NHS pavements which used life cycle planning analysis based on TxDOT’s performance measures. In the TAMP, TxDOT performed a statistical analysis to correlate the FHWA measure and the TxDOT’s performance measure. The TAMP prediction was over a 10 year period and the performance variation for 0.1-mile sections may have been smoothed out using the statistical analysis approach. The federal targets are 2 and 4 year prediction intervals where this conversion may have more impact on the predicted value. Therefore we used the historical 4-year moving average approach to determine the 2 and 4 year target values.

    More importantly, TxDOT doesn’t manage the off-system NHS. Even though TxDOT collects pavement data on the off-system NHS, no detailed funding information is easily available. This moving average approach helps us target better for these off-system NHS.

  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 HPMS Data Submittal

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Poor Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↓

      Texas % Non-Interstate Lane Miles Poor Condition

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Poor Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 1.3 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 1.5 -- 1.5

  • Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) Pavement in Poor Condition

    Non-Interstate NHS pavements are evaluated based on IRI and pavement surface distresses. FHWA methods are used to classify each pavement section and then to summarize statewide percentage of the Non-Interstate System pavements in Poor condition. The most recent four years of pavement condition data are used as the basis for the target setting. The moving-average method is used to set up the target of Poor Condition for the 2022-2025 Performance Period.

  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 HPMS Data Submittal

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Good Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↑

      Texas % Deck Area in Good Condition on NHS Bridges

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Good Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 49.2 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 48.5 -- 47.6

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Good Condition

    The 2-year and 4-year targets were established by plotting the performance of the percent good over the last 10 years and analyzing the trend of that performance. The targets for the percent good acknowledge the fact that the percentage of bridges in good condition continue to be on a downward trend and that trend is expected to continue in the short term. TxDOT has renewed its efforts in pursuing more maintenance activities for bridges and tracking those activities, but the results of those efforts may not be seen in the data for a few years. TxDOT has also procured a bridge management program (BrM) that will allow for more sophisticated predictions, but it will take several years before it has been populated such that it can be used in lieu of the current methods.

  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 NBI Data Submittal

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Poor Condition

    • Trend through 2025

      Desired trend: ↓

      Texas % Deck Area in Poor Condition on NHS Bridges

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Poor Condition 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
    Condition/Performance 1.1 -- -- -- --
    Target -- -- 1.5 -- 1.5

  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges in Poor Condition

    The percentage of poor bridges in Texas continues to fluctuate as poor bridges are replaced, and other bridges turn from fair to poor. While Texas continues to replace approximately 100-120 bridges in poor condition every year, around the same number of bridges turn to poor condition each year. Texas has a few large deck area bridges that are in fair condition and close to turning to poor condition. A consequence of having such a low percentage of poor bridges is that even small numbers of these large bridges turning poor can have a noticeable impact on the percent poor. The 2-year and 4-year targets were determined by plotting the percent of bridges in poor condition over the last 10 years. TxDOT anticipates the percent of bridges in poor condition to remain near 1% and to have some fluctuation, but we also acknowledge that one or two large deck area bridges turning to poor condition could cause a significant fluctuation in the percent poor deck area. TxDOT has also procured a bridge management program (BrM) that will allow for more sophisticated predictions, but it will take several years before it has been populated such that it can be used in lieu of the current methods.

  • Data Sources:
    Texas 2022 Biennial Performance Report
    Texas 2022 NBI Data Submittal

Significant Progress Determination

This table shows FHWA’s most recent determination for the Infrastructure performance measures.

PLEASE NOTE: Each State’s performance target assessment is based on its own State-specific target methodology and program philosophy. Therefore, conclusions should not be drawn based only on the information in the Significant Progress Determination Results table. FHWA understands that each State’s program is unique and therefore does not prescribe a methodology for States to set targets. States have the flexibility to use the methodology they deem most appropriate when setting their performance targets. 

Texas 2022 Full Performance Period Significant Progress Determination Results
Measure Area Measures Baseline Target Actual Better
Achieved Target? Made
[23 CFR 490.109(f)]
The condition of pavements on the Interstate System Percentage of pavements of the Interstate System in Good condition 66.61 66.5 64.5 No No No Additional Reporting
Percentage of pavements of the Interstate System in Poor condition 0.12 0.2 0.1 No Yes Yes
The condition of pavements on the National Highway System (NHS) (excluding the Interstate) Percentage of pavements of the non-Interstate NHS in Good condition Based only on IRI 54.5 54.1 57.8 Yes Yes Yes None
Based on Full Distress + IRI --- --- --- --- ---
Percentage of pavements of the non-Interstate NHS in Poor condition Based only on IRI 14.0 14.2 11.6 Yes Yes Yes
Based on Full Distress + IRI --- --- --- --- ---
The condition of bridges on the National Highway System Percentage of NHS bridges classified as in Good condition 50.7 50.4 49.2 No No No Additional Reporting
Percentage of NHS bridges classified as in Poor condition 0.9 1.5 1.1 No Yes Yes

1 The 2-year condition/performance, in 2020 Mid Performance Period Progress Report, as the baseline condition/performance, as required in 23 CFR 490.105(e)(7)(iii).
2 Ibid.

Updated: 12/06/2023
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000