U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590

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Transportation Performance Management

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April 2018

Performance Dashboards and Scorecards

  • City of Phoenix, Arizona's Monthly Dashboard Reports
    27 key performance indicators which measure the health of the city in the areas of General Government, Public Safety & Criminal Justice, Transportation, Economic Development, Environmental and Community Enrichment.
  • MTA Launches New, First-of-its-Kind Bus Performance Dashboard
    The data on the bus performance dashboard is based on farebox, GPS, and other information and can be filtered by the borough; types of service, such as local/limited, express, or Select Bus Service; and time periods, such as weekday peak or off-peak hours.
  • MBTA Online Performance Dashboard
    The dashboard will show not only whether trains and buses have run on schedule, but also whether the agency is staying on budget, how many people are riding, and how happy or unhappy customers are.
  • VDOT Highway Performance Dashboard
    The dashboard hi-lights three key highway system performance measures: 1. Congestion at Various Interstate Locations, 2. HOV Travel Speeds, and 3. Travel Times on Key Commuter Routes. Each measure has its own set of data and rules, and should be opened up individually for more detailed information. You can open a measure up by either selecting it from the drop-down list (shown as “Choose Measure”), or just click in the title box for the measure.
  • Vermont Agency of Transportation: VTransparency
    Public Information Portal. The VTransparency team has taken data from sources all over the agency to create tools for getting answers to some of the questions they get most often.

Safety, Mobility, and Congestion


Research, Technical Reports, and Guides


  • U. S. Department of Transportation Strategic Plan for FY 2018-2022
    The Strategic Plan presents the long-term objectives an agency hopes to accomplish at the beginning of each new term of an Administration by describing general and long-term goals the agency aims to achieve, what actions the agency will take to realize those goals, and how the agency will most effectively use its resources to deal with challenges and risks that may hinder achieving results.
  • Safety Evaluation of Access Management Policies and Techniques
    The U.S. Federal Highway Administration has released a report that evaluates the safety effects of corridor access management policies and strategies on urban, suburban, and urbanizing arterials. Access management is the process that manages access to land development while preserving safety, capacity, and speed on the surrounding road network.

Performance Measures and Reports

  • IOWA DOT Traffic Management Center February Performance Measurements
    Traffic Management Center primary purposes are to improve safety and reduce delays on roads. These can range from alerting proper authorities of an accident in a timely fashion, to alerting travelers of congestion along routes. Secondary functions include data collection and management.
  • MDOT 2018 Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance
    The Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance measures the progress toward achieving MDOT's strategic goals through their investment in projects in the Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP), and through their daily operations.
  • FDOT Construction Office Performance Measures
    Performance measures for contracts completed First quarter of fiscal year.

Events, Conferences, Workshops, and Webinars

  • 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management
    July 15-17, 2018 | San Diego, CA| Organized by Transportation Research Board. The program includes a variety of topics, from introductory material that will satisfy practitioners who are just getting started to complex investment strategies that will challenge those who are ready to move beyond the basics. This will be the forum for moving asset management initiatives into practice and will be the venue for a wide range of federal, state, MPO/local, and transit agencies, as well as private sector practitioners and university researchers to share knowledge, sponsor peer to peer learning, and work together.
  • AASHTO Spring Meeting 2018
    Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - Thursday, May 24, 2018. Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, Franklin, Tennessee.
  • TRB Webinar: Return on Investment in Asset Management Systems and Process Improvements)
    TRB will conduct a webinar on Monday, May 7, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET. This webinar will discuss guidance and tools to support calculating the return on investment (ROI) for transportation agencies implementing new asset management systems or improving existing systems. The presenters will describe three case studies that were performed to calculate the ROI from implementing pavement, bridge, and maintenance management systems.
Updated: 04/17/2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000