U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Transportation Performance Management


How TPM and Asset Management Work Together

  • Transportation performance management is an approach to managing transportation system performance outcomes. Asset management is the application of this approach to manage the condition of the infrastructure assets that are needed to provide for mobility and safety on the nation's transportation system. In short, asset management is the engine that drives infrastructure performance.

Putting the Pieces Together

  • Transportation performance management is a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve national performance goals. The application of the TPM approach ensures that investments are performance-driven and outcome based.
  • Transportation and planning agencies apply TPM principles in making decisions about where to invest resources. Those processes and investment strategies are documented in management plans the agencies develop for the various program areas. All management plans are then used in the performance-based planning and programming process to make investment trade-off decisions.

Asset Management Plans

  • Asset management plans are the framework for developing the investment strategies to address infrastructure condition targets, as well as addressing risk and managing assets for their whole life at the lowest practicable cost. 
  • States are required under new regulations to develop asset management plans that are then certified by FHWA.
  • FHWA continues to work with our stakeholders to advance TPM principles and asset management best practices through training, webinars, and guidance. If you would like assistance, please contact your local FHWA Division office.

Asset Management and Target Setting

  • It is important to consider the information produced by analyses done during the development of an asset management plan, and to fully utilize bridge and pavement management systems, when establishing State DOT targets for pavements and bridges.  That information can help State DOTs better understand the full scope of their needs, resources, and investment strategy outcomes, which is essential for the establishment of section 150(d) targets.
  • Through TAMP Annual Consistency Determinations, FHWA reviews the complete TAMPs including the discussion of how the investment strategies support progress toward achieving the State's targets for asset condition in accordance with 23 USC 150(d), as well as achieving and sustaining a desired state of good repair. State DOTs should periodically revisit their investment strategies, targets, and state-of-good-repair goals to reflect improvements in data quality, analysis tools, and life-cycle planning methodologies.
Updated: 12/11/2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000