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State Activities

Tribal Liaison Offices

Historic Agreement Between FHWA, Minnesota Department of Transportation, and Seven Minnesota American Indian Tribes
Pledging mutual support and cooperation in future endeavors, officials from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration and seven Minnesota American Indian tribes signed an historic agreement to share resources, energy and commitment for meeting the state's growing transportation needs.

Report on Wisconsin's Outreach to Native Americans
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Wisconsin FHWA Division Office have partnered to achieve its goal of serving mutual customers. This includes working with Native Americans businesses and individuals, working with Wisconsin's two Native American community colleges and working with Wisconsin's eleven federally recognized Tribes on a government-to-government basis. This report takes a comprehensive look at these efforts.

State DOT Tribal Liaison Roundtable and Panel Discussion
State Department of Transportation tribal liaisons are dedicated to coordinating and improving the state-tribal relationship in regards to transportation planning. Liaisons from eight states gathered in to share their programs and discuss successful practices.

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