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EDC News

July 26, 2013

Innovation Implementation: Programmatic Agreements

Oregon EDC success story Here's what Oregon has done in the area of Programmatic Agreements.

Programmatic Agreements takes routine environmental requirements that are commonly encountered and looks at them programmatically, rather than individually by project. By getting all the various entities involved to sign off on such repetitive actions beforehand, more time can be taken in other areas, and the entire environmental process can be streamlined.

FHWA Hosts Intelligent Compaction Demonstration

City and county officials, tribal representatives and equipment manufacturers gathered at the Alamogordo Elk project in New Mexico's Lincoln National Forest for a July 10 intelligent compaction demonstration. FHWA's Office of Federal Lands Highway hosted the event to offer participants an opportunity to learn about intelligent compaction and see it used on a project to rehabilitate 8.7 miles on U.S. 82. The rollers are being used on both the full-depth reclamation base layer and the hot-mix asphalt pavement.

More information on Intelligent Compaction >>

Alabama Offers 3D Modeling Workshop

More than 30 representatives of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), counties, cities, consultants and contractors attended a June 27 half-day leadership workshop on 3D modeling. Speakers from FHWA, the Kentucky Department of Transportation, and large and small consultants and contractors discussed the use of 3D modeling technology. ALDOT leadership expressed interest in hosting a full-day 3D modeling workshop and committed to continued support of the Alabama 3D Modeling Evaluation Committee.

More on 3D Modeling >>

Work Starts on Colorado's First Diverging Diamond Interchange

Construction is underway on an interchange reconstruction at I-70 and U.S. 6/50 in Grand Junction, Colorado's first use of a diverging diamond interchange design. The project will cost $4 million, while a traditional interchange would have cost $10 million to $15 million because a bridge replacement and additional right-of-way would have been necessary. The intersection is slated to open in December 2013. Another diverging diamond interchange is planned for the McCaslin Road overpass on U.S. 36 in Louisville, and a third is under consideration for the Silverthorne interchange on I-70.

More information on Diverging Diamond Interchanges >>

Pennsylvania Focuses on Data Collaboration

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is making progress on data collection and collaboration efforts. The agency won the Special Achievement in GIS Award at the Esri International User Conference for its innovative use of geographic information system technology to collect data on local roads and bridges. The new mobile collection method, part of an effort to modernize the road and bridge asset inventory, allows better and quicker documentation. Also, the State Transportation Innovation Council has accepted two ideas to optimize data use. One is the Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety program, which is designed to help local police departments reduce crime, crashes and traffic violations. The second is the Transportation Operations Data Warehousing and Management project, which will create a collaborative plan to bring various types of data into a common framework for archiving, planning, prioritizing and monitoring the performance of the transportation system.

More information on Geospatial Data Collaboration >>

Vermont Showcases ABC Toolkit

The Vermont Agency of Transportation showcased its implementation of the second Strategic Highway Research Program accelerated bridge construction toolkit for SHRP 2, FHWA, state highway agency and industry representatives at a July 10 and 11 event. The toolkit provides standardized approaches to designing and constructing prefabricated bridge systems for routine bridges with span lengths from 40 to 130 feet. It also has recommended specification language for ABC systems. The event included visits to two of Vermont's SHRP 2 pilot bridge replacement projects. The SHRP 2 ABC toolkit was timely for Vermont because it helped the state quickly design several bridge replacement projects after Tropical Storm Irene closed more than 30 bridges and washed out hundreds of culverts.

More on Accelerated Bridge Construction >>

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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