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FHWA Home / OIPD / Accelerating Innovation / Accelerated Market Readiness (AMR) Projects / Operations Technologies

Operations Technologies

Disaster Response Tool: Mobile Solution for Assessment and Reporting (MSAR)

The photo shows damage to a concrete headwall and culvert. A person is shown inputting assessment data in a tablet.

Need: For disaster events that impact the transportation infrastructure, time is of the essence. In many states the current process used by emergency relief personnel to inspect damaged roads, bridges and trails includes the dispatch of site inspectors to survey and manually document damage information. The manual reporting process is time consuming and significantly delays disaster management response time.

Technology: MSAR is a mobile app and web portal that enables collecting and sharing damage assessments and survey reports (e.g., data, voice, photos, videos, geospatial location) in real-time at the scene of a disaster event. Field data is collected using smartphones or tablets; and can be immediately transmitted to management and roadway designers to enable prompt decision-making.

Activities funded: Creation of web portal, app, and assessment forms; pilot demonstrations and evaluation in 27 states.


Sergio Mayorga
FHWA Office of Infrastructure
Emergency Relief Program

Roadway Transportation System Cybersecurity Framework

Need: The growing issue of cybersecurity and its impact on the highway environment has highlighted safety and operational risks to our roadways’ critical infrastructures. The biggest challenge to the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a result of increased value of ITS data and connectivity. Concerns about cybersecurity for the type of control systems used in ITS and traffic management deployments are related to both current technologies as well as legacy systems, coupled with the growing trend to integrate ITS deployments with other networks. These concerns will intensify in the future with the addition of connected vehicle applications.

Technology: For tools and resources for transportation owners and operators including but not limited to implementation guidance, training materials and outreach tools, visit ITS Cybersecurity Research Program.


Joseph Gregory
FHWA Office of Operations

Page last modified on August 15, 2023
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000