How-To Briefs

These How-To Briefs provide detailed accounts of the challenges and opportunities associated with different value capture techniques. These Briefs include implementation challenges and solutions, appropriate procedures, technical approaches, and recommended legal language.


How to Adopt a Business Case Mindset for Value Capture PDF HTML
How to Determine Value Capture Revenue Potential and Boundaries for Transportation Infrastructure PDF HTML
How To Create Interagency Overlay Districts for Multi-Jurisdictional Value Capture PDF HTML
How To Use Market Analysis for Value Capture PDF HTML
How To Integrate Value Capture Into Highway Transportation and Land Use Planning PDF HTML
How To Overcome Barriers To Value Capture PDF HTML
How To Identify and Mitigate Risk for Value Capture PDF HTML
How To Use the Marketing Value of Transportation Assets to Fund Transportation Infrastructure and Operations PDF HTML
How To Incorporate Value Capture into Capital Improvement Plans or Programs PDF HTML
How To Select an Appropriate Value Capture Technique PDF HTML
How To Communicate Innovative Infrastructure Funding Through Value Capture to Executive Decision-Makers PDF HTML
How To Generate Stakeholder Support for Value Capture Projects PDF HTML
How To Meet the Administrative and Institutional Requirements for Value Capture Techniques PDF HTML
How To Manage Revenue Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting for Value Capture PDF HTML
How To Identify Beneficiaries, Set Boundaries, and Establish Benefit Areas that Meet Common Legal Standards PDF HTML