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February 2009 Traffic Volume Trends

  • Travel on all roads and streets changed by -0.9% (-1.9 billion vehicle miles)
    for February 2009 as compared with February 2008.
  • Travel for the month is estimated to be 215.8 billion vehicle miles.
  • Cumulative Travel for 2009 changed by -1.9% (-8.6 billion vehicle miles).
  • Cumulative estimate for the year is 438.5 billion vehicle miles of travel.

NOTE: The Average Daily Travel changed by +2.7% for February 2009 as compared to February 2008*

Click here for lists of state by region

  • Estimated Vehicle-Miles of Travel by Region - February 2009 - (in Billions)
  • Change in Traffic as compared to same month last year.
Region Total Travel Percentage Change
North-East 32.2 1.3
South-Atlantic 46.4 -2.2
North-Central 47.4 1.3
South-Gulf 44.4 -0.7
West 45.3 -3.3


  • All data for this month are preliminary. Revised values for the previous month are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
  • All vehicle-miles of travel computed with 2007 Table VM-2 as a base.
  • Compiled with data on hand as of April 6, 2009.
  • Some historical data were revised based on HPMS and amended TVT data as of December 2008

* 2008 was a leap year and 2009 is not. While the monthly VMT for February 2009 declined by -0.9% when compared with February 2008, the Average Daily VMT for February 2009 increased by 2.7% compared with February 2008, which is reflected in Figure 2.

For information on total licensed drivers in the U.S. visit Select the year of interest then Section III (Driver Licensing).

For information on total registered motor vehicles in the U.S., visit Select the year of interest and Section II (Motor Vehicles).

  1. Travel Trends (February 2009)
  2. Individual Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the U.S. for February 2009
  3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State
  4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State
  5. Changes on All Estimated Roads by Region and State
  6. Volume Trends - Rural
  7. Volume Trends - Urban
  8. Figure 1 - Moving 12-Month Total on All Highways
  9. Figure 2 - Travel on U.S. Highways By Month

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration