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April 2010 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State April March
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2010 (Preliminary) 2009 2010 (Revised) 2009
Connecticut 5 172 172 0.2 4 167 165 1.1
Maine - 504 492 2.5 61 505 483 4.6
Massachusetts 9 219 218 0.1 9 220 216 2.0
New Hampshire 20 299 300 -0.3 16 296 287 3.1
New Jersey 22 389 379 2.6 8 390 373 4.6
New York 55 1,224 1,198 2.2 56 1,251 1,216 2.9
Pennsylvania 20 2,111 2,072 1.9 20 1,995 1,961 1.7
Rhode Island - 54 53 0.7 - 46 45 3.1
Vermont 46 223 221 0.8 47 227 221 2.8
Subtotal   5,195 5,105 1.8   5,097 4,967 2.6
South Atlantic
Delaware 23 141 137 2.9 23 122 117 4.7
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida - 2,213 2,159 2.5 100 2,246 2,259 -0.6
Georgia 80 2,156 2,099 2.7 78 2,018 1,965 2.7
Maryland 24 757 742 2.0 23 760 727 4.5
North Carolina 17 1,686 1,669 1.0 17 1,663 1,589 4.6
South Carolina 69 1,412 1,385 1.9 67 1,379 1,321 4.4
Virginia 72 1,753 1,715 2.2 98 1,732 1,622 6.7
West Virginia - 652 636 2.5 - 728 705 3.3
Subtotal   10,770 10,542 2.2   10,648 10,305 3.3
North Central
Illinois - 1,377 1,343 2.5 - 1,301 1,260 3.2
Indiana 33 1,428 1,382 3.3 36 1,294 1,267 2.1
Iowa 71 1,108 1,067 3.9 74 1,053 1,021 3.1
Kansas 67 845 811 4.1 67 792 770 2.8
Michigan 58 1,631 1,561 4.5 57 1,602 1,537 4.2
Minnesota 33 1,418 1,362 4.1 32 1,312 1,247 5.2
Missouri 82 1,503 1,453 3.5 83 1,290 1,269 1.7
Nebraska 32 718 671 7.0 34 667 642 4.0
North Dakota 28 350 323 8.3 31 331 307 7.8
Ohio 45 1,712 1,634 4.8 43 1,646 1,576 4.5
South Dakota 38 397 374 6.1 34 404 363 11.3
Wisconsin 86 1,529 1,465 4.3 89 1,485 1,410 5.3
Subtotal   14,016 13,446 4.2   13,177 12,669 4.0
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,512 1,476 2.4 - 1,433 1,388 3.3
Arkansas 24 926 895 3.5 23 1,066 1,045 2.0
Kentucky - 1,504 1,467 2.5 23 1,390 1,361 2.1
Louisiana 17 977 957 2.1 17 921 929 -0.8
Mississippi 16 1,180 1,149 2.8 35 1,214 1,160 4.6
Oklahoma - 1,162 1,133 2.5 - 1,080 1,045 3.3
Tennessee 8 1,591 1,523 4.4 12 1,759 1,677 4.9
Texas 71 4,098 4,021 1.9 73 4,341 4,234 2.5
Subtotal   12,950 12,621 2.6   13,204 12,839 2.8
Alaska 30 107 104 2.9 29 98 92 6.1
Arizona 56 996 996 0.0 56 972 959 1.4
California 3 3,731 3,767 -1.0 65 3,416 3,356 1.8
Colorado 74 865 837 3.3 74 966 968 -0.3
Hawaii 6 105 105 -0.1 6 103 108 -4.8
Idaho 94 446 441 1.2 93 440 421 4.4
Montana 58 432 415 4.1 61 417 387 7.8
Nevada 33 308 311 -0.8 32 303 300 1.1
New Mexico 48 762 753 1.2 47 772 750 3.0
Oregon 88 854 861 -0.8 88 870 838 3.9
Utah 43 475 475 0.1 43 459 459 0.0
Washington 36 893 864 3.4 35 862 804 7.2
Wyoming - 355 346 2.6 - 327 317 3.3
Subtotal   10,329 10,275 0.5   10,005 9,759 2.5
Totals 1,740 53,260 51,989 2.4 2,019 52,131 50,539 3.2

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration