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April 2010 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State April March
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2010 (Preliminary) 2009 2010 (Revised) 2009
Connecticut 25 1,802 1,757 2.6 25 1,809 1,718 5.3
Maine - 207 205 1.2 10 227 220 3.3
Massachusetts 61 3,093 3,115 -0.7 55 3,500 3,405 2.8
New Hampshire 10 494 497 -0.6 9 498 486 2.3
New Jersey 79 4,552 4,514 0.8 42 4,659 4,604 1.2
New York 92 6,530 6,498 0.5 90 6,840 6,642 3.0
Pennsylvania 10 4,496 4,419 1.8 10 4,469 4,377 2.1
Rhode Island 40 517 513 0.7 41 497 482 3.1
Vermont 17 105 104 0.7 17 103 99 4.2
Subtotal   21,796 21,622 0.8   22,602 22,033 2.6
South Atlantic
Delaware 16 383 371 3.1 17 379 363 4.4
District of Columbia - 220 217 1.2 2 247 226 9.5
Florida - 8,905 8,803 1.2 131 9,332 9,191 1.5
Georgia 106 4,393 4,355 0.9 108 4,236 4,134 2.5
Maryland 38 3,016 2,969 1.6 38 3,037 2,911 4.3
North Carolina 22 3,499 3,488 0.3 22 3,841 3,675 4.5
South Carolina 40 1,759 1,740 1.1 40 1,808 1,751 3.3
Virginia 124 3,699 3,653 1.3 157 3,579 3,386 5.7
West Virginia - 618 611 1.2 - 637 622 2.4
Subtotal   26,492 26,207 1.1   27,096 26,259 3.2
North Central
Illinois - 5,154 5,095 1.2 - 5,051 4,932 2.4
Indiana 35 2,678 2,582 3.7 36 2,493 2,425 2.8
Iowa 24 817 800 2.2 24 781 768 1.7
Kansas 20 1,078 1,053 2.3 18 1,004 981 2.4
Michigan 50 4,692 4,767 -1.6 52 4,918 4,866 1.1
Minnesota 28 2,150 2,109 2.0 28 2,168 2,087 3.9
Missouri 62 2,457 2,441 0.7 60 2,411 2,418 -0.3
Nebraska 13 573 562 2.1 13 577 567 1.7
North Dakota 8 142 138 2.8 8 131 121 8.1
Ohio 94 4,480 4,375 2.4 93 4,477 4,376 2.3
South Dakota 10 169 161 5.2 10 169 157 7.9
Wisconsin 73 2,021 1,979 2.1 74 2,115 2,030 4.2
Subtotal   26,411 26,062 1.3   26,295 25,728 2.2
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,779 1,759 1.2 - 1,808 1,765 2.4
Arkansas 11 879 861 2.1 11 914 900 1.5
Kentucky - 1,393 1,378 1.1 8 1,286 1,262 1.9
Louisiana 10 1,794 1,769 1.4 11 1,849 1,841 0.4
Mississippi 17 1,079 1,057 2.1 19 1,068 1,034 3.2
Oklahoma - 1,491 1,474 1.2 - 1,537 1,500 2.4
Tennessee 10 2,873 2,801 2.6 9 2,740 2,689 1.9
Texas 71 11,728 11,551 1.5 72 12,504 12,273 1.9
Subtotal   23,016 22,650 1.6   23,706 23,264 1.9
Alaska 41 174 171 2.0 41 148 141 5.3
Arizona 37 3,136 3,111 0.8 36 3,172 3,110 2.0
California 3 20,683 20,764 -0.4 97 19,647 19,570 0.4
Colorado 21 2,479 2,365 4.8 22 2,479 2,439 1.7
Hawaii 22 393 392 0.2 23 385 389 -1.2
Idaho 52 393 392 0.0 55 397 381 4.2
Montana 6 134 131 2.1 7 132 123 7.4
Nevada 31 1,001 1,017 -1.6 31 1,045 1,055 -0.9
New Mexico 44 685 692 -1.0 43 702 701 0.2
Oregon 19 1,184 1,195 -0.9 17 1,234 1,203 2.6
Utah 38 1,107 1,106 0.0 36 1,147 1,120 2.4
Washington 28 2,820 2,772 1.7 27 2,577 2,465 4.6
Wyoming - 136 135 1.1 - 127 124 2.4
Subtotal   34,325 34,243 0.2   33,192 32,821 1.1
Totals 1,558 132,040 130,784 1.0 1,795 132,891 130,105 2.1

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration