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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-17-098     Date:  January 2018
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-098
Date: January 2018


Self-Enforcing Roadways: A Guidance Report


The following case studies seek to illustrate the relationship between the inferred design speed, designated design speed, and operating speed on two-lane rural highways and describe the use of the various self-enforcing roadways design methods. These methods include the inferred design speed approach, the IHSDM DCM, and USLIMITS2. The other two methods described in the previous section—applying geometric design criteria and employing a combination of signs and pavement markings—will not be applied to the case study examples. The establishment of limiting values for all speed-based geometric design criteria has not been thoroughly evaluated due to limited empirical research on this topic. As such, this method is not applied to the case study examples. The combination of signs and pavement markings method must be applied to roadways, and operating speeds before and after implementation should be collected and analyzed to assess the effectiveness of the markings.

Each of the methods in this section of the report is demonstrated using two case study examples. The first example, US Route 6 in Pennsylvania, illustrates speed harmony on a self-enforcing roadway. The second example, SR 865 in Virginia, demonstrates speed discord and, therefore, is not considered a self-enforcing roadway. The case studies also include information about the roadway characteristics (e.g., horizontal and vertical alignment data, cross-section information, and traffic control devices) and measured operating speeds collected at the sites. The following sections illustrate the self-enforcing road-design approaches for the two case studies.


The US Route 6 study segment is a two-lane, rural principal arterial in Sheffield, Pennsylvania, approximately 1.4 mi (2.3 km) in length. Figure 59 is a map of the study segment, and figure 60 is a plan view of the study segment with the speed data collection locations noted. Data were collected in the eastbound direction of travel using on-pavement sensors. The segment includes seven simple horizontal curves with radii ranging from 716 to 1,432 ft (218.2 to 436.5 m) and five access points, three of which are low-volume, unpaved driveways; the other two access points serve a natural gas plant located on both sides of the highway at the east end of the segment. There are also five crest vertical curves. When the roadway was built in 1925, superelevation was provided on horizontal curves, although no design speed was designated. A subsequent project (completed in 2004) employed a designated design speed of 60 mph (96.6 km/h) and increased the superelevation at each horizontal curve. The vertical alignment has not been altered since construction in 1925. The available sight distance for one crest vertical curve located near the middle of the study segment is less than the criteria associated with a 60-mph (96.6 km/h) design speed. The maximum grade within the segment is 7 percent. The posted speed limit is 55 mph (88.5 km/h), but there are no speed limit signs within the study segment.

As shown in figure 61, the typical cross section includes one travel lane in each direction and a paved shoulder. The clear zone is narrow with a guardrail adjacent to the shoulder along much of the eastbound side. The adjacent land is wooded with a natural gas plant located at the eastern end of the study segment. There are no designated pedestrian facilities in the study segment. Signs indicate that the roadway is a bicycle corridor. The AADT for the study segment is approximately 2,500 vehicles/d, of which 10 percent is heavy vehicles. There were no observed pedestrians or bicycle traffic during the data collection period.

This map shows US Route 6 in yellow diverging from South Main Street, or State Route 666, on the left and running up and to the right. Forestry Road in the lower right side of the map runs parallel to a portion of Route 6. A black ellipse encircles a portion of Route 6 that runs parallel to Forestry Road. The map has no distance or cardinal directional indicators.

©2016 Google®; annotations by The Pennsylvania State University and Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Figure 59. Map. US Route 6 study segment map.


This figure is a plan view of the segment of US Route 6 being studied. The figure shows a line indicating curves in the road. The line is marked with 14 open circles and 13 boxes containing the letter X. The circles are labeled; the boxes are not. Curve 1 is labeled "PI STA.2+55.000, Δ-30°36’00" LT., D-6°00’, T-261.24’, L-510.00’, R-954.93’, E-35.09’, S.E.-6.1%." Curve 2 is labeled "PI STA.17+25.055, Δ-34°48’00" RT., D-4°00’, T-448.89’, L-870.00’, R-1432.39’, E-68.69’, S.E.-4.8%." Curve 3 is labeled "PI STA.37+09.695, Δ-14°03’00" RT., D-4°00’, T-176.51’, L-351.25’, R-1432.39’, E-10.83’, S.E.-5.8%." Curve 4 is labeled "PI STA.42+82.880, Δ-19°04’00" LT., D-6°00’, T-160.37’, L-317.78’, R-954.93’, E-13.37’, S.E.-6.8%." Curve 5 is labeled "PI STA.58+20.685, Δ-29°32’00" LT., D-4°00’, T-377.56’, L-738.33’, R-1432.39’, E-48.93’, S.E.-4.8%." Curve 6 is labeled "PI STA.73+04.88, Δ-34°18’00" RT., D-4°30’, T-392.92’, L-762.22’, R-1273.24’, E-59.25’, S.E.-5.1%." Curve 7 is labeled "PI STA.76+59.470, Δ-28°12’00" LT., D-8°00’, T-179.90’, L-352.50’, R-716.20’, E-22.25’, S.E.-6.6%." From left to right, the points along the line are as follows: circle "PCSTA1 plus sign 0.000" and curve 1; box, circle "PTSTA5 plus sign 10.000"; box, circle "PCSTA12 plus sign 90.070"; curve 2, box, circle "PTSTA21 plus sign 60.040"; box and curve 3; circle "PCSTA35 plus sign 34.070"; box; circle "PTSTA38 plus sign 85.320"; box; circle "PCSTA41 plus sign 23.990"; box and curve 4; circle "PTSTA44 plus sign 41.770"; box; circle "PCSTA54651.520" and curve 5; box; circle "PTSTA61 plus sign 89.850"; box; circle "PCSTA65 plus sign 42.660" and curve 6; box; circle "PTSTA73 plus sign 04.880"; box; circle "PCSTA74 plus sign 83.220"; box and curve 7; and circle "PTSTA78 plus sign 35.720."

Source. FHWA.

Figure 60. Illustration. US Route 6 plan view.


This figure shows four boxes with measurements in feet. From left to right, the boxes are labeled "shoulder" open parenthesis 4 feet close parenthesis, "travel lane" open parenthesis 11 feet close parenthesis, "travel lane" open parenthesis 11 feet close parenthesis, and "shoulder" open parenthesis 4 feet close parenthesis.

Source: FHWA.

Figure 61. Illustration. US Route 6 typical cross section.

Inferred Design Speed Approach

The inferred design speed approach was used to create an inferred design speed plot and compare the designated design speed, posted speed limit, and 85th-percentile operating speeds based on the field data collected. Figure 62 is the generated speed profile for the study segment (direction of travel is left to right). At numerous locations, sight distances are limited by the vertical and horizontal alignment combined with lateral obstructions, mostly cut slopes. Sight distance restrictions translate to inferred design speeds as low as 39 mph (62.8 km/h). The inferred design speeds for horizontal curves range from 48 to 61 mph (77.2 to 98.2 km/h). A maximum inferred design speed was used at some locations, typically along tangents. On these sections, there are no geometric features to limit operating speeds, which could be high. The vertical axis of the speed profile plot shown in figure 62 was truncated at 80 mph (128.7 km/h) to show the variability in the operating speeds along the entire study segment and to fit the speed profile on a single page. An advisory speed of 40 mph (64.4 km/h) is posted at four horizontal curves and an advisory speed of 50 mph (80.5 km/h) is posted at two other curves. The advisory speeds are shown on the speed profile plot along with the 85th-percentile operating speeds for each successive geometric element (horizontal curve and tangent).

This figure is a generated speed profile for the study segment. Direction of travel is right to left. Overall the figure demonstrates that speed harmony exists between posted speed limits, designated design speeds, and eighty-fifth percentile operating speeds. Note that the eighty-fifth percentile operating speed exceeds designated design speed at only one location, a horizontal curve. Here, the measured speeds on the horizontal curve are higher than on the approach tangent. Also note, the inferred design speed is below the designated design speed at two locations due to stopping distance restrictions. Figure 62 is presented in two parts. The top section is a graph with seven lines depicts field data collected to create an inferred design speed plot that compares designated speed, posted speed limit and eighty-fifth percentile operating speeds. Slight distances are limited by the vertical and horizontal alignment combined with lateral obstructions, mostly cut slopes. The vertical axis depicts speed in miles per hour, ranging from 20 to 80 in increments of 10. The horizontal axis depicts longitudinal distance in feet, ranging from 0 to 8,000 in increments of 1,000. Inferred design speed for horizontal curves range from 48 to 61 mph. A maximum inferred design speed was used at some location typically along tangents. For these segments, there are no geometric features to limit operating speeds, which could be high. Line 1, labeled "Inferred Design Speed," is a dashed green line that zigzags from left to right; it does not dip below approximately 39 due to slight distance restrictions on the vertical axis but extends beyond the highest point of 80 on the vertical axis. Line 2, labeled "Designated Design Speed," is a solid, horizontal purple line at 60 on the vertical axis. Line 3, labeled "Posted Speed Limit," is a sold, horizontal yellow line at 55 on the vertical axis. Line 4, labeled "85th-percentile Speed," is a curved red line that ranges between approximately 52 and 62 on the vertical axis. Line 5, labeled "Mean Speed," is a curved blue line that ranges between approximately 46 and 62 on the vertical axis. Line 6, labeled "15th-percentile Speed," is a curved orange line that ranges between approximately 41 and 51 on the vertical axis. Line 7, labeled "Advisory Speed," is a solid, horizontal olive green line at 40 on the vertical axis. The bottom section of the figure is a speed profile plot that shows advisory speeds of 40 miles per hour posted at four horizontal curves and of 50 miles per hour at two other curves, together with the eighty-fifth percentile operating speeds for the successive horizontal curves and tangents. Generally, this demonstrates the effectiveness of a self-enforcing roadway. To illustrate this, the figure shows profile open parentheses a curved solid line close parentheses, datum open parentheses a horizontal dashed line close parentheses, and a bar graph showing radius in feet of the curves in the speed profile.

Source: FHWA.
Note: 1 mph = 1.60934 km/h.

Figure 62. Graph. US Route 6 speed profile.

As shown in figure 62, speed harmony generally exists between the posted speed limit, designated design speed, and 85th-percentile operating speeds. Speed harmony is an example of a self-enforcing roadway. The 85th-percentile operating speed exceeds the designated design speed at only one location, a horizontal curve. The measured speeds on this horizontal curve are higher than on the approach tangent. The inferred design speed is well below the designated design speed at two locations due to SSD restrictions. Sight distance is limited at station 40+00 by a crest vertical curve and by lateral obstructions between stations 60+00 and 70+00, which results in the 85th-percentile speeds exceeding the inferred design speed by 15 to 20 mph (24.1 to 32.2 km/h).


The IHSDM DCM was used to identify any possible speed inconsistencies for the US Route 6 case study. The operating speed model can help determine any potential speed management or safety issues along the roadway. Data input to the IHSDM include speed information (e.g., desired speed, design speed, and posted speed limit for lower speed highways), horizontal curvature information, vertical curvature information, and information on the surrounding area type (e.g., rural, suburban, or urban). Figure 63 shows the IHSDM DCM output. The US Route 6 geometric elements, desired speed, design speed, and 85th-percentile operating speeds are included in the plot.

This figure is a generated speed profile for the study segment. Overall, the figure identifies any possible speed inconsistencies for the US Route 6 case study. Note that the operating speed model can help determine any potential speed management or safety issues along the roadway. Also note that data input to the IHSDM include speed information (e.g., desired speed, design speed, and posted speed limit for lower speed highways), horizontal curvature information, vertical curvature information, and information on the surrounding area type (e.g., rural, suburban, or urban). Here, US Route 6 geometric elements, desired speed, design speed, and eighty-fifth-percentile operating speeds are included in the plot. Figure 63 is a graph with nine lines, including one with flags at intervals. The vertical axis is divided into six sections that depict (1) speed in miles per hour, ranging from 54 to 62.4; (2) radius in feet, ranging from 1,600R to 1,600L; (3) degree of curve, ranging from 8R to 12L; (4) K value in feet divided by percentage, ranging from 0 to 320; (5) elevation in feet, ranging from 630 to 750; and (6) intersections with no range value. Line 1, labeled "Intersections," is a solid lime green line centered in the middle of the intersection portion of the vertical axis. Line 2, labeled "Vertical Alignment elevation in feet," is bright pink and gently waves, ranging between approximately 650 and 740 on the elevation-in-feet portion of the vertical axis. Line 3, labeled "Vertical Alignment curvature K," is light pink and ranges from 0 to 320 on the K Value portion of the vertical axis. Line 4, labeled "Horizontal Alignment Degree of Curve," is gray-blue and ranges from 4R to 8L on the degree-of-curve portion of the vertical axis. Line 5, labeled "Horizontal Alignment Radius in feet," is aqua and ranges from 1,600R to 1,600L on the radius portion of the vertical axis. Line 6, labeled "Posted Speed in miles per hour," is a horizontal purple line at 55 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 7, labeled "Desired Speed in miles per hour," is a dashed olive green line at 62 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 8, labeled "Design Speed in miles per hour," is a dotted bright green line at 60 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 9, labeled "V subscript 85 speed in miles per hour," is solid black with dash marks that correspond to the increments along the horizontal axis that range from 0 to 80 plus sign 00. The horizontal axis depicts station. A note below the horizontal axis reads, "Speed profile does NOT account for intersections." Line 10, labeled "designed element differential less than 6 miles per hour," is a bright green line with six flags on the speed portion of the vertical axis; the flags appears at the 12+00, 34+00, 42+00, 54+00, 65+00, and 74+00 points of the horizontal axis.

Source: FHWA.
Note: 1 mph = 1.60934 km/h.

Figure 63. Illustration. US Route 6 IHSDM output.

In figure 63, the green flags show that the speed differential between adjacent design elements is less than 6 mph (9.7 km/h). This indicates consistency among adjacent design elements; no sharp speed reductions between elements are required. Table 17, table 18, and table 19 display the results from the IHSDM DCM in tabular format.

Table 17. US Route 6 58th-percentile speed profile coordinates.
Station Segment Type V85 Speed
(mph (km/h))
Speed Model
0.000 Curve 58 (93.3) High-speed
5+10.000 Non-curve 58 (93.3) High-speed
8+81.829 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
12+90.070 Curve 60 (96.6) High-speed
21+60.040 Non-curve 60 (96.6) High-speed
24+53.628 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
35+34.070 Curve 56 (90.1) High-speed
38+85.320 Non-curve 56 (90.1) High-speed
39+38.298 Non-curve 56 (90.1) High-speed
41+23.990 Curve 54 (86.7) High-speed
44+41.770 Non-curve 54 (86.7) High-speed
51+36.439 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
51+58.050 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
54+51.520 Curve 61 (98.2) High-speed
61+89.850 Non-curve 61 (98.2) High-speed
63+23.880 Non-curve 61 (98.2) High-speed
65+42.660 Curve 60 (96.6) High-speed
73+04.880 Non-curve 60 (96.6) High-speed
74+83.220 Curve 55 (88.5) High-speed
78+35.720 Non-curve 55 (88.5) High-speed
80+00.000 Non-curve 60 (96.6) High-speed


Table 18. US Route 6 design speed assumption.
From Station To Station Min
(mph (km/h))
(mph (km/h))
0.000 6+98.956 -2 (-3.2) 0 (0) 4
6+98.956 27+67.203 0 (0) 2 (3.2) 1
27+67.203 49+59.326 -6 (-9.7) 0 (0) 4
49+59.326 65+28.512 0 (0) 2 (3.2) 1
65+28.512 80+00.000 -5 (-8.0) 0 (0) 4

Condition 1 = 0 mph (0 km/h) ≤ (V85 - Vdesign) ≤ 6 mph (9.7 km/h);
Condition 4 = (V85 - Vdesign) < 0 mph (0 km/h); V85 = estimated 85th-percentile operating speed;
Vdesign = design speed.

Table 19. US Route 6 speed differential of adjacent design element.
Station of Max Speed on
Preceding Element
Max Speed on
Preceding Element
(mph (km/h))
Start of Curve Speed on Curve
(mph (km/h))
Speed Differential
(mph (km/h))
8+81.829 62 (99.8) 12+90.070 60 (96.6) 2 (3.2) 1
24+53.628 62 (99.8) 35+34.070 56 (90.1) 5 (8.0) 1
39+38.298 56 (90.1) 41+23.990 54 (86.7) 2 (3.2) 1
51+36.439 62 (99.8) 54+51.520 61 (98.2) 1 (1.6) 1
63+23.880 61 (98.2) 65+42.660 60 (96.6) 1 (1.6) 1
65+42.660 60 (96.6) 74+83.220 55 (88.5) 5 (8.0) 1

Condition 1 = 0 mph (V85,Tangent - V85,Curve) ≤ 6 mph (9.7 km/h); V85,Tangent = estimated 85th-percentile operating speed on tangent;
V85,Curve = estimated 85th-percentile operating speed at the beginning of the curve.

As shown, the speed differential between the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed and the design speed (table 18) and the speed differential between the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed on tangent and the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed at the beginning of the curve (table 19) are all less than 6 mph (9.7 km/h). Similar to figure 63, table 17, table 18, and table 19 also indicate that the posted speed limit, 85th-percentile operating speeds, and design speed are in harmony. Therefore, US Route 6 is considered a self-enforcing, or self-explaining, roadway.


The USLIMITS2 Web-based software was used to determine a recommended speed limit for US Route 6 based on various features of the roadway and the surrounding area. Table 20, table 21, and table 22 present the information inputted into USLIMITS2 for US Route 6.

Table 20. US Route 6 USLIMITS2 basic project factor inputs.
Basic Project Factor Basic Project Information
State Pennsylvania
County Warren County
City Sheffield census-designated place
Route type Road section in undeveloped area
Route status Existing
Table 21. US Route 6 USLIMITS2 roadway factor inputs.
Roadway Factor Roadway Information
Section length 1.4 mi (2.3 km)
Statutory speed limit 55 mph (88.5 km/hr)
Adverse alignment No
Divided/undivided Undivided
Number of lanes 2
Roadside hazard rating 3-5*
Transition zone No

*A roadside hazard rating of 3 and 5 both produce the same recommended speed limit.

Table 22. US Route 6 USLIMITS2 traffic factor inputs.
Traffic Factor Traffic Information
85th-percentile speed 57 mph (91.7 km/h)
50th-percentile speed 52 mph (83.7 km/h)
AADT 2,500 vehicles/d

Using the inputs in table 20, table 21, and table 22, USLIMITS2 produced a recommended speed limit of 55 mph (88.5 km/h) for the US Route 6 study segment. This is consistent with the actual posted speed limit of US Route 6, which is also 55 mph (88.5 km/h).

Design Consistency of US Route 6

The design of US Route 6 produces operating speeds that are consistent with the posted speed limit and the designated design speed. The geometric design, which contributes to the presence of speed harmony for this roadway segment, is a variation of horizontal and vertical curves, including sight distance restrictions. These geometric features reduce the drivers ability to operate motor vehicles at speeds that exceed the posted or designated design speed. Another respect in which US 6 operating speeds are consistent with the posted speed limit and designated design speed concerns the correlation between the designated design speed and the posted speed limit. The designated design speed and the posted speed limit differ by 5 mph (8.0 km/h). The designated design speed is 60 mph (96.6 km/h), and the posted speed limit is 55 mph (88.5 km/h). Operating speeds tend to fall within this 5-mph (8.0 km/h) gap. The speed limit appears to be set in accordance with the 85th-percentile operating speeds and is a typical limit for the area type surrounding the roads and for a two-lane rural highway.

Safety Performance of US Route 6

Ten yr (2005 through 2014) of crash data for US Route 6 were compiled to assess the historical safety performance of this roadway. The study reported on crashes from the period, with three of them being fatal. Table 23 shows the breakdown per year for the reported crashes occurring on US Route 6.

Table 23. Historical crash data for the US Route 6 study segment.
Year Total Crashes Fatal and
Injury Crashes
2005 1 1
2006 0 0
2007 0 0
2008 0 0
2009 0 0
2010 1 0
2011 1 1
2012 1 0
2013 4 1
2014 0 0
Total 8 3

The IHSDM contains a module that predicts crashes based on the geometric elements of the roadway, the surrounding area, and traffic conditions, such as AADT. This crash prediction module was used to predict crashes for the years 2005 through 2014. Crashes were predicted sing the module with and without the empirical Bayes (EB) method. The crash predictions using the EB method were completed using the HSM calibration factor and then using a county-specific calibration factor for District 1 in Pennsylvania, where this site is located. The calibration factor for District 1 in Pennsylvania is 1.05. These predicted numbers were compared to the reported crash data for the same 10-yr period. Table 24 compares the historical reported crash data with the predicted past crashes.

Table 24. Comparison of historical crash data and number of crashes predicted using the IHSDM.
Years Total Crashes Fatal and
Injury Crashes
Historical 2005-2014 8 3
IHSDM 2005-2014 16.77 5.38
IHSDM with EB method 9.86 3.52
IHSDM with EB method and
Pennsylvania District 1 calibration factor
10.353 3.70

As shown in table 24, the predicted number of crashes from the IHSDM is approximately double the number of reported crashes identified through historical crash data. The actual historical crash data indicate that a total of eight crashes (with three being fatal-plus-injury crashes) occurred in 10 yr. This translates to a crash rate (for total crashes) of 0.571 crashes per mile (1.6 km), per year. When the EB method was applied using the calibration factor for District 1 in Pennsylvania, the predicted number of crashes is closer to the reported number of crashes. This analysis and comparison between historical crashes and predicted crashes from the IHSDM shows that speed management is important. In this particular case study, a roadway that exhibits speed harmony has fewer reportable crashes than predicted by the IHSDM crash prediction module. Because this is only a single case study, additional studies should be undertaken to determine if this relationship exists on rural two-lane highways.


The study segment is a nearly 1-mi (1.6-km) section of a two-lane rural major collector. Figure 64 is a map of the study segment location, and figure 65 is a plan view of the study segment with the speed sensor locations noted. Data were collected in the northbound direction of travel. The study segment has five horizontal curves with radii ranging from 477 to 3,418 ft (145.4 to 1,041.8 m). The second and third horizontal curves constitute a reverse curve, and the third and fourth curves are compound curves. The result is a series of three contiguous curves, unseparated by tangents. The designated design speed is 40 mph (64.4 km/h). The posted speed limit is 45 mph (72.4 km/h) in the study segment, with one advisory speed of 35 mph (56.3 km/h) in place for a school zone. The first and last curves on the study segment narrowly exceed the minimum criteria for the designated design speed of 40 mph (64.4 km/h). The three consecutive curves have larger radii, and the inferred design speeds well exceed the designated design speed. State Routes 828 and 865 form a four-way intersection, one leg being the entrance to an elementary school. Left-turn lanes are provided on both Rockfish Road approaches. The average segment access density is 30.6 access points per mile consisting primarily of residential driveways.

The typical cross section of the segment, shown in figure 66, consists of one travel lane in each direction flanked by unpaved earthen shoulders. There are no facilities for pedestrian or bicycle traffic. Detached, single-family homes are moderately spaced along both sides of the alignment and set back over 50 ft (15.2 m) from the roadway. An elementary school is located in the approximate middle of the study segment. The clear zone is about 30 ft (9.1 m) for most of the alignment. The guardrail is located along the first and third horizontal curves and separated from the edge of the traveled way by approximately 10 ft (3.0). The average daily traffic on the study segment is approximately 600 vehicles/d, of which 4 percent is heavy vehicles. There was no observed pedestrian or bicycle traffic during the data collection period. Additionally, operating speeds were collected at consecutive horizontal curves and tangents throughout the study segment.

This map shows a black, oblong irregularly shaped circle enclosing a portion of State Route 865 that is between highways 254 to the west and 340 to the east. Route 612 is above the black circle. The map indicates two towns to the right of the circle, Crimora above and Dooms below.

©2016 Google®; annotations by The Pennsylvania State University and Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Figure 64. Map. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) study segment map.


This figure is a plan view of the segment of State Route 865 being studied. The line is marked with 8 open circles and 10 boxes containing the letter X. The circles are labeled; the boxes are not. Curve 1 is labeled "PI STA.4+84.335, Δ-49°44’49" LT., D-12°00’, T-221.36’, L-414.5’, R-477.46’, E-7.99%." Curve 2 is labeled "PI STA.20+01.78, Δ-4°26’54" LT., D-1°40’, T-132.74’, L-265.35’, R-3417.89’, E-2.29%." Curve 3 is labeled "PI STA.22+59.540, Δ-4°26’54" RT., D-1°46’, T-125.14’, L-250.16’, R-3222.1’, E-2.40%." Curve 4 is labeled "PI STA.28+50.140, Δ-32°55’47" RT., D-3°30’, T-483.82’, L-940.85’, R-1637.02’, E-8.00% MAX." Curve 5 is labeled "PI STA.45+38.740, Δ-52°14’00" RT., D-12°00’, T-234.08’, L-435.28’, R-477.47’, E-8.00% MAX." From left to right, the points along State Route 865 are as follows: box; circle PCSTA2 plus sign 77.040 and curve 1; box; circle PTSTA6 plus sign 91.630; box; circle PCSTA18 plus sign 69.100; curve 2 and box; circle PRCSTA21 plus sign 34.460; box and curve 3; circle PCCSTA23 plus sign 84.620; box and curve 4; circle PTSTA33 plus sign 15.660; box; box containing circled labeled PCSTA43 plus sign 21.100; box; circle PTSTA47 plus sign 56.380; and curve 5 and box.

Source: FHWA.

Figure 65. Illustration. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) plan view.


This figure shows five boxes with measurements in feet. From left to right, the boxes are as follows: 4 feet, unlabeled; Shoulder open parenthesis 6 feet close parenthesis; Travel Lane open parenthesis 11 feet close parenthesis; Travel Lane open parenthesis 11 feet close parenthesis; and Shoulder open parenthesis 6 feet close parenthesis.

Source: FHWA.

Figure 66. Illustration. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) typical cross section.

Inferred Design Speed Approach

The inferred design speed approach was used to create an inferred design seed plot and compare the designated design speed, posted speed limit, and operating speeds based on field data. Figure 67 shows a speed profile plot for Rockfish Road (direction of travel is left to right).

This figure is a generated speed profile for the study segment. Direction of travel is left to right. Overall, the figure compares the designated design speed, posted speed limit, and operating speeds based on field data. Note that speed discord generally exists between the posted speed limit, designated design speed, and eighty-fifth-percentile operating speeds. Here, the geometric design of the SR 865 study segment produces operating speeds that are higher than the posted speed limit. Also note, this is not an example of a self-enforcing or self-explaining roadway. Figure 67 is a graph with five lines. The vertical axis depicts speed in miles per hour, ranging from 20 to 90 in increments of 10. The horizontal axis depicts longitudinal distance in feet, ranging from 0 to 5,000 in increments of 1,000. Line 1, labeled "85th-percentile Speed," is a wavy solid red line that ranges between approximately 45 and 54 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 2, labeled "Speed Limit," is a solid, horizontal blue line at 55 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 3, labeled "Designated Design Speed," is a sold, horizontal bright pink line at 40 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 4, labeled "Inferred Design Speed," is a broken green line that zigzags between approximately 41 and 90 on the vertical axis with two intervals surpassing the 90 miles per hour range. Line 5, labeled "Advisory Speed," is a horizontal gold line at 35 miles per hour on the vertical axis that ranges between approximately 1,000 and 2,500 longitudinal distance in feet on the horizontal axis. The fifth is a dashed green line that zigzags up and down, not dipping below approximately 41 on the horizontal axis but extending beyond open parenthesis on two intervals close parenthesis the highest point of 90 on the vertical axis.

Source: FHWA.

Figure 67. Graph. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) speed profile.

As shown in figure 67, speed discord generally exists between the posted speed limit, designated design speed, and 85th-percentile operating speeds. The geometric design of the SR 865 study segment produces operating speeds that are higher than the posted speed limit. This is not an example of a self-enforcing, or self-explaining, roadway. Inferred design speeds range from 41 to 92 mph (66.0 to 148.1 km/h). The posted speed limit exceeds the designated design speed, and the posted speed limit also exceeds the inferred design speed along two horizontal curves. These two horizontal curves appear to be associated with lower operating speeds when approaching the horizontal curves. The 85th-percentile operating speeds are close to the posted speed limit near the beginning and end of the study segment where the inferred design speeds are near the designated and posted speeds. Observed speeds increase beyond the school zone, which has a posted advisory speed limit of 35 mph (56.3 km/h).


The IHSDM DCM was used to identify any possible speed inconsistencies for SR 865. The operating speed model can help determine any potential design consistency issues along the roadway. The inputs into the IHSDM include speed information (e.g., desired speed and design speed, and the posted speed limit for lower speed highways), horizontal curvature information, vertical curvature information, and information on the surrounding area type (e.g., rural, suburban, or urban). Figure 68 shows the IHSDM DCM output. The SR 865 geometric elements, desired speed, designated design speed, and 85th-percentile operating speeds are shown on the plot.

This figure is a generated speed profile for the study segment. Overall, the figure identifies any potential design consistency issues along the roadway. Note that the operating speed model can help identify any possible speed inconsistencies for SR 865. Also note that the inputs into the IHSDM include speed information (e.g., desired speed, design speed, and posted speed limit for lower speed highways), horizontal curvature information, vertical curvature information, and information on the surrounding area type (e.g., rural, suburban, or urban). Here, State Route 865 geometric elements, desired speed, design speed, and eighty-fifth-percentile operating speeds are shown on the plot. Figure 68 is a graph with 10 lines and 3 flags. The vertical axis is divided into six sections and depicts speed in miles per hour, ranging from 40 to 65; radius in feet, ranging from 3,400R to 5,100L; degree of curve, ranging from 14R to 14L; K value in feet divided by percentage, ranging from 0 to 120; elevation in feet, ranging from 630 to 750, and intersections with no range value. The horizontal axis depicts station, ranging from 0 to 60 plus sign 00. A note below the horizontal axis reads, "Speed profile does NOT account for intersections." Line 1, labeled "Intersections," is a solid lime green line centered horizontally in the intersections portion of the vertical axis. Line 2, labeled "Vertical Alignment elevation in feet," is solid bright pink and gently waves, ranging between approximately 630 and 720 on the elevation-in-feet portion of the vertical axis. Line 3, labeled "Vertical Alignment Curvature K Value feet divided by percentage," is solid pink and ranges from 0 to 90 on the K value portion of the vertical axis. Line 4, labeled "Horizontal Alignment Degree of Curve," is solid soft blue and ranges from 7R to 14L on the degree-of-curve portion of the vertical axis. Line 5, labeled "Horizontal Alignment Radius in feet," is solid teal and ranges from 3,400R to 3,400L on the radius-in-feet portion of the vertical axis. Line 6, labeled "Posted Speed in miles per hour," is dashed purple and horizontal at 45 miles per hour of the vertical axis. Line 7, labeled "Desired Speed in miles per hour," is a dashed olive green line at 62 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 8, labeled "Design Speed in miles per hour," is a dotted bright green line at 40 miles per hour on the vertical axis. Line 9, labeled "85th-percentile differential less than or equal to 12 miles per hour," is a dashed gold line appearing on two intervals of line 10; it ranges between 50 and 53 on the vertical axis and appears once between the 2+00 and 9+00 and again between the 42+00 and 48+00 intervals of the horizontal axis. Line 10, labeled "85th-percentile Speed Differential greater than 12 miles per hour," is a dashed red line that ranges between 52 and 62 miles per hour on the vertical axis. One bright green flag, number 11 in the legend, labeled "design element differential less than 6 miles per hour," appears on the concurrence of the red and olive green lines, or lines 10 and 7, respectively, at coordinate 18+00, 62 miles per hour. One gold colored flag, number 12 in the legend, labeled "design element differential less than or equal to 12 miles per hour," appears on the gold line, or line 9, at the 2+00, 50 miles per hour coordinate. One red flag, number 13 in the legend, labeled "design element differential" greater than 12 miles per hour, appears on the dashed gold line, or line 9, at the 42+00, 50 miles per hour coordinate.

Source: FHWA.
Note: 1 mph = 1.60934 km/h.

Figure 68. Illustration. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) IHSDM output.

In figure 68, the green flag shows that the operating speed differential between adjacent design elements is less than 6 mph (9.7 km/h). The yellow flag indicates that the speed differential between adjacent design elements is greater than or equal to 6 mph (9.7 km/h and less than or equal to 12 mph (19.3 km/h). The red flag shows that the speed differential between adjacent design elements is greater than 12 mph (19.3 km/h). The presence of yellow and red flags indicates there is no consistency among the geometric elements on the SR 865 case study site.

While the flags in figure 68 represent the design element differential, the color-coded speed profile represents the 85th-percentile operating speed differential, which is the speed differential between the design speed and the 85th-percentile operating speed. The orange portions of the profile line represent speed differentials that are less than or equal to 12 mph (19.3 km/h), and the red portions of the speed profile lines represent speed differentials that are greater than 12 mph (19.3 km/h). Both the red and orange portions of the line indicate that the difference between the design speed and the 85th-percentile operating speed is large, which suggests there is no consistency among the design elements. Table 25, table 26, and table 27 display the results from the IHSDM DCM in tabular format.

Table 25. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) 85th-percentile speed profile coordinates.
Station Segment Type V85 Speed (mph (km/h)) Speed Model
0.000 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
2+77.040* Curve* 50 (80.5)* High-speed*
6+91.630 Non-curve 50 (80.5) High-speed
15+06.790 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
18+69.100 Curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
21+34.458 Curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
23+84.618 Curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
23+84.620 Curve 61 (98.2) High-speed
33+15.660 Non-curve 61 (98.2) High-speed
34+63.233 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
39+24.277 Non-curve 62 (99.8) High-speed
43+21.100 Curve 48 (77.2) High-speed
47+56.380 Non-curve 48 (77.2) High-speed

*The deceleration rate predicted for the range(s): [0.000 to 2+77.040] (in the direction of increasing stations) is
greater than the approximated comfortable deceleration rate as determined by data collected to develop the DCM
(as referenced in FHWA Report No. FHWA-RD-99-171, Speed Prediction for Two-Lane Rural Highways).

Table 26. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) design speed assumption.
From Station To Station Min (mph (km/h)) Max (mph (km/h)) Condition
0.000 2+21.233 12 (19.3) 22 (35.4) 3
2+21.233 8+55.836 10 (16.1) 12 (19.3) 2
8+55.836 42+01.139 12 (19.3) 22 (35.4) 3
42+01.139 47+56.380 8 (12.9) 12 (19.3) 2

Condition 2 = 6 mph (9.7 km/h) < (V85 - Vdesign) ≤ 12 mph (19.3 km/h);
Condition 3 = 12 mph (19.3 km/h) < (V85 - Vdesign);
V85-estimated 85th-percentile operating speed;
Vdesign = design speed.

Table 27. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) speed differential of adjacent design element.
Station of
Max Speed on
Preceding Element
Max Speed on
Preceding Element
(mph (km/h))
Start of Curve Speed on Curve
(mph (km/h))
Speed Differential
(mph (km/h))
0.000 62 (99.8) 2+77.040 50 (80.5) 12 (19.3) 2
15+06.790 62 (99.8) 18+69.100 62 (99.8) 0 (0) 1
34+63.233 62 (99.8) 43+21.100 48 (77.2) 14 (22.5) 3

Condition 1 = 0 mph (0 km/h) (V85,Tangent - V85,Curve) ≤ 6 mph (9.7 km/h);
Condition 2 = 6 mph (9.7 km/h) < (V85,Tangent - V85,Curve) ≤ 12 mph (19.3);
Condition 3 = 12 mph (19.3 km/h) < (V85,Tangent - V85,Curve);
V85,Tangent = estimated 85th-percentile operating speed on tangent;
V85,Curve = estimated 85th-percentile operating speed at the beginning of the curve.

As shown, the speed differential between the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed and the designated design speed (table 26), and the speed differential between the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed on tangent and the estimated 85th-percentile operating speed at the beginning of the curve (table 27) are all greater than 6 mph (9.7 km/h). Similar to figure 68, table 25, table 26, and table 27 also indicate there are inconsistencies between the posted speed limit, 85th-percentile operating speeds, and the designated design speed. Speed discord occurs; therefore, SR 865 is not considered a self-enforcing, or self-explaining, roadway.


The USLIMITS2 Web-based software was utilized to determine a recommended posted speed limit for SR 865 based on the existing roadway features and the surrounding area.

Table 28, table 29, and table 30 show the information that was inputted into USLIMITS2 for the SR 865 study site.

Table 28. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) USLIMITS2 basic project factor inputs.
Basic Project Factor Basic Project Information
State Virginia
County Augusta County
City Rural/other
Route type Road section in undeveloped area
Route status Existing
Table 29. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) USLIMITS2 roadway factor inputs.
Roadway Factor Roadway Information
Section length 1 mi (1.6 km)
Statutory speed limit 55 mph (88.5 km/h)
Adverse alignment No
Divided/undivided Undivided
Number of lanes 2
Roadside hazard rating 2-3*
Transition zone No

*A roadside hazard rating of 2 and 3 both produce the same recommended speed limit.

Table 30. SR 865 (Rockfish Road) USLIMITS2 roadway factor inputs.
Traffic Factor Traffic Information
85th-percentile speed 49 mph (78.9 km/h)
50th-percentile speed 42 mph (67.6 km/h)
AADT 600 vehicles/d

Using the inputs from table 23, USLIMITS2 produced a recommended posted speed limit of 50 mph (80.5 km/h) for the SR 865 (Rockfish Road) study segment. The posted speed limit on SR 865 is 45 mph (72.4 km/h), which is less than the value recommended by the USLIMITS2 expert system.

Safety Performance of SR 865 (Rockfish Road)

Five yr (2011 through 2015) of crash data for SR 865 (Rockfish Road) were compiled to assess the historical safety performance of this roadway. On the study segment, there were a total of four crashes from the period, none of which was fatal. Table 31 shows the annual crash frequency distribution for the SR 865 case study segment.

Table 31. Historical crash data for the SR 865 (Rockfish Road) study segment.
Year Total
Fatal and
Injury Crashes
2011 0 0
2012 1 0
2013 2 1
2014 1 1
2015 0 0
Total 4 2

The crash prediction module of the IHSDM was utilized to predict crashes for the years 2011 through 2015. Crashes were predicted using the IHSDM crash prediction module with the EB method and the HSM calibration factor. Those predicted numbers were compared to the reported crash data for the same 5-yr period. Table 32 compares the reported crashes to the predicted crashes.

Table 32. Comparison of reported to predicted crashes on SR 865.
Years Total
Fatal and
Injury Crashes
Reported crashes during 2011-2015 4 2
IHSDM crash prediction using EB method 3.43 1.36

As shown in table 25, the predicted number of crashes from the IHSDM is approximately the same as the number of reported crashes during the 5-yr analysis period. However, the number of predicted crashes is slightly less than the number of reported crashes. A total of four crashes were reported from 2011 through 2015, while the IHSDM with the EB adjustment predicted 3.43 crashes. This indicates that more crashes were reported than were expected on this case study segment.

Candidate Methods to Produce Consistency Between the Posted Speed Limit and Operating Speeds

Candidate methods to produce consistency between operating speeds and the posted speed limit include geometric changes to the roadway (if reconstruction is planned), or application of signs and pavement markings that can be applied to the existing roadway. Some of the signs and pavement markings currently on the SR 865 study segment include a posted speed limit sign, school warning pavement markings, and centerline and shoulder pavement markings. Other signs and pavement markings, in addition to the current signs and pavement markings, could be introduced in the SR 865 study segment that might possibly reduce speeds and produce operating speeds that are consistent with the posted speed limit.

Based on high-speed traffic calming treatments, various signs and pavement markings that could reduce speeds on tangent sections of the study segment include transverse pavement markings with speed feedback signs. In a study, this combination of sign and pavement markings has shown to have the potential to reduce 85th-percentile speeds by 4 mph (6.4 km/h). (Boodlal et al. 2015) Adding these treatments to the tangent sections could reduce speeds on the tangents and reduce speeds of motor vehicles traveling into the horizontal curves. The transverse pavement markings could create an illusion that drivers are operating at speeds faster than they actually are. This could then possibly reduce driving speeds. The speed feedback sign would inform drivers of their speed and especially draw attention to drivers who are traveling over the posted speed limit. If a speed feedback sign is added solely, without pavement markings, it has displayed the ability to reduce 85th-percentile speeds from 2 to 7 mph (3.2 to 11.3 km/h). (Boodlal et al. 2015)

In addition to the treatments mentioned previously that aim to reduce speeds on tangent sections of SR 865, other treatments could be added to reduce operating speeds on horizontal curves. Such treatments include curve warning signs in combination with chevron signs that span the horizontal curve. While no speed reduction effectiveness evaluation was performed, they pose the potential to reduce operating speeds on horizontal curves. (Boodlal et al. 2015) Adding these signs would alert drivers to the approaching horizontal curve so they could reduce their speeds. Additionally, when an advisory speed limit sign was used for certain geometric conditions that constitute a lower speed, such as a sharp curve, a 15-percent reduction in 85th-percentile speeds was observed. (Boodlal et al. 2015)

The signs and pavement markings mentioned in this section have the potential to reduce speeds on the SR 865 study segment. The treatments vary between being suitable for application on tangent sections or on curve sections of the roadway. Each sign or pavement marking can be used on its own, or signs and pavement makings can be used in combinations to possibly produce operating speeds that are consistent with the posted speed limit.

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101