The Marin County Department of Public Works (DPW) developed the WalkBikeMarin initiative in partnership with nearby cities, towns, schools, and community organizations. The goal of the initiative is to increase walking and bicycling in the county and to reduce vehicle use as part of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program.
WalkBikeMarin includes funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, design, and construction as well as planning and engineering funding for corridors and education and outreach. Marin County, in partnership with the three other Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program communities and with assistance from the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, created a data collection program that includes community-wide travel behavior surveys, bicycle and pedestrian counts, and surveys of facility users. Counts from the data collection program and surveys show an increase in walking and bicycling, particularly where there are improvements to the infrastructure.
The Marin County Board of Supervisors selected the WalkBikeMarin projects that best fill gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian network. Project selection was based upon input from an advisory committee and a public outreach process. The projects are focused along major corridors and around residential, school, transit facility, commercial district, and employment area nodes. The bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements encompass a variety of projects including multi-use trails, bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, sidewalks, and stairways in the hills.
In addition to infrastructure improvements, WalkBikeMarin promotes several programs to encourage more walking and bicycling. These programs include: bicycle repair courses, riding workshops, safety campaigns, planning programs, professional trail design courses, information tables at community events, and a partnership with the Marin County Health Department.
The major corridors include the North-South Greenway, North-South Bikeway, and the East-West Bikeway. These corridors will connect the residential and downtown areas with a major transit hub and fill missing trail segments. Marin County is conducting feasibility studies for future major corridor projects, which will help to secure funding and estimate project costs. In addition to WalkBikeMarin, there are several other bicycle and pedestrian projects in the county that are under construction through funding from Safe Routes to Schools.
For more information, contact Craig Tackabery, Marin County DPW at
![]() Intersection of Medway Road and Canal Street, North-facing view. Source: WalkBikeMarin |
![]() Medway Road improvements. Source: WalkBikeMarin |