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A Look at the History of the Federal Highway Administration
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October 26
1909 Director Logan Page addresses ARMA's 6th Annual Convention in Columbus, OH, on "The National Government as a Factor in Highway Development." He says, "There is, and I think I am safe in saying this, no money appropriated from the national treasury, which, dollar for dollar, is conducive of more good, and which reaches so large a proportion of our people as the little sum appropriated for [the OPR]."
"While the national government does not give financial assistance in road building, it is furnishing the information and healthy stimulus which is building roads throughout the length and breadth of our land. It is acting as a disseminator of information, whereby the knowledge and experience of expert road builders and trained scientific investigators becomes the common property of all."
Logan Page
Director, OPR
October 26, 1909
1966 Administrator Rex Whitton issues a memorandum to all employees assuring them that the interests of BPR and its employees are adequately protected in the USDOT Act. "I share the President's pleasure and enthusiasm in the enactment of the legislation and consider it a major step forward in developing a unified and coordinated transportation policy for this great Nation." (See October 18, 1966.)
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