U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
California Division
Figure 2‑1 illustrates the organization of the Guidebook. The outer layer is the Executive Summary providing an overview of the Guidebook. The next layer is a closer look at the systems engineering environment. Then, the steps of processes and cross-cutting activities are described. They are followed by the foundation of roles & responsibilities, capabilities needed, and example reference & support material.
The Guidebook organization and the systems engineering process are described in Chapters 1 and 2. These chapters will point the reader to the relevant overview chapters. Chapter 1 is the Executive Summary. It gives a short overview of the Guidebook. This is intended for managers or others who wish a quick view of the processes and key concepts presented. Chapter 2.1 establishes purpose and scope.
Next the systems engineering process is described in Chapter 3. This is the heart of the Guidebook. The process follows the seven phases shown in the center of the Figure 2‑1. Chapter 3.1 provides an overview using a diagrammatic roadmap with links to the key discussions in Chapter 3. The other chapters each correspond to the major phases of project development as follows:
The cross-cutting activities are described in Chapter 3.9. There are several important activities that are ongoing or repeated throughout the systems engineering process. They include: elicitation, project management, planning, process improvement, configuration management, interface management, risk management, program metrics, decision gates, trade studies, technical reviews, stakeholder involvement, and traceability. These activities support the tasks carried out during the seven phases.
The systems engineering environment for ITS projects is described in Chapter 4. There are many factors that both support and constrain the systems engineering process for ITS. The Guidebook provides the user with these factors. Examples are: the National ITS Architecture, FHWA Final Rule, ITS standards, and agency roles and responsibilities. This chapter also guides in tailoring the systems engineering process to fit the particular project.
A summary of case studies lessons learned from real-world are examined in Chapter 5. The complete case studies are described in Chapter 8.5.
Roles & responsibilities and capabilities are described in Chapters 6 and 7. These chapters discuss the typical roles and capabilities of agencies, consultants, and developers. While such roles vary from agency to agency, these chapters will assist in putting together a project team.
Finally, Chapter 1 provides the following information:
Figure 2‑1 Organization of the Guidebook