4.2.2 Spiral Development Model

Figure 4‑2 Spiral Development Model [Boehm 1983]
Highlights of the spiral development model:
- The goal of the model is mitigation of software development risk
- Emphasizes the need to iterate between form and function experimentally
- Popular in software development – It works easily with emerging properties and partial solutions of software, such as user interfaces, algorithms, or alternative sequences of events. The "I Know It When I See It" [IKIWISI] approach
- The spiral principle is an evolutionary approach to systems development, as illustrated in the Vee development strategies
- This model can be used within the phases of the Vee Development Model to examine the feasibility of a concept and to derive [or clarify] a set of requirements
- Does not include decision gates or the concept for baseline management of project products. This approach does not promote the idea of developing a complete set of documentation. It is easy to lose the synchronization of the documentation with the actual software product
- Minimizes the idea of defining the goals up front. It encourages never-ending cycles of development.