FHWA would like to express its appreciation and gratitude to the following individuals for their contribution in judging the Excellence in Highway Design Awards
- Mr. Kenneth T. Briggs, PE
Practice Leader Highways
KCI Technologies - Sparks, Maryland
- Mr. Dan Dennis, PE, PLS
Dennis Corporation
Columbia, South Carolina - Mr. Brian G. Thompson, PE
Director, Bureau of Project Delivery
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Mr. Jeffery R. Kullman, PE
AVP, District Director
Denver, Colorado - Mr. Kim L. McLaury, PE, PLS
McLaury Engineering
Elk Point, South Dakota - Mr. Tom Myers, PE
Project Manager
Wilcox Professional Services
Lansing, Michigan - Mr. Steven Hoff, PE
Vice President
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Souix Falls, South Dakota - Mr. Leo Scott, PE
Vice President
Gray-Bowen and Company
Walnut Creek, California - Mr. Daniel Baah, PE
Principal Project Manager
CH2M Hill
Dayton, Ohio - Mr. Richard Coakley, PE, PTOE
Principal Technologist
CH2M Hill
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Mr. Jim DeLuca, PE
Project Development Coordinator
California Department of Transportation
Sacramento, California