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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

FHWA Home / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act / Fact Sheets / Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (SIRC)

Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (SIRC)

  FAST Act (extension) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
Fiscal year (FY) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Contract authority ---* $15 M $15 M $15 M $15 M $15 M

Note: Except as indicated, all references in this document are to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Pub. L. 117-58 (Nov. 15, 2021).

* The BIL repealed section 6020 of the FAST Act, the Surface Transportation Systems Funding Alternatives (STSFA) program, which had many similar characteristics to the new SIRC program [§ 13001(f)].

Program Purpose

The BIL establishes the SIRC program to provide discretionary grants to test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms (referred to in section 13001 as “user-based alternative revenue mechanisms”) to help maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund through pilot projects at the State, local, and regional level.

Statutory Citations

Funding Features

Type of Budget Authority or Authorization of Appropriations

Source of funding

Federal Share

The Federal share of the cost of a pilot project carried out under the program may not exceed:

Eligible Entities

Project Objectives

The BIL requires the Secretary to ensure that, in the aggregate, pilot projects carried out using these program funds meet the following objectives--

Program Features

This is a new program established under BIL.

Use of funds


Limitation on revenue collected


Additional Information and Assistance

Page last modified on January 31, 2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000