December 23, 2015
Innovation of the Month: Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections
Transportation agencies are finding that using ultra-high performance concrete connections with prefabricated bridge components results in a strong connection that can provide better long-term performance.
The Iowa Department of Transportation has used UHPC connections on several projects, including a Highways for LIFE project to replace a bridge on U.S. 6 over Keg Creek. It applied the technology this fall on a bridge replacement on Iowa 92 over Little Silver Creek, an Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration project.
The New York State Department of Transportation collaborated with industry and the Federal Highway Administration to develop and test field-cast UHPC joints for precast concrete bridge decks. The agency accelerated construction on several projects by field casting UHPC joints for precast deck and superstructure systems.
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation incorporated UHPC into its standards. UHPC is considered a tool in the Pennsylvania DOT toolbox that districts and local agencies can consider for use on their projects.
Watch the UHPC for Precast Bridge Decks and Connections webinar for an introduction to the Design Guide for Precast UHPC Waffle Deck Panel System, Including Connections and details on bridge projects in New York and Iowa.
Attend the UHPC Connections for Accelerated Bridge Construction webinar on January 21, 2016, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET.
Arizona Innovation Council Reviews Progress
Continuing the momentum of innovation successes was the topic of the Arizona Council for Transportation Innovation’s annual meeting on December 15. Nearly 40 transportation professionals attended the event in Phoenix. ACTI leaders presented an overview on Every Day Counts, discussed innovative ideas shared throughout the state over the past few years and sought suggestions for innovations to pursue in 2016. The council’s 10 EDC-3 initiative work groups met to discuss progress on their efforts before making presentations to the full meeting.
Michigan Showcase Highlights Innovation
The Michigan Department of Transportation’s Innovation Showcase on December 8 highlighted 19 innovative practices being deployed across the state, including EDC-3 innovations and second Strategic Highway Research Program solutions. The showcase was the first of its kind for the agency. FHWA staff hosted a display at the showcase on EDC, State Transportation Innovation Councils and SHRP 2.
Washington Breaks Ground on Roundabout
Washington State Department of Transportation, FHWA, state legislative and local officials broke ground December 15 on a roundabout in Benton City. The project is one of many Connecting Washington projects throughout the state focused on safety, economic, environmental and mobility improvements. The roundabout, designed to cut traffic congestion and improve access in Benton City, will replace the intersection at State Routes 224 and 225. The project will also relocate a park-and-ride lot and improve street lighting and sidewalks.