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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: September 15, 2016

EDC News

September 15, 2016

Innovation of the Month: Data-Driven Safety Analysis

Where should our highway agency make roadway safety improvements? Are we making the best safety investments? Many transportation professionals are turning to data-driven safety analysis to answer questions like these.

Using cutting-edge crash and roadway analysis software to quantify safety can help agencies identify the best sites for improvements and target limited dollars to the most beneficial locations. The result is fewer crashes and safer roads.
Agencies are incorporating DDSA throughout the project development process:

  • In the planning phase to identify and prioritize safety improvements
  • In the alternatives analysis to predict the number and severity of crashes for multiple design options
  • At the design stage to pinpoin optimal design elements and features for projects, considering both safety and cost
  • In the construction, operations and maintenance phases for purposes such as monitoring performance and determining appropriate maintenance strategies

The Federal Highway Administration is promoting use of DDSA in Every Day Counts round three. DDSA will continue as an EDC-4 innovation in 2017 and 2018.

Register for a webinar from 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET on September 27 for a preview of DDSA in EDC-4.

See the FHWA Roadway Safety Data Program Toolbox for resources to improve agency safety programs.

Flowchart of Roadway Safety Data Program

Michigan Uses Innovations on Bridge Replacement

The Michigan Department of Transportation has begun reconstruction of the M-86 bridge over the Prairie River. The new bridge, which received Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration funds, will feature two innovations. It will be Michigan’s first using carbon fiber composite strand reinforcement and one of only two bridges in the state with concrete bulb tee beams. The innovations are expected to help reduce the concrete cracking, deterioration and corrosion typical in traditional steel-reinforced bridges, which would save money for taxpayers. The current M-86 structure, a historic camelback pony truss bridge, will be restored and relocated to a local road.

Montana Reviews Roundabout Designs at Workshop

A two-day workshop enabled Montana Department of Transportation, U.S. Air Force and private industry participants to explore roundabout design. FHWA staff led an on-site design review at a location under consideration for a roundabout and provided presentations on topics such as roundabout design, public involvement and the impact of overweight and oversize trucks on design decisions. Participants discussed several roundabout designs the Montana DOT is developing.

Watch Videos on Road Diet Benefits

A new FHWA video explores the benefits of road diets, a proven safety countermeasure that increases safety and community livability at a low cost. Road diets improve mobility and accessibility for all road users, including pedestrians and bicyclists. A longer version of the video is also available.

Road Diets video

View Webinars on EDC-4 Innovations

FHWA is offering introductory webinars on the 11 innovations in the fourth round of EDC. Register now for next week’s sessions:

  • September 20: Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections from 3 to 4:30 p.m. ET
  • September 21: Weather-Savvy Roads from 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET and Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management from 3 to 4:30 p.m. ET
  • September 22: Pavement Preservation (How) from 10:30 a.m. to noon ET and Community Connections from 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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