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U.S. Department
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Federal Highway

Policy Guide

Federal-Aid Policy Guide Change
July 3, 2007
Transmittal Number


  1. What is the purpose of this transmittal?
  2. What is the background concerning this transmittal?
  3. What are the specific changes to the FAPG?
  1. What is the purpose of this transmittal? This transmittal updates non-regulatory non-Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)-related guidance in the Federal-Aid Policy Guide (FAPG).

  2. What is the background concerning this transmittal?

    1. During a 2003 Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of the States' highway construction costs, the GAO reviewed the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) cost data collection requirements. In a December 2003 report, GAO made recommendations to FHWA to review the usefulness and accuracy and/or under reporting of the data collected. The FHWA Office of Infrastructure, Office of Program Administration (HIPA), has completed these reviews and has discontinued the reporting requirements for the Forms FHWA-45, Bid Price Data, and FHWA-47, Statement of Materials and Labor Used by Contractors on Highway Construction Involving Federal Funds (see the Policy Memorandum dated May 22, 2007). HIPA has requested the removal of the outdated guidance about them in the FAPG. The main reasons for these decisions are the strong disinterest in the data collection activities and lack of utility.

    2. Although it is mentioned in the Policy Memorandum, Form FHWA-810 was never deemed as an official form since it never went through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance process. It was simply a summary document that went together with the Form FHWA-45 when appropriate. It was never in the electronic forms gallery on the FHWA StaffNet nor addressed in the FAPG.

  3. What are the specific changes to the FAPG? The following non-regulatory non-CFR-related guidance is deleted from the FAPG.

    1. G 6011.10, Chapter 6, Bid Price Statistics, Form FHWA-45.

    2. G 6011.11, Chapter 6, Employment and Materials Report, Form FHWA-47.

Signature: Patricia A. Prosperi
Patricia A. Prosperi
Associate Administrator
for Administration

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