U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
This MAP-21 fact sheet has been superseded by a FAST Act fact sheet.
Main statutory citation(s): MAP-21 §1105, 1122; 23 USC 104, 130, 213
Prior to MAP-21, each apportioned program had its own formula for distribution, and the total amount of Federal assistance a State received was the sum of the amounts it received for each program. MAP-21 instead provides a total apportionment for each State and then divides that State amount among individual apportioned programs.
Total funding for Federal-aid highway formula programs
MAP-21 authorizes a total combined amount ($37.5 billion in FY13 and $37.8 billion in FY14) in contract authority to fund five formula programs (including certain setasides within the programs described below):
Division of total apportioned amount among States
MAP-21 requires FHWA to divide the total authorized amount among the States in the following manner:
Division of a State's apportionment among programs
After determining the total apportionment for a State, MAP-21 divides that apportionment among the State's individual formula programs in the following manner:
CMAQ [23 USC 104(b)(4)] |
Funded in an amount equal to the State's total apportionment multiplied by the following ratio: | State's FY09 CMAQ $ State's total FY09 apportionments |
Metro Planning [23 USC 104(b)(5)] |
Funded in an amount equal to the State's total apportionment multiplied by the following ratio: | State's FY09 Metro Planning $ State's total FY09 apportionments |
NHPP [23 USC 104(b)(1)] STP [23 USC 104(b)(2)] HSIP [23 USC 104(b)(3)] |
The remainder (net of CMAQ and Metro Planning) is divided based on the following proportions: | 63.7% to NHPP 29.3% to STP 7.0% to HSIP |
Railway Highway Crossings [23 USC 130] |
Funded with an amount set aside from the State's HSIP apportionment –
Transportation Alternatives (TA) [§1122; 23 USC 213] |
Funded via setaside from NHPP, STP, HSIP, CMAQ, & Metro Planning: