The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) invites you to participate in informational webinars on the recently enacted MAP-21 surface transportation authorization legislation. Recordings are also available for webinars that have already taken place
The webinars are designed to make you aware of the major changes brought about by MAP-21, and to provide a forum for beginning the national dialog FHWA wishes to have with you on questions and concerns as FHWA works to prepare for the October 1 implementation of these program changes and efficiencies.
These webinars are informational in nature and not decisional at this time. FHWA is still in the process of interpreting this newly enacted law, and we cannot respond to interpretation questions during the webinars. All other questions relating to MAP-21 are welcome.
Please see registration links below to register, or scroll further down to view and download the presentations and recordings of past webinars.
Recordings & Presentations of Past Webinars
April 29, 2014
Title: |
MAP-21 Section 1305 National Online Dialogue - Tribal Partners & Stakeholders |
Description: |
FHWA and FTA provide a brief overview of MAP-21’s Section 1305, which allows for programmatic approaches to environmental reviews for surface transportation projects, and introduces a national outreach effort to have an online dialogue on what the eventual proposed rule will look like. |
Presentation: |
PDF (513 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p23w8eccboh/ |
April 23, 2014
Title: |
MAP-21 Section 1305: National Online Dialogue on Environmental Programmatic Approaches |
Description: |
FHWA and FTA provide a brief overview of MAP-21’s Section 1305, which allows for programmatic approaches to environmental reviews for surface transportation projects, and introduces a national outreach effort to have an online dialogue on what the eventual proposed rule will look like. |
Presentation: |
PDF (513 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p6g7szaby2l/ |
January 30, 2014
Title: |
MAP-21 New CEs for existing operational right-of-way and limited Federal assistance projects |
Description: |
FHWA provides an overview of the new final rule establishing NEPA categorical exclusions (CEs) pursuant to MAP-21 sections 1316 and 1317, published in the Federal Register on January 13, 2014. |
Presentation: |
PDF (1 MB) |
View the recording here: |
https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p1attw8fs81/ |
November 25, 2013
Title: |
CMAQ Interim Guidance Under MAP-21 |
Description: |
FHWA provides a brief overview of both the basic and more substantial changes to the CMAQ program under MAP-21 and how these changes have been treated in the Interim Guidance, which was published in the Federal Register on November 12. |
Presentation: |
PDF (1 MB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p6wispx42hf/ |
October 26, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Federal Lands Access Program
Description: |
Discussion of how Federal Lands Access Program provisions contained within MAP-21 will be implemented. |
Presentation: |
PDF (502 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p11m0bqxj1j/ |
October 23, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Federal Lands Transportation Program
Description: |
Discussion of how Federal Lands Transportation Program provisions contained within MAP-21 will be implemented. |
Presentation: |
PDF (807 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p1uoelfvfoi/ |
September 7, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Statewide & Metropolitan Transportation Planning |
Description: |
Overview of how MAP-21 will impact statewide and metropolitan transportation planning. |
Presentation: |
PDF (1.08 MB) |
September 5, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Tribal Transportation Program |
Description: |
Overview of MAP-21 Tribal Transportation Program provisions as it relates to the highway program |
Presentation: |
PDF (412 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p82pb87mfv4/ |
August 30, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Operations & Transportation Systems Management |
Description: |
Overview of how MAP-21 will impact transportation systems management and operations. |
Presentation: |
PDF (491 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p75ds76xkox/ |
August 30, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Transportation Alternatives |
Description: |
Overview of the new MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), including TAP funding structure, eligible activities, and the optional Recreational Trails and Safe Routes to School programs. |
Presentation: |
PDF (479 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p41dbszct0v/ |
August 29, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Financial Plan Requirements (for Major Projects) |
Description: |
The IPD Academy will host a live session for FHWA and State Transportation Professionals interested in learning about the new MAP-21 requirements and flexibilities for Major Project Financial Plans on August 29, 2012 from 1:30 to 3:30PM EDT. MAP-21 changes to the Financial Plans requirements will be discussed and input will be solicited from attendees on how you think MAP-21 impacts major project Financial Plans. If you are unable to attend, email your questions to thay.bishop@dot.gov . We will be collecting questions prior to the webinar and taking questions live during the webinar. |
View the recording here: http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p3pbgezai6h/ |
August 28, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21: Research and Technology Program Overview |
Description: |
Overview of MAP-21 as it relates specifically to FHWA's research, development and technology program. |
Presentation: |
PDF (483 KB) |
View the recording here: |
http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p6m8oxn3uy5/ |
August 16, 2012
Title: |
Safety Provisions in MAP-21 |
Description: |
MAP-21 informational overview meeting with highway safety partners. |
Presentation: |
PDF (181 KB) |
August 8, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21 Overview w. Partners & Stakeholders |
Description: |
Second live offering of the August 2nd MAP-21 informational outreach webinar to interested stakeholders and partners. |
Presentation: |
PDF (525 KB) |
View the recording here: http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p84h438ro46/ |
August 2, 2012
Title: |
MAP-21 Overview w. Partners & Stakeholders |
Description: |
MAP-21 informational outreach webinar to FHWA stakeholders and partners on core programmatic changes to FHWA programs from the recently enacted MAP-21 surface transportation legislation. |
Presentation: |
PDF (525 KB) |
View the recording here: http://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p8lued19m14/ |
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