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MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century

Home / MAP-21 / Fact Sheets / National Bridge and Tunnel Inventory and Inspection Standards

National Bridge and Tunnel Inventory and Inspection Standards


To protect the safety of the traveling public and support the movement of people and goods on which the economy relies, there are Federal requirements for the inventory and inspection of bridges and tunnels on all public roads and the standards used for the inventory and inspections. This provides a basis for a data-driven, risk-based approach to, and cost-effective strategy for, bridge and tunnel investment.

Statutory citation(s): MAP-21 §1111; 23 USC 144


The following funding may be used to carry out provisions related to bridge and tunnel inspections, standards for inspection, and related training:

Program features

The program has the following features for various bridge and tunnel activities:

National Bridge and Tunnel Inventories

The Secretary (USDOT), in consultation with the States and Federal agencies with jurisdiction over highway bridges and tunnels, is required to:

Inventory Updates and Reports

The Secretary is required to:

Each State and appropriate Federal agency is required to:

National Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards

The Secretary is required to establish and maintain inspection standards for all highway bridges and tunnels. The standards will be designed to ensure uniformity of inspections and evaluations for safety and serviceability. Minimum requirements for the standards are:

The Secretary is required to update the inspection standards within 3 years of the enactment of MAP-21. The update will cover the methodology, training, and qualifications for inspectors and the frequency of inspection. The Secretary is required to consider a risk-based approach to determining the inspection frequency when completing the update.

Compliance with Standards

The Secretary is required to establish procedures to conduct reviews of State compliance with the standards established under the program and the calculations or reevaluation of bridge load ratings.

The Secretary is required to annually review State compliance with the established standards. If FHWA determines that a State is not in compliance, the following will occur:

In addition, FHWA will establish procedures for States to follow in reporting to the Secretary critical findings related to structural or safety deficiencies of bridges and tunnels, and monitoring activities and corrective actions taken as a result of a critical finding.

Training Program for Bridge and Tunnel Inspectors

The Secretary, in cooperation with the States, is required to maintain a program to train bridge and tunnel inspectors. FHWA will revise the training program periodically to reflect new and improved techniques.

Page last modified on September 12, 2013
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000