U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
This MAP-21 fact sheet has been superseded by a FAST Act fact sheet.
Year | 2013 | 2014 |
On-the-Job Training Supportive Services Program (OJT-SS) | $ 10 M | $ 10 M |
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Supportive Services Program (DBE-SS) | $ 10 M | $ 10 M |
Program purpose
MAP-21 continues programs designed to foster the training and development of surface transportation-related workforces and to support disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs).
Statutory citation(s): MAP-21 §1101(b), 1109, 52004(4)(A); 23 USC 104(a), 140(b)-(c), 504(e)
Funding features
Funded by contract authority from the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund, to remain available until expended. [§1105; 23 USC 104(a), 140(b)-(c)] Funds are subject to the overall Federal-aid obligation limitation.
The OJT-SS and DBE-SS programs are each funded via a takedown of $10 million (for each of FY 2013 and FY 2014) from the funding that MAP-21 authorizes for FHWA's administrative expenses. [§1109; 23 USC 140(b)-(c)]
Program features
DBE goals
MAP-21 continues the 10% national aspirational goal for use of small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. [§1101(b)]
MAP-21 makes no change to the manner in which FHWA is to administer the OJT-SS program.
MAP-21 makes no change to the manner in which FHWA is to administer the DBE-SS program.
Other funding for workforce development
Subject to project approval by the Secretary, a State may use apportioned funds (except Metro Planning) for surface transportation workforce development, training, and education. All SAFETEA-LU eligibilities continue, plus new eligibility for National Highway Institute (NHI) courses and for local technical assistance programs. Eligible activities include –
Federal share:
100% for OJT-SS and DBE-SS.
Formula funds used for workforce development, training, and education –