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FHWA/MoDOT Partnering Agreements


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Federal Highway Administration, Missouri Division Office Planning Team,
Federal Transit Administration, Region VII Planning and Program Development Team, and
Missouri Department of Transportation, Transportation Planning Division



  1. Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Metropolitan Transportation
    1. Plan (MTP) 5
    2. LRTP
    3. MTP
  2. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and STIP Amendments
    1. STIP
    2. STIP Amendments
  3. State Planning and Research (SPR) Program – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  4. Metropolitan Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
  5. Transportation Air Quality Conformity Determinations
  6. MPO Certification Reviews and Process Reviews
  7. MoDOT and MPO Self-Certification (Federal Planning Finding)
  8. Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  9. Functional Classification Changes – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  10. Certification of Public Road Mileage – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only




The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the general terms and conditions for transportation planning collaboration between the Federal Highway Administration – Missouri Division (FHWA-MO), Federal Transit Administration Region VII (FTA Region VII) and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). The agreement will enhance and provide guidance to the cooperative transportation planning processes between FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII and MoDOT. This agreement applies to MoDOT, FHWA-MO, and FTA Region VII planning staff. This agreement replaces the existing agreement executed on May 6, 2009.



The FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII and MoDOT shall carry out the ONE DOT (FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII) planning processes given in this agreement resulting in improved communication and streamlined transportation planning decision-making for federal surface transportation projects and programs. This agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities for reviewing and processing the following required metropolitan and statewide planning products and processes.

  1. Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
  2. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and STIP Amendments
  3. State Planning and Research (SPR) Program – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  4. Metropolitan Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
  5. Transportation Air Quality Conformity Determinations
  6. MPO Certification Reviews and Process Reviews
  7. MoDOT and MPO Self-Certification
  8. Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  9. Functional Classification Changes – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only
  10. Certification of Public Road Mileage – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only



The agreement partners recognize the joint review and approval role of FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII, and MoDOT planning staff connected with the STIP and amendments, TIP and amendments, UPWP and amendments, and air-quality conformity determination for designated air-quality non-attainment and maintenance areas. It is also understood that FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII will provide a joint, review-only function in connection with the LRTPs and review and approval actions on the state and metropolitan area planning processes from Certification Reviews.

The following standards apply to each element of this agreement. The partners agree to concentrate efforts in improving joint work efforts by adhering to the following procedures:



I. Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

Although FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII do not approve the LRTP and MTP, the timely adoption of a compliant LRTP and MTP is crucial as a basis for ONE DOT to issue approval of the MoDOT STIP and MPO TIP, and to make air-quality conformity determinations, if needed. This agreement emphasizes the importance of timely review of draft LRTP and MTP that does not cause delays in their adoption by the state or the MPO.

  1. MoDOT, ONE DOT, the MPOs and other planning partners will collaborate throughout the LRTP development process.
  2. MoDOT will submit the draft statewide LRTP to FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII.
  3. FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII shall provide comments to MoDOT within 30 calendar days following receipt of the draft LRTP. ONE DOT shall clearly identify comments based on regulatory requirements and on best practices.
  1. MoDOT, ONE DOT and MPOs will collaborate throughout the MTP development process.
  2. The MPO will submit the working draft MTP 30 calendar days prior to public release to MoDOT, FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII.

ONE DOT and MoDOT shall submit comments based on regulatory requirements and best practices to the MPO within 15 calendar days following receipt of the MPO’s working draft MTP.


II. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and STIP Amendments


MoDOT will actively involve ONE DOT as early on as possible in the effort to develop the STIP. ONE DOT shall clearly identify comments based on regulatory requirements and comments based on best practices. Regulatory comments that ONE DOT expects to be included in MoDOT’s STIP will be noted, to the extent possible.

  1. MoDOT will provide a preliminary (management) draft STIP to ONE DOT on or before April 10th for review and comment. ONE DOT will provide comments within 14 calendar days. The identification of Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) is especially important during this first review. MoDOT will respond to ONE DOT’s comments within 14 calendar days.

  2. MoDOT will share its public draft STIP with ONE DOT at the start of the 30-day public comment period that begins after the May Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (Commission) meeting. ONE DOT will provide comments within 14 calendar days. MoDOT will provide responses to ONE DOT comments within 14 calendar days.

  3. MoDOT will submit the final STIP to ONE DOT for review and approval following Commission approval in July.

  4. ONE DOT shall have 14 calendar days from receipt of the final STIP to complete the coordinated agency review and to transmit the ONE DOT approval letter.

  5. The ONE DOT STIP approval action letter shall be prepared by the FHWA-MO and signed by both FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII. The signed ONE DOT approval letter shall be transmitted electronically to MoDOT and copied parties by the FTA Region VII. The FHWA-MO shall be copied on the action.

STIP Amendments
  1. MoDOT shall submit its proposed STIP amendments to ONE DOT for review and approval. The MoDOT Planning and Policy Group will submit STIP/TIP amendments for MPO areas. MoDOT’s Statewide Programming Group will submit STIP amendments for non-MPO areas.

  2. MoDOT will provide a draft STIP amendment preview to ONE DOT one week prior to Commission approval.

  3. STIP amendments for non-MPO areas
  4. Following Commission approval, MoDOT’s Statewide Programming Group will submit the STIP amendment for non-MPO areas to ONE DOT for review and approval.

  5. ONE DOT shall have seven calendar days from receipt of the amendment request to complete its coordinated agency review and approval.

  6. If the amendment request involves only highway projects, FHWA-MO will prepare, sign and electronically transmit the ONE DOT FHWA only approval letter to MoDOT and copied parties.

    If the amendment involves only transit projects, FTA Region VII will prepare, sign and electronically transmit the ONE DOT FTA only approval letter to MoDOT and copied parties.

    If the amendment request involves both highway and transit projects, the ONE DOT approval letter will be prepared by the FHWA-MO, signed by both FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII and transmitted electronically by FTA Region VII to MoDOT and copied parties.

    In all three STIP amendment scenarios, the Federal agency transmitting the ONE DOT approval letter will copy the other ONE DOT agency.

  7. STIP amendments for MPO areas
  8. Once the MPO board approves the amendment, the MPO will submit the amendment to MoDOT for state/federal approval within seven calendar days.

  9. MoDOT will submit the MPO Board approved amendment to the Governor’s Office for review and approval and send a preview of the documents to ONE DOT within seven calendar days of its receipt from the MPO.

  10. Within seven calendar days following the Governor’s approval, MoDOT’s Planning and Policy Group will submit the MPO’s Board and Governor approved TIP amendment support package, with a MoDOT STIP amendment request letter to ONE DOT for review and approval.

  11. If the amendment request involves only highway projects, FHWA-MO will prepare, sign and electronically transmit the ONE DOT FHWA only approval letter to MoDOT and copied parties.

    If the amendment involves only transit projects, FTA Region VII will prepare, sign and electronically transmit the ONE DOT FTA only approval letter to MoDOT and copied parties.

    If the amendment request involves both highway and transit projects, the ONE DOT approval letter will be prepared by the FHWA-MO, signed by both FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII and transmitted electronically by FTA Region VII to MoDOT and copied parties.

    In all three amendment scenarios, the Federal agency transmitting the ONE DOT approval letter will copy the other ONE DOT agency.


III. State Planning and Research (SPR) Program – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only

  1. MoDOT will submit a preliminary draft copy of the proposed SPR program to FHWA-MO that includes scope of work with necessary funding and cost estimates on or before  June 1. The FHWA-MO will review the preliminary draft and provide comments to MoDOT on or before June 15.

  2. MoDOT will formally submit the final SPR Program and responses to FHWA-MO comments for FHWA-MO approval on or before June 22. This request for approval includes an electronic submittal of a federal-aid project agreement for the FHWA-MO's execution.

  3. FHWA-MO will transmit final approval letter to MoDOT’s Director of Transportation Planning within seven calendar days of its receipt of the final SPR program approval request.

  4. The FHWA-MO will execute the federal-aid project agreement based on the final SPR program on or before June 30.

  5. MoDOT’s annual expenditure report will be submitted to FHWA-MO within 90 calendar days of the close of MoDOT’s fiscal year (June 30).

  6. MoDOT will close the SPR project within 90 calendar days after the end of MoDOT’s fiscal year (June 30).

  7. MoDOT will inform MPO’s provides the approved SPR work program on MoDOT’s external website.


IV. Metropolitan Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

ONE DOT and MoDOT acknowledge that MPOs have unique structures, so review and approval processes must be flexible. The review and approval process outlined below provides guidelines to ensure ONE DOT, MoDOT and MPOs work collaboratively to meet federal requirements for MPO work products.

  1. ONE DOT, MoDOT and the MPO will work together to develop a quality and Federal regulation compliant UPWP and TIP.

  2. The MPO is expected to submit the draft work products to ONE DOT and MoDOT for its preliminary review at least five weeks (35 calendar days) prior to the MPO’s approval of release for public comment or the MPO technical committee meeting where the draft is being reviewed, whichever comes first.

  3. At least three weeks (21 calendar days) prior to the MPO’s approval of release for public comment or the MPO technical committee meeting where the draft is being reviewed, whichever comes first, ONE DOT and MoDOT will provide comments to the MPO either combined or separately. ONE DOT will identify comments based on regulatory requirements and best practices. Regulatory comments ONE DOT expects to be included in the MPO's work product will be noted.

  4. At least one week (seven calendar days) prior to the MPO’s approval of release for public comment or the MPO technical committee meeting where the draft is being reviewed, whichever comes first, the MPO will provide ONE DOT and MoDOT a response to ONE DOT/MoDOT comments, along with the documentation of additional MPO changes to the draft work products.

  5. Once the MPO board approves the work product, the MPO will submit the document to MoDOT for state/federal approval within seven calendar days.

  6. UPWP
  7. MoDOT shall submit the MPO board approved UPWP to ONE DOT for review and approval within seven calendar days of its receipt from the MPO.

  8. ONE DOT shall complete its final coordinated review and approval notification action within seven calendar days of receipt of MoDOT’s formal request for approval. The signed ONE DOT UPWP approval letter shall be forwarded to MoDOT by the ONE DOT agency preparing the notification. The other ONE DOT agency and appropriate MPO shall be copied on the action.

  9. Any outstanding corrective actions related to UPWP’s Federal compliance that were not incorporated into the Board approved UPWP will be immediately incorporated into the UPWP through the appropriate UPWP modification process. Other comments and recommendations not incorporated will be discussed prior to the next review cycle.

  10. MoDOT will a provide ONE DOT a copy of MPO progress reports within seven calendar days of its receipt from the MPO.

  11. TIP
  12. MoDOT shall submit the MPO Board approved TIP to the Governor’s Office for review and approval and send a preview of the documents to ONE DOT within seven calendar days of its receipt from the MPO.

  13. Within seven calendar days following receipt of the Governor’s approval, MoDOT will submit the TIP documents to ONE DOT for final review and approval.

  14. ONE DOT shall complete its final coordinated review and approval notification action within seven calendar days of receipt of MoDOT’s formal request for approval. The signed ONE DOT STIP amendment approval letter for the TIP update shall be transmitted to MoDOT by the ONE DOT agency preparing the notification. The other ONE DOT agency and appropriate MPO shall be copied on the action.

  15. Any outstanding corrective actions related to the TIP’s Federal compliance that was not incorporated into the Board approved TIP will be immediately incorporated into the approved TIP through the appropriate TIP modification process. Other comments and recommendations not incorporated will be discussed prior to the next review cycle.

  17. For a TIP located in a nonattainment or maintenance areas for air quality, ONE DOT cannot complete the TIP approval action until after they receive an affirming EPA concurrence in the conformity determination and after ONE DOT’s issuance of its approval of the conformity determination (see Section V).

  18. Upon its receipt of the Board approved TIP and Conformity Determination from MoDOT, ONE DOT will submit a formal request to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 7 for their review and concurrence in the conformity determination document developed for the TIP update.

  19. ONE DOT will transmit its approval of the STIP amendment for the TIP update following its receipt of an affirming USEPA concurrence in the conformity determination and after ONE DOT’s issuance of its approval of the conformity determination (see Section V).

The flowchart on page 11 of this agreement provides a summary of the process described above.

MPO Work Product Review/Approval Process (flowchart)

*Or MPO technical committee review, whichever comes first.
Note: TIP actions requiring governor approval and documents requiring air quality determination may take longer.


V. Transportation Air Quality Conformity Determinations

Section 176C of the Clean Air Act establishes conformity requirements for MTPs, TIPs, and projects in areas designated as non-attainment or maintenance.

  1. MoDOT shall submit its ''Air Quality Conformity Determination and Documentation'' along with a draft MTP (including amendments) and/or TIP (including amendments) to ONE DOT for its review, comments and approval, as necessary.

  2. Within seven calendar days of receiving MoDOT’s request, ONE DOT shall formally request Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 (EPA-7) to review and comment on the conformity determination within 30 calendar days of their receipt of the written ONE DOT request.

  3. Through the air-quality consultation process, ONE DOT and EPA-7 shall discuss and resolve any comments or concerns that arise during the review of the document. ONE DOT shall clearly identify comments based on regulatory requirements and comments based on best practice. Regulatory comments that ONE DOT expects to be addressed in the MPO's current conformity determination will be noted.

  4. Upon receipt of a concurrence letter from EPA-7 and Governor approval action (if required), ONE DOT shall issue the joint conformity determination memorandum to the MPO within seven calendar days. MoDOT and all other appropriate parties shall be copied on the action.


VI. MPO Certification Reviews and Process Reviews

The scope of the ONE DOT certification review of the transportation planning process is comprehensive, covering the transportation planning process for the entire area and all of the agencies involved. It provides an opportunity for the federal agencies to verify compliance with current transportation law and planning regulations, enhance the process, and take a more detailed look at the process’s technical and administrative elements. The certification is not just a review of the MPO or the MPO staff, but rather covers all of the agencies (state, MPO and transit operators) charged with cooperatively carrying out the process within the MPO’s transportation planning area. MoDOT and MPOs are considered review participants and valuable partners to ONE DOT in performing a review. Certification reviews for MPOs with population over 200,000 are required by federal law to occur every four years. Although not required by federal law, ONE DOT organizes a similar process review for MPOs with population less than 200,000 at least every five years.

  1. The federal review team shall consist of staff from FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII, and if necessary, technical experts from other division or region offices, headquarters, resource center and EPA.

  2. FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII shall be responsible for the logistics of reviews.

  3. The federal review team will notify the MPO and MoDOT to determine the review date 90 calendar days prior to the review.

  4. ONE DOT shall provide written notification of the review by a letter addressed to the MPO executive director, MoDOT’s Transportation Planning Director and the public transit operator(s). The notification letter shall be copied to other appropriate planning partners (such as air quality agency). Generally, the letter will include information such as the purpose of the review, scheduled dates, federal contact persons, review guideline questions and review team member list. To the extent possible, the formal notification letter will be sent at least two months prior to the site visit.

  5. The federal review team will complete an office-desk review prior to conducting the on- site review (including presentation of initial findings). Both the desk review and on-site segments of the certification review will be coordinated with all review participants, which includes state, DOTs, MPOs, all transit operators. In its role as review participants, MoDOT will attend and participate in all on-site meeting sessions.

  6. The federal review team will issue a draft report within 60 calendar days of the review to planning partners (state, MPO and public transit operators) requesting their review and comments prior to formally issuing the final report. Planning partners will review and provide comments to ONE DOT within 21 calendar days of receipt of the draft final report.

  7. Upon receipt of all comments regarding the draft, the federal review team will issue a final report to the MPO with a ONE DOT transmittal letter addressed to the MPO executive director within 14 calendar days. Copies will be sent to MoDOT, the transit operator(s) and other agencies that participated in the review.

  8. The MPO, MoDOT and transit operator, as applicable, will respond with an action plan to address planning findings and outline their method, if any, for addressing corrective actions and recommendations within 60 calendar days of receipt of the final report.

  9. The federal review team will review the action plan and provide follow-up to ensure the implementation of corrective actions and recommendations within an agreed upon timeframe.

  10. Within 9-12 months following receipt of MPO action plan, the federal review team will request a status on implemented recommendations from the certification/planning process review. The review team will provide a recommendation implementation status summary table to review participants and review team.


VII. MoDOT and MPO Self-Certification (Federal Planning Finding)

  1. With the submission of the STIP/TIP, MoDOT and the MPO shall self-certify to ONE DOT that the metropolitan transportation planning process is addressing the major issues facing the area and is being conducted in accordance with all applicable requirements listed in 23 CFR Part 450.334(a). The MPO board chair or executive director and the MoDOT district engineer will sign the self-certification statement.

  2. ONE DOT will transmit its Federal Planning Finding (approval of self-certification) as part of the ONE DOT approval letter for the STIP/TIP.


VIII. Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only

The HPMS provides data reflecting the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the nation's highways. MoDOT's HPMS data is used to apportion federal-aid highway and highway safety funds to the state of Missouri, measure FHWA-MO and state performance against several strategic national objectives and to make national highway investment requirements known to the U.S. Congress through the conditions and performance reports. As a result, both the FHWA-MO and MoDOT have a stake in maintaining a high quality, complete HPMS database.

  1. MoDOT will maintain HPMS data to reflect current information (sample information/universal information).

  2. MoDOT will collect, assemble and report identified data to comply with FHWA-MO- provided data definitions and standards.

  3. FHWA-MO will emphasize a continued process improvement cooperative effort with state highway agency, local government and metropolitan planning organizations to collect, assemble and report HPMS information.

  4. MoDOT will submit its HPMS data report to FHWA Headquarters by June 15. FHWA-MO will provide oversight assistance as necessary to accomplish the submittal.

  5. FHWA-MO and MoDOT-HPMS personnel will address FHWA Headquarters’ comments on the MoDOT HPMS data report for clarification and improvement strategies.

  6. FHWA-MO and MoDOT will coordinate an annual review to assure that data provided is the product of a comprehensive and effectively managed collection and reporting process, and the data provided to FHWA-MO is timely, complete, accurate and of good quality.


IX. Functional Classification Changes – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only

Federal legislation requires the functional classification of roadways to determine the funding eligibility of transportation projects.

In general, the procedure and timeline for requested modifications to a functional classification as described above will be as follows:

  1. All functional classification requests are processed through the MoDOT District planning contact. Functional classification requests located within a metropolitan planning area are coordinated with the MPO. Functional classification requests not located within a metropolitan planning area are processed solely by the MoDOT District.

  2. MoDOT District staff (and MPO personnel where appropriate) reviews functional classification requests for consistency with applicable guidelines including MoDOT’s functional classification processing guidelines, and FHWA’s Highway Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures.

  3. Functional classification requests located within a metropolitan planning area are processed per MPO policy. Following MPO review, any comments, revisions and/or formal actions by the MPO are submitted to MoDOT District.

  4. The MoDOT District forwards the request, and all relevant documentation, to MoDOT Central Office, Transportation Planning (preferably in electronic format).

  5. MoDOT Central Office reviews requests for consistency with applicable guidelines, including MoDOT’s functional classification processing guidelines, and FHWA’s Highway Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures. Any concerns with the request are addressed with MoDOT District.

  6. MoDOT Central Office forwards the request, and all relevant documentation, to FHWA- MO (preferably in electronic format).

  7. FHWA-MO will confirm receipt of the request to verify delivery. Any requests for clarification or additional documentation will be made within five working days or receipt. The initial request will be approved or denied within 30 calendar days unless an extension is mutually agreed upon.

  8. FHWA-MO will provide MoDOT Central Office with a formal letter of decision. MoDOT Central Office will notify the MoDOT District of the decision, and provide a copy of FHWA-MO’s letter. MoDOT District will notify the local agency or MPO of the decision, and provide a copy of FHWA-MO’s letter.

  9. FHWA-MO will recommend any National Highway System (NHS) changes to FHWA-HQ immediately following functional classification approval. FHWA-MO will communicate all NHS approvals, and any requests for additional information, to MoDOT Central Office.

  10. MoDOT Central Office will revise the modified functional classification maps, and supply MoDOT District and FHWA-MO an electronic copy of each. MoDOT District is responsible for communicating the availability of any maps to the corresponding MPO.


X. Certification of Public Road Mileage – FHWA-MO and MoDOT only

Each year Missouri is required to submit to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA-MO) a certification of public road mileage within the state. This certification of mileage is used to compute the state’s apportionment of federal highway safety funds and is required to be received by the FHWA-MO no later than June 1 of each year.
The certification process is as follows:

  1. A summary of the state-certified mileage is generated by MoDOT Central Office Transportation Planning staff. This summary consists of federal, state, county, city and private road (marked state) mileages.

  2. MoDOT’s director reviews and approves the summary and submits it to the Governor.

  3. The Governor certifies the mileage of public roads as defined in Title 23, United States Code Section 402(c) and submits the certification to the FHWA-MO along with the summary.

  4. FHWA-MO submits the Missouri certification to the FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information (HPPI) along with a recommendation that HPPI accept the certified mileage. FHWA-MO will copy MoDOT on the submittal, and on any resulting correspondence.



FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII and MoDOT have an excellent working relationship. This agreement intends to build upon this history by establishing a framework to further promote the existing partnership. In addition to meetings, e-mails, telephones and teleconferences have been used as effective forms of communication. This agreement establishes the following procedures for streamlining the communication process. The communication strategies are applicable to ONE DOT and MoDOT except when specifically stated otherwise.

  1. We shall confer on a regular quarterly basis. If there is a major programmatic issue, the party bringing the concern to the table shall communicate it by telephone, email or letter.

  2. We agree that each agency will possess an up-to-date lead contact list of the individuals at each agency responsible for overseeing various areas of both the state and metropolitan planning programs.

  3. We agree that MoDOT Transportation Planning Division will extend an invitation to FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII to attend their meetings with MoDOT District Offices to discuss the development of planning work products and processes.

  4. We agree that in an effort to enhance the effectiveness of our partnership we must better understand one another's day-to-day key operations. FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII, and MoDOT shall seek to appropriately involve the other in each agency's day-to-day internal business functions as said partnership enhancing opportunities arrive (i.e., MoDOT Transportation Planning Division's weekly managers meeting, FHWA-MO All- Employee Meetings, etc.). MoDOT will provide teleconferencing opportunity to ONE DOT for its weekly managers meeting, as needed.

  5. We agree that the MoDOT Transportation Planning Director and ONE DOT’s planning program managers will involve the other in the early stages of their development of annual work plans (MoDOT planning program business plan/FHWA-MO performance plan). Agreed upon joint work efforts will be shown in both plans.

  6. We agree that the MoDOT Transportation Planning Director and ONE DOT’s planning program managers will meet at the mid-year point of each work period to identify the status of joint work efforts and the end-of-the-year point of each work period to document joint work effort accomplishments.

  7. We agree to have quarterly planning program coordination meetings. The evaluation of the level of FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII and MoDOT's commitment to this agreement will be a standard item on each meeting's agenda. MoDOT will provide teleconference opportunity to FTA Region VII, as needed, for quarterly meetings. FHWA-MO, FTA  Region VII and MoDOT shall keep minutes from each quarterly meeting. We will meet as needed throughout the year on specific issues related to focus areas.

  8. MoDOT will share the MoDOT Tracker, Transportation Planning Division Tracker and the Annual Accountability Report with ONE DOT.

  9. MoDOT and FHWA-MO will strive to communicate to all MPOs promptly regarding policy changes, desired changes in practices or other matters which impact the development of standard planning documents or practices.



ONE DOT and MoDOT agree, to the maximum extent possible, that issues involving the agencies shall be resolved at the staff level. When issues arise that cannot be resolved at the staff level, partners agree to elevate the issue in the following manner:

  1. Resolution of the issue will be sought at MoDOT Unit Manager/ONE DOT planning program manager level

  2. Elevate issue to the MoDOT Transportation Planning Director/ ONE DOT Program Development Team Leaders/FHWA-MO Assistant Division Administrator  level

  3. Elevate issue to the MoDOT Chief Engineer/ FTA Region VII Regional Administrator/FHWA-MO Division Administrator leadership level for final resolution

  4. The agreed upon manner of resolution to be finalized with the exchange of the agreed upon written expectations via email or hard copy communication



  1. A representative of the FHWA-MO, FTA Region VII and MoDOT will participate, as appropriate, in policy and working group meetings of the MPOs via telephone, video or site visit, or by providing comments to staff in advance.

  2. MoDOT shall communicate to all MPOs that MoDOT, FHWA-MO and FTA Region VII should be copied on all policy, working group and other appropriate meetings.



  1. On a quarterly basis, ONE DOT and MoDOT agree to track the average number of days for MoDOT to obtain ONE DOT’s review and approval of MoDOT formal requests for:

    • UPWP updates and amendments
    • STIP amendment approval for TIP updates and amendments

    Any ONE DOT approvals that fall beyond the agreed upon time frame will be analyzed to resolve problem areas to achieve the timeframe.

  2. On an annual basis, ONE DOT and MoDOT will identify and document noteworthy practices that have improved the quality of planning processes throughout the state.

  3. ONE DOT and MoDOT will complete a joint end-of-year assessment of the effectiveness and relvancy of this Agreement. Modifications will be made to the Agreement as needed.

Machelle Watkins
Transportation Planning Director
Missouri Department of Transportation
Date: 6/26/2015

Kevin W. Ward, P.E.
Division Administrator
FHWA Missouri Division
Date: 6/23/2015

Mokhtee Ahmad
Regional Administrator Planning Director
Missouri Department of Transportation
FTA Region VII
Date: 6/23/2015



Approval Action Reference Document ONE DOT MoDOT


Statewide 20-Year Long- Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 23 CFR 450.214 Review Develop ONE DOT reviews and comments on LRTP, but no official approval action is taken.
MHTC is responsible for approval.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) 23 CFR 450.322 Review Review ONE DOT reviews and comments on metropolitan MTPs, but no official approval action is taken by ONE DOT, other than concurrence in conformity determination in air quality non- attainment and maintenance areas. ONE DOT concurrence action.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) 23 CFR 450.216
23 CFR 450.218
Approve Develop Minimum four-year period; updated at least every four years. ONE DOT approval action. MHTC is responsible for approval prior to MoDOT’s submittal to ONE DOT.
Federal Planning Finding – State Transportation Planning Process 23 CFR 450.218 Approve Develop ONE DOT review and approve MoDOT’s certification that the statewide transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with applicable Federal requirements.
Federal Planning Finding – Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process 23 CFR 450.334 Approve Develop ONE DOT review and approve MoDOT and MPO certification that the metropolitan transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with applicable Federal requirements.
State Planning and Research (SPR) Work Program 23 CFR 420.111
23 CFR 420.115
Approve Develop Annually developed work program.
Metropolitan Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) 23 CFR 420.115
23 CFR 450. 308
Approve Approve Annually developed program. ONE DOT and MoDOT reviews and approves UPWPs from each MPO.
Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 23 CFR 450.324 Approve Review Minimum four-year period; updated at least every four years. ONE DOT reviews and comments on TIPs. All TIPs are included in the STIP by reference. The STIP amendment for the inclusion of the TIP is approved by ONE DOT.
Clean Air Act Conformity Determinations: Non- Attainment and Maintenance Areas

23 CFR 450.322 (a)
23 CFR 450.324 (a)
23 CFR 450.328 (b)
40 CFR Part 51

Approve Review ONE DOT review for approval completed at time of TIP and MTP updates.
Federal Certification Review of TMAs Planning Process (MPOs with population of 200,000 or greater) 23 CFR 450.334 (b) Certify Participant Joint FHWA-MO/FTA Region VII Planning Regulations require these reviews be completed every four years. ONE DOT jointly certifies that the requirements in 23 CFR 450 are being met.
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Annual Data Submittal from State and Field Verification Review and Report

23 USC 502
23 CFR 420.105 (b)
23 CFR 500 Subpart B

Review Develop FHWA HQ requires a field verification review to be conducted by the division offices. Based on this review, the division office recommends the acceptance of the HPMS data for funding apportionment and allocation purposes. (Annual June 15 submission date)
Transportation Planning Process Reviews in non-TMA MPOs Not Required by Law

Performance Objective
Review Participant Discretionary ONE DOT process reviews of non-TMAs MPOs transportation planning processes. Completed on five-year cycle. ONE DOT review action.
Page last modified on November 3, 2023
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