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February 2010 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State February January
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2010 (Preliminary) 2009 2010 (Revised) 2009
Connecticut 5 139 147 -5.4 5 149 143 3.8
Maine 61 429 417 2.9 61 430 432 -0.3
Massachusetts 9 194 196 -1.2 6 201 197 1.9
New Hampshire 30 255 257 -0.7 28 262 256 2.5
New Jersey 18 301 308 -2.5 10 292 282 3.8
New York 56 961 978 -1.7 54 1,027 1,008 1.9
Pennsylvania 21 1,487 1,658 -10.3 24 1,575 1,577 -0.1
Rhode Island - 46 46 0.9 - 28 27 2.7
Vermont 48 208 208 -0.1 48 220 216 1.6
Subtotal   4,020 4,215 -4.6   4,184 4,138 1.1
South Atlantic
Delaware 24 88 100 -11.8 21 101 101 0.0
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida 98 1,911 1,940 -1.5 96 2,013 2,067 -2.6
Georgia 79 1,783 1,802 -1.0 75 1,847 1,895 -2.5
Maryland 24 496 601 -17.5 24 607 604 0.5
North Carolina 17 1,380 1,452 -5.0 17 1,507 1,555 -3.1
South Carolina 68 1,137 1,153 -1.5 73 1,193 1,224 -2.6
Virginia 97 1,318 1,484 -11.2 97 1,473 1,512 -2.6
West Virginia - 454 435 4.2 - 506 512 -1.0
Subtotal   8,567 8,967 -4.5   9,247 9,470 -2.4
North Central
Illinois - 1,260 1,286 -2.0 - 1,152 1,163 -1.0
Indiana 36 1,034 1,078 -4.1 36 1,251 1,232 1.6
Iowa 72 849 871 -2.5 73 870 901 -3.5
Kansas 67 690 708 -2.6 66 706 741 -4.8
Michigan 58 1,322 1,309 0.9 58 1,438 1,380 4.2
Minnesota 32 1,112 1,103 0.8 32 1,152 1,158 -0.5
Missouri 82 1,036 1,071 -3.3 80 1,074 1,102 -2.5
Nebraska 35 529 527 0.5 33 529 530 -0.2
North Dakota 32 265 252 5.1 33 284 259 9.7
Ohio 42 1,254 1,347 -6.9 44 1,407 1,319 6.7
South Dakota 40 316 317 -0.5 37 307 320 -4.0
Wisconsin 83 1,244 1,218 2.1 87 1,267 1,257 0.8
Subtotal   10,911 11,087 -1.6   11,437 11,362 0.7
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,158 1,185 -2.3 - 1,174 1,189 -1.3
Arkansas 23 872 895 -2.6 24 948 984 -3.6
Kentucky 25 1,065 1,138 -6.4 24 1,192 1,193 0.0
Louisiana 18 747 775 -3.5 17 837 870 -3.8
Mississippi 36 1,076 1,078 -0.1 33 1,051 1,099 -4.4
Oklahoma - 903 923 -2.2 - 843 853 -1.2
Tennessee 10 1,328 1,335 -0.5 10 1,474 1,492 -1.2
Texas 75 3,653 3,715 -1.6 73 3,847 3,945 -2.5
Subtotal   10,802 11,044 -2.2   11,366 11,625 -2.2
Alaska 29 81 78 3.0 29 81 77 4.7
Arizona 55 972 971 0.1 54 918 963 -4.7
California 8 2,959 2,856 3.6 82 2,792 2,914 -4.2
Colorado 74 760 790 -3.8 72 837 838 -0.1
Hawaii 3 92 102 -10.1 1 86 97 -12.0
Idaho 94 368 363 1.5 95 367 365 0.4
Montana 60 355 354 0.5 60 342 339 0.8
Nevada 32 250 249 0.3 33 253 266 -4.9
New Mexico 49 667 684 -2.5 49 731 763 -4.3
Oregon 76 732 707 3.5 70 704 712 -1.2
Utah 43 372 373 -0.2 40 400 406 -1.6
Washington 36 725 692 4.7 36 705 684 3.2
Wyoming 13 293 302 -2.9 14 314 319 -1.7
Subtotal   8,626 8,521 1.2   8,530 8,743 -2.4
Totals 1,993 42,926 43,834 -2.1 2,034 44,764 45,338 -1.3

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration