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February 2011 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State February January
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2011 (Preliminary) 2010 2011 (Revised) 2010
Connecticut 5 138 138 -0.3 5 139 148 -5.9
Maine 67 391 415 -5.8 67 419 422 -0.6
Massachusetts 4 192 195 -1.6 8 182 210 -13.0
New Hampshire 29 244 253 -3.5 27 252 260 -3.0
New Jersey 20 304 301 0.8 22 278 293 -5.1
New York 50 921 932 -1.2 52 988 996 -0.8
Pennsylvania 30 1,594 1,461 9.1 28 1,545 1,542 0.2
Rhode Island - 45 45 -1.0 - 26 27 -5.0
Vermont 42 207 214 -3.5 41 223 226 -1.6
Subtotal   4,036 3,954 2.1   4,052 4,124 -1.7
South Atlantic
Delaware 19 95 85 11.9 20 99 100 -1.9
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida 106 1,831 1,828 0.1 106 1,939 1,951 -0.6
Georgia 79 1,767 1,743 1.4 76 1,796 1,803 -0.4
Maryland 22 626 527 18.8 24 606 617 -1.8
North Carolina 16 1,399 1,328 5.3 16 1,452 1,450 0.1
South Carolina 68 1,146 1,112 3.1 72 1,148 1,167 -1.6
Virginia 231 1,475 1,301 13.4 216 1,467 1,452 1.0
West Virginia - 412 409 0.9 - 463 460 0.6
Subtotal   8,751 8,333 5.0   8,970 9,000 -0.3
North Central
Illinois - 1,322 1,306 1.2 9 1,187 1,186 0.1
Indiana 35 1,067 1,004 6.4 34 1,241 1,219 1.8
Iowa 83 855 848 0.8 83 906 869 4.3
Kansas 66 675 715 -5.6 63 712 714 -0.3
Michigan 58 1,302 1,320 -1.4 59 1,432 1,436 -0.3
Minnesota 37 1,092 1,099 -0.6 36 1,148 1,144 0.4
Missouri 83 974 1,020 -4.5 82 1,066 1,057 0.8
Nebraska 34 535 526 1.7 34 533 526 1.4
North Dakota 28 282 270 4.4 30 288 289 -0.3
Ohio 46 1,349 1,252 7.8 48 1,419 1,405 1.0
South Dakota 32 307 310 -0.8 29 303 301 0.8
Wisconsin 81 1,236 1,267 -2.5 87 1,305 1,291 1.1
Subtotal   10,996 10,937 0.5   11,540 11,437 0.9
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,181 1,166 1.3 - 1,179 1,169 0.9
Arkansas 26 801 813 -1.5 28 903 894 1.0
Kentucky 24 1,129 1,070 5.5 27 1,213 1,197 1.3
Louisiana 15 743 741 0.3 16 820 824 -0.4
Mississippi 39 1,015 1,031 -1.5 37 1,145 1,008 13.6
Oklahoma - 899 888 1.3 - 842 835 0.8
Tennessee 8 1,396 1,352 3.3 5 1,463 1,473 -0.6
Texas 111 3,450 3,492 -1.2 106 3,762 3,676 2.3
Subtotal   10,614 10,553 0.6   11,327 11,076 2.3
Alaska 32 79 79 0.6 30 82 79 4.1
Arizona - 944 933 1.3 - 923 917 0.6
California 17 2,707 2,800 -3.3 46 2,770 2,721 1.8
Colorado 75 726 738 -1.6 75 803 814 -1.3
Hawaii 6 91 89 2.2 6 84 83 1.2
Idaho - 367 362 1.3 - 364 361 0.8
Montana 63 352 365 -3.7 62 346 347 -0.4
Nevada 32 255 263 -3.1 32 272 267 1.6
New Mexico - 655 646 1.3 - 728 722 0.8
Oregon 83 701 733 -4.3 95 703 705 -0.2
Utah 44 366 369 -0.6 41 407 396 2.7
Washington 35 697 729 -4.5 35 693 698 -0.7
Wyoming - 286 283 1.2 - 314 312 0.7
Subtotal   8,226 8,389 -1.9   8,489 8,422 0.8
Totals 1,981 42,623 42,166 1.1 2,015 44,378 44,059 0.7

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration