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February 2011 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State February January
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2011 (Preliminary) 2010 2011 (Revised) 2010
Connecticut 23 1,559 1,580 -1.3 23 1,611 1,748 -7.8
Maine 9 185 200 -7.3 9 207 210 -1.5
Massachusetts 47 2,979 3,055 -2.5 40 3,112 3,449 -9.8
New Hampshire 24 403 418 -3.6 24 424 434 -2.4
New Jersey 73 3,657 3,536 3.4 61 3,432 3,631 -5.5
New York 90 5,514 5,392 2.3 89 5,623 5,828 -3.5
Pennsylvania 18 3,482 3,265 6.6 16 3,600 3,718 -3.2
Rhode Island 40 416 421 -1.0 41 332 349 -5.0
Vermont 16 87 90 -3.3 17 99 99 -0.6
Subtotal   18,282 17,957 1.8   18,440 19,466 -5.3
South Atlantic
Delaware 17 301 287 5.1 16 310 328 -5.4
District of Columbia - 228 227 0.7 1 266 206 29.1
Florida 129 8,074 8,014 0.8 126 8,773 8,722 0.6
Georgia 100 3,913 3,860 1.4 101 4,061 4,023 0.9
Maryland 37 2,623 2,213 18.5 38 2,570 2,620 -1.9
North Carolina 21 3,513 3,363 4.5 23 3,408 3,351 1.7
South Carolina 37 1,561 1,527 2.2 42 1,498 1,522 -1.6
Virginia 295 3,060 2,792 9.6 287 3,148 3,111 1.2
West Virginia - 390 387 0.7 - 505 504 0.2
Subtotal   23,663 22,670 4.4   24,539 24,387 0.6
North Central
Illinois - 4,692 4,661 0.7 27 4,563 4,425 3.1
Indiana 31 2,204 2,122 3.9 34 2,549 2,485 2.6
Iowa 36 669 679 -1.5 34 704 686 2.7
Kansas 18 936 972 -3.7 18 927 933 -0.6
Michigan 56 3,918 4,049 -3.2 56 4,675 4,713 -0.8
Minnesota 27 1,874 1,846 1.5 27 1,967 1,916 2.6
Missouri 59 1,961 2,077 -5.6 60 2,270 2,302 -1.4
Nebraska 13 515 510 1.0 13 524 508 3.2
North Dakota 9 118 116 1.3 8 130 133 -2.1
Ohio 91 3,987 3,828 4.1 81 4,113 4,081 0.8
South Dakota 10 201 198 1.7 10 195 193 1.1
Wisconsin 64 1,899 1,938 -2.0 69 2,085 2,059 1.2
Subtotal   22,974 22,996 -0.1   24,702 24,434 1.1
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,391 1,382 0.6 - 1,362 1,358 0.3
Arkansas 8 892 867 2.8 8 1,078 1,020 5.6
Kentucky 4 1,131 1,091 3.6 6 1,264 1,261 0.2
Louisiana 9 1,503 1,587 -5.3 8 1,695 1,748 -3.0
Mississippi 24 850 846 0.5 26 1,035 891 16.2
Oklahoma - 1,421 1,411 0.7 - 1,355 1,352 0.2
Tennessee 8 2,590 2,579 0.4 8 2,494 2,502 -0.3
Texas 88 10,495 10,674 -1.7 84 10,876 10,697 1.7
Subtotal   20,273 20,437 -0.8   21,159 20,829 1.6
Alaska 44 134 137 -2.8 42 135 135 0.1
Arizona - 2,801 2,782 0.7 - 2,673 2,666 0.3
California 11 15,777 16,175 -2.5 39 16,126 15,539 3.8
Colorado 19 2,003 2,010 -0.4 21 2,219 2,246 -1.2
Hawaii 27 310 300 3.5 27 385 377 2.1
Idaho - 358 356 0.6 - 367 366 0.2
Montana 5 112 115 -2.2 5 109 108 1.0
Nevada 31 831 838 -0.8 31 941 915 2.9
New Mexico - 658 654 0.6 - 713 711 0.3
Oregon 23 1,059 1,091 -3.0 22 1,129 1,129 0.0
Utah 40 930 937 -0.8 36 1,000 976 2.4
Washington 20 2,287 2,328 -1.7 27 2,331 2,293 1.7
Wyoming - 110 110 0.6 - 121 121 0.3
Subtotal   27,370 27,833 -1.7   28,249 27,582 2.4
Totals 1,751 112,562 111,893 0.6 1,781 117,089 116,698 0.3

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration