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July 2011 Traffic Volume Trends

Individual Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the U.S. for July 2011

Table - 1. Estimated Individual Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the United States**
System Month
2010 Individual Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel in Billions
Rural Interstate 17.6 16.4 20.0 21.0 21.8 21.9 23.9 23.1 20.3 21.3 19.9 19.7
Rural Other Arterial 26.5 25.7 31.3 31.5 32.9 33.6 36.0 35.0 32.0 33.0 30.0 29.2
Other Rural 26.5 25.1 31.0 31.6 32.5 33.4 34.4 33.5 31.1 32.5 28.8 28.1
Urban Interstate 36.1 34.4 40.6 40.6 41.5 42.5 41.3 42.1 39.9 41.2 40.0 39.9
Urban Other Arterial 80.6 77.5 91.2 90.8 90.2 90.8 91.8 93.0 85.9 91.7 86.1 88.0
Other Urban 35.7 33.7 39.9 41.2 40.1 40.8 41.1 41.0 38.7 40.2 38.4 39.6
All Systems 223.0 212.8 253.9 256.6 259.0 262.9 268.5 267.6 247.9 260.0 243.1 244.6
2011 Individual Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel in Billions
Rural Interstate 17.6 16.6 19.9 20.5 21.2 21.5 23.4
Rural Other Arterial 26.8 26.0 30.6 30.5 32.0 33.0 35.1
Other Rural 26.6 25.2 30.4 30.5 31.5 32.7 33.4
Urban Interstate 36.3 34.6 40.6 40.2 41.2 42.1 40.5
Urban Other Arterial 81.0 77.5 89.9 89.0 88.7 89.8 89.5
Other Urban 35.8 34.2 39.5 40.2 39.6 40.0 39.9
All Systems 224.1 214.1 250.9 250.9 254.4 259.1 261.8
* Percent Change In Individual Monthly Travel 2010 vs. 2011
Rural Interstate 0.3 0.8 -0.7 -2.2 -2.5 -1.8 -2.2
Rural Other Arterial 1.3 0.9 -2.1 -3.3 -2.6 -1.7 -2.6
Other Rural 0.3 0.4 -1.9 -3.5 -3.0 -2.1 -2.9
Urban Interstate 0.4 0.7 0.0 -1.0 -0.6 -0.8 -1.9
Urban Other Arterial 0.5 0.0 -1.4 -2.0 -1.7 -1.1 -2.5
Other Urban 0.4 1.5 -0.8 -2.3 -1.2 -2.0 -2.9
All Systems 0.5 0.6 -1.2 -2.2 -1.8 -1.4 -2.5
Table - 2. Estimated Cumulative Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the United States**
System Month
2010 Cumulative Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel in Billions
Rural Interstate 17.6 34.0 54.0 75.0 96.8 118.7 142.6 165.7 186.0 207.3 227.1 246.8
Rural Other Arterial 26.5 52.2 83.4 115.0 147.9 181.5 217.5 252.5 284.5 317.5 347.4 376.7
Other Rural 26.5 51.6 82.5 114.1 146.6 180.0 214.4 247.9 278.9 311.5 340.3 368.4
Urban Interstate 36.1 70.5 111.1 151.7 193.2 235.6 276.9 319.0 359.0 400.2 440.2 480.1
Urban Other Arterial 80.6 158.1 249.3 340.0 430.3 521.1 612.9 705.9 791.8 883.5 969.6 1057.7
Other Urban 35.7 69.4 109.3 150.5 190.6 231.4 272.4 313.4 352.1 392.4 430.8 470.4
All Systems 223.0 435.8 689.7 946.3 1205.3 1468.2 1736.7 2004.4 2252.3 2512.3 2755.4 3000.0
2011 Cumulative Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel in Billions
Rural Interstate 17.6 34.2 54.1 74.6 95.8 117.3 140.7
Rural Other Arterial 26.8 52.8 83.4 113.9 145.9 178.9 214.0
Other Rural 26.6 51.8 82.1 112.6 144.1 176.8 210.2
Urban Interstate 36.3 70.9 111.5 151.7 193.0 235.1 275.6
Urban Other Arterial 81.0 158.5 248.4 337.3 426.1 515.9 605.5
Other Urban 35.8 70.1 109.6 149.8 189.4 229.4 269.3
All Systems 224.1 438.2 689.1 940.0 1194.3 1453.5 1715.3
* Percent Change In Cumulative Monthly Travel 2010 vs. 2011
Rural Interstate 0.3 0.6 0.1 -0.5 -1.0 -1.1 -1.3
Rural Other Arterial 1.3 1.1 -0.1 -1.0 -1.3 -1.4 -1.6
Other Rural 0.3 0.3 -0.5 -1.3 -1.7 -1.8 -2.0
Urban Interstate 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.5
Urban Other Arterial 0.5 0.2 -0.4 -0.8 -1.0 -1.0 -1.2
Other Urban 0.4 0.9 0.3 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.1
All Systems 0.5 0.5 -0.1 -0.7 -0.9 -1.0 -1.2

* Percent change is based on vehicle travel in millions of miles.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration