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Federal Highway


November 2001

Travel on all roads and streets changed by +2.7 percent for November 2001 as compared to November 2000.

Click for lists of states by region

Estimated Vehicle-Miles of Travel by Region - November 2001 - (in Billions)

West North Central South Gulf Northeast South Atlantic
52.1 52.8 43.8 34.7 45.7

Change in Traffic as compared to the same month last year.
+1.9% +3.4% +3.2% +2.2% +2.9%

Note: All data for this month are preliminary. Revised values for the previous month are shown in Tables 1 and 2. All vehicle-miles of travel computed with 2000 Table VM-2 as a base. Complied with data on hand as of January 11, 2002.

1. Travel Trends (November 2001)
2. Individual Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the U.S.
3.Cumulative Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the U.S.
4. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State
5. Traffic Volume Trends - Rural
  1. Year 2000
  2. Year 2001
6. Traffic Volume Trends - Urban
  1. Year 2000
  2. Year 2001
7. Figure 1 - Moving 12-Month Total on All Highways
8. Figure 2 - Travel on U.S. Highways By Month

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration