Partial-Depth Repairs
1.0 Introduction
Partial-depth repair is a concrete pavement restoration technique that corrects localized distress such as spalls, scaling, and popouts in concrete pavements. Partial-depth repair improves the rideability of jointed concrete pavement. Thus contributing to reduced moisture infiltration and intrusion of incompressibles into joints. It also restores a uniform, well defined joint sealant reservoir prior to joint resealing.
In brief, partial-depth repair involves removing an area of deteriorated concrete that is limited to the top one-third of the slab thickness and replacing it with appropriate repair materials. Depending on the type of repair material used and the repair location, a new joint sealant system may be placed as well. The repair technique can be applied either transversely or longitudinally on the pavement where deteriorations are detected.
This guide describe the procedures and materials recommended for partial-depth repair of concrete pavements, including detailed guidelines for the design, construction, performance, and cost. The following aspects of partial-depth repair are presented in this document:
- Selection of candidate projects.
- Design and material considerations.
- Construction steps.
- Performance.
- Cost.