Mechanistic Empirical Design Guide Implementation
FHWA considers implementation of mechanistic-empirical pavement design a critical element in improving the National Highway System. To help move the implementation forward, FHWA intends to provide significant support for these efforts.
- AASHTO Pavement ME National Users Group
- ME Clearing House
- Status of Pavement Design in the US (2003)
- Webcasts of Design Guide Workshops
- DGIT Workshops and Training
- 2015 Regional MEPDG Peer Exchange Meetings (.pdf, 17 mb)
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hosted four additional regional peer exchange meetings to foster the sharing of SHA experiences and assist in the overall implementation effort. The four regional peer exchange meetings included:
- Southeast AASHTO Region 2, Atlanta, Georgia, November 5-6, 2014
- Southwest AASHTO Region 4, Phoenix, Arizona, January, 20-22, 2015.
- Northwest AASHTO Region 4, Portland, Oregon, April 14-15, 2015
- Northeast AASHTO Region 1, Albany, New York, May 13-14, 2015.
The overarching goals of the four MEPDG regional peer exchange meetings included:
- Provide an opportunity for peers to discuss issues related to the MEPDG and the accompanying AASHTOWare software
- Provide a forum for the exchange of information for the participating SHAs
- Prepare peer exchange meeting reports that provide a way of documenting the significant findings so that they may be effectively used by SHAs and others pursuing the implementation of the MEPDG and AASHTOWare Pavement ME DesignTM.
This report summarizes the discussions of all four peer exchange meetings.