Pavement Warranties - Guidance
FHWA is interested in advancing short and long-term performance warranties for Hot Mix Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete pavements as well as material and workmanship type warranties on pavement preservation treatments. The documents are arranged to address various highpoints that should be considered in all warranty programs, independent of the source of funding or routes.
The first document provides agencies with information to gain an understanding of what warranties are and why they should be used. The second document discusses the selection procedures for pavement warranties and includes specification development, bonding or guarantee issues, project selection, along with acceptance and verification procedures for warranty projects. In addition, it presents warranty experiences from various states. This third document is intended to provide information on the management of a pavement warranty program along with examples of warranty specifications.
Current requirements for warranties are contained in 23 CFR 635.413.
The following three documents have been prepared based on the input/successes from States and Industry as well and is presented as best practices.
- Part 1: Background for Pavement Warranties - What are they and why should they be used. (Word version, 0.2 mb)
- Part 2: Selection Procedures for Pavement Warranties - How to establish criteria and how to select projects. (Word version, 0.2 mb)
- Part 3: Management of Pavement Warranties - Warranty programs. (Word version, 0.1 mb)
- Cliff notes have been developed from the three pavement warranty documents for your use (.pdf, 0.1 mb)
In conjunction with the guidance documents, FHWA Basic Pavement Warranties Workshop is available for States to request. In addition to the one-day workshop, technical support is offered to the agencies to discuss pavement warranties in details the basic workshop does not get into. The one-day workshop for the agenda and instructions on bringing it to your agency.