U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-007
Date: October 2010
New Directions and New Solutions
Join transportation professionals from around the world to discuss new directions and rapidly evolving innovations in project delivery, risk management, and technology at the Second International Conference on Transportation Construction Management. Scheduled for February 7-10, 2011, in Orlando, Florida, the event will build upon the success of the first conference in 2009, which drew approximately 250 attendees and covered such topics as quality systems, construction performance specifications, accelerated construction, public-private partnerships, and alternative contracting and project delivery systems (see July 2009 Focus at www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/focus/09jul/03.cfm).
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Transportation Research Board, and Transportation Development Foundation are cosponsoring the 2011 event, with the American Road and Transportation Builders Association serving as the conference manager.
The event will feature multiple tracks of presentations and numerous opportunities for participants to share ideas and learn from each other's best practices. |
Participants will look at how anticipating and resolving issues before construction begins is key to minimizing risk, meeting or exceeding customers' expectations, and saving money. "Today's transportation construction managers and contractors are involved in project scoping, planning, public outreach, contract structure, finance, accelerated scheduling, and a host of other efforts aimed at minimizing risk, avoiding construction delays, and lessening impacts to users," says Jerry Yakowenko of FHWA. "The conference provides the opportunity to learn about innovations and advancements in all of these different aspects of construction management."
As with the first conference, the event will feature multiple tracks of presentations and numerous opportunities for participants to share ideas and learn from each other's best practices. The second conference will also feature additional emphasis on international success stories and case studies from other modes of transportation, including transit, rail, and airport construction.
To learn more about the Second International Conference on Transportation Construction Management, visit www.tcm-2.org . The Web site includes summary information and links to presentations from the 2009 conference. Information is also available by contacting Jerry Yakowenko at FHWA, 202-366-1562 (email: gerald.yakowenko@fhwa.dot.gov). For additional resources on transportation construction management, contract administration, and other project delivery topics, including manuals, fact sheets, and forms, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/contracts.