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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-05-150
Date: February 2006

Review of The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Backcalculation Results

Appendix A

This appendix consists of charts showing the screening results of the section average backcalculation data.

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Figure 55. Charts. Screening results of section average elastic moduli of the asphalt concrete layer for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model.

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Figure 56. Charts. Screening results of section average elastic moduli of the base layer for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model.

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Figure 57. Charts. Screening results of section average elastic moduli of the subgrade for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model.

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Figure 58. Charts. Screening results of section average elastic moduli of the asphalt concrete layer for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the nonlinear elastic model.

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Figure 59. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the base layer for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the nonlinear elastic model.

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Figure 60. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the subgrade for the flexible sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the nonlinear elastic model.

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Figure 61. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the PCC slab for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model using MODCOMP.

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Figure 62. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the base layer for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model using MODCOMP.

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Figure 63. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the subgrade for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_FLX_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the linear elastic model using MODCOMP.

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Figure 64. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the PCC slab for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-elastic-solid model.

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Figure 65. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the PCC slab for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-dense-liquid model.

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Figure 66. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the base layer for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-elastic-solid model.

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Figure 67. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the base layer for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-dense-liquid model.

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Figure 68. Charts. Screening results of the section average elastic moduli of the subgrade for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-elastic-solid model.

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Figure 69. Charts. Screening results of the section average k-values of the subgrade for the rigid sections in the MON_DEFL_RGD_BAKCALC_SECT table based on the slab-on-dense-liquid model.


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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101