U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-98-085 |
BELLS2 Source Code:
AREA Temperature Regression Source Code
AREA Basin Adjustment Factor Source Code
F1 Temperature Regression Source Code
F1 Basin Adjustment Factor Source Code
Delta8 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Delta12 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Delta18 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Delta24 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Delta36 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Delta60 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
BAFDelta36 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Ratio8 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Ratio18 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Ratio24 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Ratio36 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Ratio60 Factor Temperature Regression Source Code
Function BELLS2(sIR As Single, sTime As Single, sDepth As Single, _
sPrevDayAir As Single) As Variant
Dim sTd As Single
Dim sLogDepth As Single
Dim sFirstBracket As Single
Dim sLastTerm As Single
Dim sSin135 As Single
Dim sSin155 As Single
Dim cPI As Single
Dim sDecHrs As Single
sDecHrs = sTime * 24
cPI = 3.141592653589793238
If sDecHrs > 11 Or sDecHrs < 5 Then
If sDecHrs < 5 Then sDecHrs = sDecHrs + 24
sSin155 = Sin(2 * cPI * (sDecHrs - 15.5) / 18)
sSin155 = -1
End If
If sDecHrs > 9 Or sDecHrs < 3 Then
If sDecHrs < 3 Then sDecHrs = sDecHrs + 24
sSin135 = Sin(2 * cPI * (sDecHrs - 13.5) / 18)
sSin135 = -1
End If
If sDepth > 0 Then
sTd = 2.78 + 0.912 * sIR
sLogDepth = Log(sDepth) / Log(10) - 1.25
sFirstBracket = -0.428 * sIR + 0.553 * sPrevDayAir + 2.63 _
* sSin155
sLastTerm = 0.027 * sIR * sSin135
sTd = sTd + sLogDepth * sFirstBracket + sLastTerm
BELLS2 = sTd
BELLS2 = "err"
End If
End Function
Function BELLS3(sIR As Single, sTime As Single, sDepth As Single, _
sPrevDayAir As Single) As Variant
Dim sTd As Single
Dim sLogDepth As Single
Dim sFirstBracket As Single
Dim sLastTerm As Single
Dim sSin135 As Single
Dim sSin155 As Single
Dim cPI As Single
Dim sDecHrs As Single
sDecHrs = sTime * 24
cPI = 3.141592653589793238
If sDecHrs > 11 Or sDecHrs < 5 Then
If sDecHrs < 5 Then sDecHrs = sDecHrs + 24
sSin155 = Sin(2 * cPI * (sDecHrs - 15.5) / 18)
sSin155 = -1
End If
If sDecHrs > 9 Or sDecHrs < 3 Then
If sDecHrs < 3 Then sDecHrs = sDecHrs + 24
sSin135 = Sin(2 * cPI * (sDecHrs - 13.5) / 18)
sSin135 = -1
End If
If sDepth > 0 Then
sTd = 0.95 + 0.892 * sIR
sLogDepth = Log(sDepth) / Log(10) - 1.25
sFirstBracket = -0.448 * sIR + 0.621 * sPrevDayAir + 1.83 _
* sSin155
sLastTerm = 0.042 * sIR * sSin135
sTd = sTd + sLogDepth * sFirstBracket + sLastTerm
BELLS3 = sTd
BELLS3 = "err"
End If
End Function
Function ATAFDefault(sTempMeasured As Single, sTempRef As Single) As Single
Dim sSlope As Single
sSlope = -0.021
ATAFDefault = 10 ^ (sSlope * (sTempRef - sTempMeasured))
End Function
Function AREA(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
AREA = 12.99232 + 7.770445 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
- 6.784399 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.104767 * sTm _
- 0.116036 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function BAFAREA(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim AREAref As Single
Dim AREAmeas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
AREAref = 12.99232 + 7.770445 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
- 6.784399 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.104767 * sTr _
- 0.116036 * sTr * sLog10Hac
AREAmeas = 12.99232 + 7.770445 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
- 6.784399 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.104767 * sTm _
- 0.116036 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function LogF1(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogF1 = 0.32594674 - 0.3824401 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.3269722 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.0044681 * sTm _
- 0.0055458 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function BAFF1(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim F1Ref As Single
Dim F1Meas As Single
Dim LogF1Ref As Single
Dim LogF1Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogF1Meas = 0.32594674 - 0.3824401 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.3269722 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.0044681 * sTm _
- 0.0055458 * sTm * sLog10Hac
F1Meas = 10 ^ LogF1Meas
LogF1Ref = 0.32594674 - 0.3824401 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.3269722 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.0044681 * sTr _
- 0.0055458 * sTr * sLog10Hac
F1Ref = 10 ^ LogF1Ref
BAFF1 = LogF1Ref / LogF1Meas
End Function
Function LogDelta8(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta8 = 3.023929 - 1.49409194 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.54104246 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.39373083 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02300368 * sTm _
+ 0.01106898 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
End Function
Function LogDelta12(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta12 = 3.44982 - 1.59017246 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.48886573 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.4490117 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0274853 * sTm _
+ 0.0120207 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
End Function
Function LogDelta18(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta18 = 4.17526765 - 1.5181354 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.31725437 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02649102 * sTm _
+ 0.011248527 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
End Function
Function LogDelta24(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta24 = 3.300464 - 1.321635 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.51391458 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0062243 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.008381 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
End Function
Function LogDelta36(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta36 = 3.05775 - 1.1314304 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.5024461 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0048721 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.006775 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
End Function
Function LogDelta60(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDelta60 = 2.668041 - 0.7695945 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.6500822 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.002903 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function BAFDelta8(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA8Ref As Single
Dim DELTA8Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA8Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA8Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA8Meas = 3.023929 - 1.49409194 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.54104246 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.39373083 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02300368 * sTm _
+ 0.01106898 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA8Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA8Meas
LogDELTA8Ref = 3.023929 - 1.49409194 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.54104246 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.39373083 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02300368 * sTr _
+ 0.01106898 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA8Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA8Ref
BAFDelta8 = DELTA8Ref / DELTA8Meas
End Function
BAFDelta12 Factor Source Code
Function BAFDelta12(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA12Ref As Single
Dim DELTA12Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA12Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA12Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA12Meas = 3.44982 - 1.59017246 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.48886573 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.4490117 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0274853 * sTm _
+ 0.0120207 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA12Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA12Meas
LogDELTA12Ref = 3.44982 - 1.59017246 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.48886573 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.4490117 * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0274853 * sTr _
+ 0.0120207 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA12Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA12Ref
BAFDelta12 = DELTA12Ref / DELTA12Meas
End Function
Function BAFDelta18(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA18Ref As Single
Dim DELTA18Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA18Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA18Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA18Meas = 4.17526765 - 1.5181354 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.31725437 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02649102 * sTm _
+ 0.011248527 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA18Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA18Meas
LogDELTA18Ref = 4.17526765 - 1.5181354 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.31725437 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.02649102 * sTr _
+ 0.011248527 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA18Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA18Ref
BAFDelta18 = DELTA18Ref / DELTA18Meas
End Function
Function BAFDelta24(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA24Ref As Single
Dim DELTA24Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA24Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA24Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA24Meas = 3.300464 - 1.321635 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.51391458 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0062243 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.008381 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA24Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA24Meas
LogDELTA24Ref = 3.300464 - 1.321635 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.51391458 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0062243 * sTr * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.008381 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA24Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA24Ref
BAFDelta24 = DELTA24Ref / DELTA24Meas
End Function
Function BAFDelta36(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA36Ref As Single
Dim DELTA36Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA36Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA36Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA36Meas = 3.05775 - 1.1314304 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.5024461 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0048721 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.006775 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA36Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA36Meas
LogDELTA36Ref = 3.05775 - 1.1314304 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.5024461 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0048721 * sTr * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.006775 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA36Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA36Ref
BAFDelta36 = DELTA36Ref / DELTA36Meas
End Function
Function BAFDelta60(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA60Ref As Single
Dim DELTA60Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA60Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA60Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA60Meas = 2.668041 - 0.7695945 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.6500822 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.002903 * sTm * sLog10Hac
DELTA60Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA60Meas
LogDELTA60Ref = 2.668041 - 0.7695945 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.6500822 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.002903 * sTr * sLog10Hac
DELTA60Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA60Ref
BAFDelta60 = DELTA60Ref / DELTA60Meas
End Function
Function LogRatio8(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio8 = 0.183313 + 0.011844 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00979776 * sTm _
+ 0.0696115 * sLog10Lat _
- 0.1334738 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.0041641497 * sTm * sLog10Defl36
End Function
Function LogRatio12(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio12 = 0.199689 - 0.117337 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.126272 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00860954 * sTm _
- 0.00183255 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36
End Function
Function LogRatio18(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio18 = 0.95186965 - 0.45007886 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.16893949 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.32719107 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00211684 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function LogRatio24(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio24 = 1.164641 - 0.586777 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.209606 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.481204 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002567648 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function LogRatio36(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio36 = -0.091206 - 0.36723 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.488556 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.690688 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002983855 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function LogRatio60(sTm As Single, sHac As Single, sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio60 = 0.072564 - 0.33597 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.33425 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.872 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00245511 * sTm * sLog10Hac
End Function
Function BAFRatio8(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio8Ref As Single
Dim Ratio8Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio8Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio8Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio8Meas = 0.183313 + 0.011844 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00979776 * sTm _
+ 0.0696115 * sLog10Lat _
- 0.1334738 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.0041641497 * sTm * sLog10Defl36
Ratio8Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio8Meas
LogRatio8Ref = 0.183313 + 0.011844 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00979776 * sTr _
+ 0.0696115 * sLog10Lat _
- 0.1334738 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.0041641497 * sTr * sLog10Defl36
Ratio8Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio8Ref
BAFRatio8 = Ratio8Ref / Ratio8Meas
End Function
Function BAFRatio12(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio12Ref As Single
Dim Ratio12Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio12Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio12Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio12Meas = 0.199689 - 0.117337 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.126272 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00860954 * sTm _
- 0.00183255 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36
Ratio12Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio12Meas
LogRatio12Ref = 0.199689 - 0.117337 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.126272 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.00860954 * sTr _
- 0.00183255 * sTr * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36
Ratio12Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio12Ref
BAFRatio12 = Ratio12Ref / Ratio12Meas
End Function
Function BAFRatio18(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio18Ref As Single
Dim Ratio18Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio18Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio18Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio18Meas = 0.95186965 - 0.45007886 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.16893949 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.32719107 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00211684 * sTm * sLog10Hac
Ratio18Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio18Meas
LogRatio18Ref = 0.95186965 - 0.45007886 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.16893949 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.32719107 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00211684 * sTr * sLog10Hac
Ratio18Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio18Ref
BAFRatio18 = Ratio18Ref / Ratio18Meas
End Function
Function BAFRatio24(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio24Ref As Single
Dim Ratio24Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio24Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio24Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio24Meas = 1.164641 - 0.586777 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.209606 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.481204 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002567648 * sTm * sLog10Hac
Ratio24Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio24Meas
LogRatio24Ref = 1.164641 - 0.586777 * sLog10Hac _
- 0.209606 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.481204 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002567648 * sTr * sLog10Hac
Ratio24Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio24Ref
BAFRatio24 = Ratio24Ref / Ratio24Meas
End Function
Function BAFRatio36(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio36Ref As Single
Dim Ratio36Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio36Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio36Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio36Meas = -0.091206 - 0.36723 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.488556 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.690688 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002983855 * sTm * sLog10Hac
Ratio36Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio36Meas
LogRatio36Ref = -0.091206 - 0.36723 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.488556 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.690688 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.002983855 * sTr * sLog10Hac
Ratio36Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio36Ref
BAFRatio36 = Ratio36Ref / Ratio36Meas
End Function
Function BAFRatio60(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim Ratio60Ref As Single
Dim Ratio60Meas As Single
Dim LogRatio60Ref As Single
Dim LogRatio60Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogRatio60Meas = 0.072564 - 0.33597 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.33425 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.872 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00245511 * sTm * sLog10Hac
Ratio60Meas = 10 ^ LogRatio60Meas
LogRatio60Ref = 0.072564 - 0.33597 * sLog10Hac * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.33425 * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.872 * sLog10Lat _
+ 0.00245511 * sTr * sLog10Hac
Ratio60Ref = 10 ^ LogRatio60Ref
BAFRatio60 = Ratio60Ref / Ratio60Meas
End Function
Function TAFDefl(sTr As Single, sTm As Single, sHac As Single, _
sDefl36 As Single, sLat As Single) As Single
Dim sLog10Hac As Single
Dim sLog10Defl36 As Single
Dim sLog10Lat As Single
Dim DELTA36Ref As Single
Dim DELTA36Meas As Single
Dim LogDELTA36Ref As Single
Dim LogDELTA36Meas As Single
sLog10Hac = Log(sHac) / Log(10)
sLog10Defl36 = Log(sDefl36) / Log(10)
sLog10Lat = Log(sLat) / Log(10)
LogDELTA36Meas = 3.05775 - 1.1314304 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.5024461 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0048721 * sTm * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.006775 * sTm * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA36Meas = 10 ^ LogDELTA36Meas
LogDELTA36Ref = 3.05775 - 1.1314304 * sLog10Hac _
+ 0.5024461 * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
- 0.0048721 * sTr * sLog10Lat * sLog10Defl36 _
+ 0.006775 * sTr * sLog10Hac * sLog10Lat
DELTA36Ref = 10 ^ LogDELTA36Ref
TAFDefl = (sDefl36 + DELTA36Ref) / (sDefl36 + DELTA36Meas)
End Function