U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-032 Date: |
Producing an effective pavement design is a complex process. The obvious decisions–asphalt or concrete, and how thick–are critical, but there are other equally important decisions regarding other structural features that can assist with a pavement design. The following are key findings from several LTPP analyses on the effects of structural features on pavement performance. These findings are grouped into two areas: rigid and flexible pavements.
The variability of the average LTE of a given section measured over time is inversely correlated to the average LTE. As the average section LTE increases, the variability decreases.
The average joint spacing, base type, and outside shoulder type (PCC or AC) show no effect on the variability of the average LTE measured over time.
The average LTE of pavements with subsurface drainage systems has higher variability measured over time than that of pavements without subsurface drainage systems.
The average LTE of pavements with a granular subgrade has higher variability than pavements with a silty clay subgrade.
The amount of annual precipitation, the number of annual freeze-thaw cycles, and the average mean annual temperature do not have any effect on the variability of the average LTE measurements over time. However, the variability of the average LTE seems to decrease as the annual freezing index increases.
There is no direct relationship between pavement age and the variability of LTE measurements over time.
The variability of the average LTE measured over time is inversely correlated to the average LTE. As the average LTE increases, the variability decreases.
The average joint spacing and base type do not show any effect on the variability of the average LTE measured over time.
The average LTE of pavements with a concrete shoulder has higher variability than that of pavements with an asphalt shoulder.
The average LTE of pavements with subsurface drainage systems has lower variability than that of pavements without subsurface drainage systems.
The amount of annual precipitation, the number of annual freeze-thaw cycles, and the average mean annual temperature do not show any effect on the variability of the average LTE measured over time. However, the variability of the average LTE seems to decrease as the annual freezing index increases.
There is no direct relationship between pavement age and the variability of LTE measurements over time.
No apparent relationship was found between the variability of the mean transverse crack LTE measured over time and the mean crack LTE. Ranges of both crack LTE and its variability are very small. This is expected because the transverse cracks are strongly reinforced and changes in crack width and LTE are minimal.
The average crack spacing of the CRCP slabs, base type, slab stiffness, and outside shoulder type does not have any effect on the variability of the average LTE measured over time.
The average crack LTE of CRCP with subsurface drainage systems has lower variability than those of pavements without subsurface drainage systems.
The amount of annual precipitation does not show any effect on the variability of the average crack LTE. However, the variability of the average LTE seems to decrease as the annual freezing index increases.
No direct relationship between pavement age and the variability of crack LTE was observed.
This is expected because an increase in variation would indicate a deterioration of transverse
cracks in CRCP, which would lead to rapid failure.
Report No. FHWARD96198
Compressive strength data variability: For the GPS sections, the variability of the 7-day and 28-day strengths was found to be similar. For the SPS test sections, it was found that the variability was also independent of test age (7 days, 21 days, and 1 year) and specimen type (cylinders versus cores).
Flexural strength data variability: For both the GPS and SPS sections, the variability of flexural strength appears to be independent of age at time of testing.
Split-tensile strength data variability: Only SPS-2 data were available for analysis. The variability of split-tensile strength data was found to be independent of age at testing.
Modulus of elasticity data variability: Only SPS-2 data were available for analysis. The variability of concrete modulus of elasticity was found to be independent of age at time of testing.
The recommended magnitudes of acceptable variability for the above four laboratory concrete strength measurements are available in the report for pavement design consideration.
Report Nos. FHWA-RD-03-040 and FHWA-RD-03-041 A user's guide has been developed to provide guidance for selecting layer material and thickness data from the LTPP database. The LTPP database contains extensive information for pavement layer material type and thickness (as-designed versus as-constructed) for both rigid and flexible pavements. Such information is very important for many types of analyses including backcalculation of layer moduli, mechanistic analysis of pavement structures, and performance modeling. Layer thickness variability and the comparisons of thickness design versus constructed values for various pavement layer types are also available in the user's guide.