U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-046 Date: October 2004 |
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The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project, providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction, and providing qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated for the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, voids @ Ndes, VMA, VFA, Gmm @ Ndes and Nmax, Gmb, Gse, TSR, Ndes, Nini, Nmax, recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) gradation, fine aggregate angularity (FAA), coarse aggregate angularity (CAA), sand equivalent, and dust-to-asphalt ratio.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, air voids, mix moisture, VMA, VFA, BSG of mix, MSG of mix, RAP gradation, aggregate moisture, RAP moisture, and density. In addition, the contractor must provide split samples to the engineer for verification testing.
Connecticut DOT is responsible for QA. Assurance is accomplished through verification testing by Connecticut DOT and through independent assurance testing. Verification tests are conducted on split samples. A lot is considered 1 day's production. Sublots are five equal divisions of any lot.
Acceptance is based on the QC tests as verified by Connecticut DOT's verification tests. Density acceptance is based on the PWL of a lot. The PWL is calculated using 10 tests (2 per sublot).
Pay factors are assigned for gradation, asphalt content, joint density, and mat density. The pay factors for each can be determined from the following tables. Total payment is determined by successively multiplying the percent payment by the contract price per metric ton of material.
Maximum Allowable Deviation (M.A.D.) From Job-Mix Formula for Consecutive Tests
Table 107. Connecticut M.A.D. from job-mix formula for consecutive tests.
Item | M.A.D. | Percent Payment |
Binder | 0.4 | 90 |
75 | ±2 | 90 |
150 | ±3 | 90 |
300 | ±3 | 90 |
600 | ±4 | 90 |
1.18 | ±4 | 90 |
2.36 | ±6 | 90 |
4.75 | ±6 | 90 |
9.5 | ±6 | 90 |
12.5 | ±6 | 90 |
19.0 | ±6 | 90 |
25.0 | ±6 | 90 |
37.5 | ±6 | 90 |
50.0 | ±6 | 90 |
Pay Factors for Joint and Mat Density
Table 108. Connecticut pay factors for joint and mat density.
PWL | Percent Payment Mat Density | Percent Payment Joint Density |
90-100 | 100 | 100 |
80-90 | 0.5PWL + 55 | 0.5PWL + 55 |
65-80 | 2.0PWL - 65 | 2.0PWL - 65 |
< 65 | 0 or remove | 50 |
Table 109. Connecticut QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | QC Testing Frequency by Contractor | Verification Testing Frequency by Connecticut DOT | Acceptance by Connecticut DOT based on ... |
Gradation | Conveyor prior to binder addition | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Moisture content of RAP | Stockpile | Two per day | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Moisture content of aggregate | Conveyor prior to binder addition | Two per day | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Asphalt content of RAP | Stockpile | Two per day | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Rap gradation | Stockpile | Two per day | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Asphalt content | Behind paver | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Superpave molds @ Nmax | Behind paver | Five sets (two molds) per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
BSG | Behind paver | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Air voids | Behind paver | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
VMA | Behind paver | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
VFA | Behind paver | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
MSG of mix | Plant | Five per lot | One per lot | QC verified by Connecticut DOT's test |
Mat density (nuclear) | Roadway | 10 per lot | NA | Based on PWL for lot |
Joint density (nuclear) | Roadway | 10 per lot | NA | Based on PWL for lot |
NA = Not applicable
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project, providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction, and providing qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. All testing equipment and procedures must conform to the Kansas DOT Superpave Mix Design and Superpave Field Laboratory Technician Certification Training Manual. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated for the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, theoretical MSG, BSG, air voids, VMA, VFA, dust-to-asphalt ratio, flat or elongated particles, percent moisture, and TSR.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, air voids, VMA, VFA, CAA, sand equivalent, FAA, TSR, density, and dust-to-asphalt ratio. Samples for mixture properties, aggregate gradation, and binder must be taken from behind the paver and transported to the field laboratory for testing.
Kansas DOT is responsible for all assurance and verification testing. Kansas DOT assurance tests are independent of the contractor's QC tests. The lot size for verification testing is 3000 tons (2720 Mg) with 750-ton (680 Mg) sublots.
The contractor's control tests are used for acceptance unless the results do not compare favorably with Kansas DOT's verification test results. In this case, Kansas DOT's tests are used for acceptance unless the contractor requests referee testing. The testing frequencies vary, depending on the property being measured.
Pay factors are assigned for in-place density, air voids, and smoothness. Pay factors for density and air voids can be determined from the following tables. Information concerning methods for determining a smoothness pay factor was not included.
Table 110. Kansas pay factors for specified density.
Percentage of MSG, Pay Factor A(b) (Average of 10 Density Tests(a)) | Pay Factor A(b) | ||
Mixes SM-2A, SR-2A, SM-2C, and SR-2C | Mix SM-1T | Mixes SM-1B and SR-1B | |
≥ 94.0 | 1.020 | ||
≥ 93.0 | 1.020 | 1.020 | |
93.0-93.9 | A4 | ||
92.0-92.9 | A1 | A1 | 1.000 |
91.0-91.9 | 1.000 | 1.000 | |
90.0-90.9 | 1.000 | ||
88.0-91.9 | A5 | ||
87.0-90.9 | A2 | ||
86.0-89.9 | A3 | ||
< 88.0 | (c) | ||
< 87.0 | (c) | ||
< 86.0 | (c) | ||
Lowest Average of Any Sublot Within the Lot | Pay Factor B(b) | ||
≥ 92.0 | 1.020 | ||
≥ 91.0 | 1.020 | 1.020 | |
91.0-90.9 | B4 | ||
90.0-90.9 | B1 | B1 | 1.000 |
89.0-89.9 | 1.000 | 1.000 | |
88.0-88.9 | 1.000 | ||
86.0-89.9 | B5 | ||
85.0-88.9 | B2 | ||
84.0-87.9 | B3 | ||
< 86.0 | (c) | ||
< 85.0 | (c) | ||
< 84.0 | (c) |
(a) For low daily production rates of less than 1000 tons (910 Mg) or when the engineer's verification tests are to be
used for density pay determination, the lot sample size is as determined under subsection 603.05(b) for
compaction testing.
(b) For shoulders less than 1.8 m wide and containing rumble strips, the density pay factors will not apply for the top
lift. Density will be controlled by using an approved rolling procedure.
(c) Engineer will determine whether the material may remain in place. The pay factor for such material remaining in
place is 0.700 for pay factor A and 0.800 for pay factor B.
Calculations for Pay Factors A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5:
A1 = [100 + 2 (percentage of lot MSG - 92.0)] ÷ 100
A2 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of lot MSG - 87.0)] ÷ 100
A3 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of lot MSG - 86.0)] ÷ 100
A4 = [100 + 2 (percentage of lot MSG - 93.0)] ÷ 100
A5 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of lot MSG - 88.0)] ÷ 100
B1 = [100 + 2 (percentage of sublot MSG - 90.0)] ÷ 100
B2 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of sublot MSG - 85.0)] ÷ 100
B3 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of sublot MSG - 84.0)] ÷ 100
B4 = [100 + 2 (percentage of sublot MSG - 91.0)] ÷ 100
B5 = [90 + 2.5 (percentage of sublot MSG - 86.0)] ÷÷ 100
Payment adjustment for air voids will be computed by multiplying the air voids pay adjustment factor (PV) times the number of tons included in the lot times the bid price per ton. Calculate PV to 0.001.
A lot will normally be comprised of the results of four contiguous individual air void tests performed on Superpave gyratory compacted samples of a given mix design. Lot size is defined in subsections 5.0(f) and 5.0(g) of this special provision. (Air void lots and density lots are normally of different sizes.)
The absolute value of the deviation from the target at Ndes for each individual air void test in a lot will be computed as shown:
The average deviation (D) from the target will be computed as follows:
The average air void deviation (D) will be used to select the air void pay factor from the appropriate table below. Calculate D to 0.01.
Table 111. Kansas pay factors for air voids (lot size of four tests).
Air Void Average Deviation | Pay Factor |
0.00 ≤ D4 ≤ 0.35 | 1.030 |
0.36 ≤ D4 0.55 | 1.000 + 0.15(0.55 - D) |
0.56 ≤ D4 ≤ 1.05 | 1.000 |
1.06 ≤ D4 ≤ 1.40 | 1.000 - 0.44(D - 1.05) |
1.41 ≤ D4 | (a) |
(a) Engineer will determine whether the material may remain in place. The pay factor for such material remaining in place is 0.8000.
When the testing rate does not provide a complete four-test lot (e.g., at the end of a production run), the following applies: Combine the three tests into a lot and use the following table for D3. When there are one or two tests remaining, combine them with the previous four tests to create a five- or six-test lot, respectively. The pay factors for D5 and D6 are also shown below.
Table 112. Kansas pay factors for air voids (lot size of three tests).
Air Void Average Deviation | Pay Factor |
0.00 ≤ D3 ≤ 0.37 | 1.030 |
0.38 ≤ D3 ≤ 0.58 | 1.000 + 0.14(0.58 - D) |
0.59 ≤ D3 ≤ 1.11 | 1.000 |
1.12 ≤ D3 ≤ 1.48 | 1.000 - 0.35(D - 1.11) |
1.49 ≤ D3 | (a) |
(a) Engineer will determine whether the material may remain in place. The pay factor for such material remaining in place is 0.8000.
Table 113. Kansas pay factors for air voids (lot size of five tests).
Air Void Average Deviation | Pay Factor |
0.00 ≤ D5 ≤ 0.29 | 1.030 |
0.30 ≤ D5 ≤ 0.53 | 1.000 + 0.125(0.53 - D) |
0.54 ≤ D5 ≤ 1.01 | 1.000 |
1.02 ≤ D5 ≤ 1.35 | 1.000 - 0.41(D - 1.01) |
1.36 ≤ D5 | (a) |
(a) Engineer will determine whether the material may remain in place. The pay factor for such material remaining in place is 0.8000.
Table 114. Kansas pay factors for air voids (lot size of six tests).
Air Void Average Deviation | Pay Factor |
0.00 ≤ D6 ≤ 0.28 | 1.030 |
0.29 ≤ D6 ≤ 0.51 | 1.000 + 0.13(0.51 - D) |
0.52 ≤ D6 ≤ 0.98 | 1.000 |
0.99 ≤ D6 ≤ 1.31 | 1.000 - 0.39(D - 0.98) |
1.32 ≤ D6 | (a) |
(a) Engineer will determine whether the material may remain in place. The pay factor for such material remaining in place is 0.8000.
Table 115. Kansas QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | QC Testing Frequency by Contractor | Verification Testing Frequency by Kansas DOT | Assurance Testing Frequency by Kansas DOT |
Binder sampling | Plant | One per three loads | One per project | NA |
Binder content | Behind paver | One per sublot | One per three lots | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Mix gradation (extraction) | Behind paver | One per sublot | One per three lots | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Theoretical MSG | Behind paver | One per sublot | One per lot | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Air voids | Behind paver | One per sublot | One per lot | Compact and test split sample once per week or 15,000 tons |
RAP binder content | Stockpile | One per 1000 tons | One per 20,000 tons | NA |
RAP gradation | Stockpile | One per 1000 tons | One per project | NA |
Moisture damage to mix | Behind paver | One on first lot, then one per week or 10,000 tons | One per project | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Sand equivalent | From conveyor | One per lot | One per project | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
CA angularity | Stockpile | One per 1000 tons | One per week or 10,000 tons | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
FA angularity | Stockpile | One on first lot, then one per 10,000 tons | One per project | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Gradation of individual aggregate | Stockpile | One per 1000 tons | One per project per aggregate | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Percent moisture in mix | Behind paver | One per lot | One per project | NA |
Percent moisture in combined aggregate | From conveyor | One per lot | One per project | NA |
Percent moisture in RAP | Stockpile | One per lot | One per project | NA |
Plasticity index and gradation of mineral filler | Stockpile | One per 250 tons | One per project | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
In-place density | Roadway | 10 tests per lot | Five companion tests per lot | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
Smoothness | Roadway | NA | NA | NA |
Flat or elongated particles | Behind paver | One on first lot | One per project | Witness and test once per year by certified technician |
NA = Not applicable
1 ton = 0.907 Mg
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project. The JMF must include the recommended formula, extracted gradation, and supporting design data. In addition, the contractor is responsible for providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction and providing qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated on the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, percent crushed aggregate, MSG, corrected BSG @ Ndes, percent air voids @ Ndes, percent VMA @ Ndes, percent VFA @ Ndes, gyratory compaction curve @ Nmax, slope of the compaction curve, and percent anti-strip.
Upon validation of the JMF, the validation parameters shall be used to control the process. The quality of the mixtures will be evaluated during two phases: (1) production of the mixture at the plant, and (2) hauling, laying, and compacting of the mixture. The quality of both phases must be evaluated continuously.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) is responsible for all acceptance testing. Louisiana DOTD's acceptance tests are independent of the contractor's QC tests. The lot size is 5000 Mg, with 1000-Mg sublots unless otherwise specified by the engineer. Acceptance is based on the validation parameters used to verify the JMF. Acceptance testing for VMA, VFA, voids, maximum theoretical gravity, Nini, Ndes, Nmax, percent anti-strip, quality of asphalt cement, extracted aggregate gradation, percent crushed aggregate, percent asphalt cement, and percent moisture in the mix will be conducted on the total lot quantity.
Payment adjustments will be calculated based on specification limits and specified maximum variances from the JMF:
For: Percent voids
Percent VMA
Extracted aggregate gradation
#8 sieve
#200 sieve
PWL will be calculated for each of the parameters listed above. A mixture with any parameter below 40 PWL is subject to removal as directed by the engineer. The percent payment for each of the parameters will be calculated using the formula:
For: Percent anti-strip additive
Payment adjustments for anti-strip additive will be based on the table below.
For: Asphalt cement
Payment adjustments for asphalt cement will be based on section 1012 of the specifications.
For: Percent payment for plant acceptance
All payment parameters will be averaged. The maximum payment factor shall be 100 percent.
For: Pavement density
PWL will be calculated for the pavement density. A mixture with density results below 40 PWL is subject to removal as directed by the engineer. The percent payment for pavement density will be calculated using the formula:
For: Surface tolerance (final wearing course travel lanes)
Payment adjustments for surface tolerance will be based on the table below.
For: Percent payment for roadway acceptance
All payment parameters will be averaged. The maximum payment factor shall be 100 percent.
The total payment factor for the mixture used for the project will be calculated using the following formula:
Total Percent Payment = (Percent payment for plant acceptance) + (Percent payment for roadway acceptance) - 100
Table 116. Louisiana payment adjustment schedule.
Surface Tolerance (inches/mi per lot) | Percentage of Contract Unit Price per Lot | ||||
100 | 98 | 95 | 80 | 50 or remove | |
Multi-lift new construction | 0.0-3.0 | - | 3.1-4.0 | 4.1-6 | More than 6.0 |
One- or two-lift overlays over planed surfaces | 0.0-5.0 | - | 5.1-6.0 | 6.1-10 | More than 10.0 |
Single-lift overlays over existing surface | 0.0-8.0 | - | 8.1-10 | 10.1-15 | More than 15.0 |
Anti-strip, percent below JMF | Within JMF | - | 0.2 or less | More than 0.2 | - |
1 inch/mi = 15.8 mm/km
Table 117. Louisiana QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | QC Testing Frequency by Contractor | Acceptance Testing Frequency by Louisiana DOTD |
Gradation (extracted) | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per sublot |
Percent crushed | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per sublot |
Asphalt content | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per sublot |
Percent VMA | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | Average of five per lot |
Percent VFA | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | Average of five per lot |
Air voids | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | Average of five per lot |
Maximum theoretical gravity | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Nini | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Ndes | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Nmax | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Percent anti-strip | Plant | Two per sublot | Two per lot |
Asphalt properties | Plant | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Percent moisture in mix | Mix from truck | Two per sublot | One per lot |
Density | Roadway | Obtain samples for engineer | Five per sublot |
Profile index | Roadway | One per day's placement | One per lot |
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project, providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction, and providing qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The QC inspections and tests must be documented and provided to Maine DOT. The contractor must maintain records of all inspections and tests. These records shall indicate the nature, number, and type of deficiencies found; the quantities approved and rejected; and the nature of the corrective actions taken. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated on the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, theoretical MSG, CA angularity, FA angularity, air voids, VMA, VFA, dust-to-asphalt ratio, flat or elongated particles, percent moisture, and TSR.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, temperature of mix, temperature of mat, percent TMD, gradation, air voids, VMA, VFA, Rice specific gravity, CA angularity, and dust-to-asphalt ratio.
Maine DOT is responsible for QA and acceptance of the material. QA is accomplished using verification testing. Maine DOT's verification tests are independent of the contractor's QC tests. Lot size is usually 6000 Mg or less, with sublots of 1500 Mg or less.
The contractor's control tests are not used for acceptance. Acceptance is based on Maine DOT's verification tests. If the QC and QA test results do not agree, acceptance is based on referee testing for asphalt content, density, air voids, and VMA. The testing frequencies vary, depending on the property being measured.
Pay factors are assigned for gradation, asphalt content, in-place density, air voids, and VMA. The determination of these factors uses quality-level analysis and price adjustment or f factors listed in the specification for the applicable property. Pay factors are assigned on a lot-by-lot basis. The composite pay factor is then computed by:
Table 118. Maine QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | Quality Control Testing Frequency by Contractor | Verification Testing Frequency by Maine DOT | Acceptance by Maine DOT |
Gradation | Truck body or paver hopper | One per day minimum | One per 1500 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
Percent TMD | Mat behind all rollers | One per 125 Mg | One per 250 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
Dust-to asphalt ratio | Truck body or paver hopper | One per 1500 Mg | One per 1500 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
Temperature of mix | Truck body or paver hopper | Six per day at plant and street | NA | NA |
Temperature of mat | Roadway | Four per day | NA | NA |
Asphalt content | Truck body or paver hopper | One per 750 Mg | One per 1500 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
Air voids | Truck body or paver hopper | One per 750 Mg | One per 1500 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
VMA | Truck body or paver hopper | One per 750 Mg | One per 1500 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
Rice specific gravity | Truck body or paver hopper | One per 750 Mg | NA | NA |
CA angularity | Stockpile | One per 5000 Mg | NA | NA |
Flat or elongated particles | Stockpile | One per 5000 Mg | NA | NA |
Density (nuclear) | Roadway | One per 250 Mg | One per 250 Mg | Based on verification tests unless referee testing is required |
NA = Not applicable
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design in accordance with AASHTO TP-4, June 1997, or the Asphalt Institutes' Superpave Mix Design Manual (SP-2), such that it meets the requirements of the specification. In addition, the contractor is responsible for providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction and providing qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated on the following properties: gradation; asphalt content; voids; VMA; TSR; compaction @ Ndes, Nini, and Nmax; VFA; FA angularity; CA angularity; Gmm; Gmb; Gsb; mix moisture; and dust-to asphalt ratio.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, voids, mix moisture, VMA, FA angularity, density, CA angularity, and percent Gmm @ Ndes. In addition, the contractor must provide split samples to the engineer for verification testing. Testing frequency will be equal to the day's planned production divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number.
Minnesota DOT is responsible for QA and for the acceptance of the material. The assurance process is achieved through the use of verification tests conducted on split samples, observation of sampling and testing performed by the QC personnel, the taking of additional samples for testing, and the monitoring of the required QC summary sheets and control charts. Lot size varies based on the contract quantity. Verification tests are conducted once per day on all production parameters.
Acceptance is based on the QC tests as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests for gradation, asphalt content, maximum specific gravity, Gmb, air voids, VMA, and density.
Pay factors are assigned for nonconforming mixes for the following properties: gradation, FA angularity, CA angularity, VMA, asphalt content, and Gmm @ Ndes. For these characteristics, the lowest single payment applies according to the following table:
Table 119. Minnesota payment schedule.
Item | Percent Payment |
FAA | 95 |
CAA | 95 |
Gradation (extracted) | 90 |
VMA | 85 |
Asphalt binder content | 85 |
Gmm @ Ndes | 70 |
The pay factor for in-place density is determined on a lot-by-lot basis, with the number of lots determined by the following table:
Table 120. Minnesota determination of lots for density.
Daily Production (tons) | Lots |
0-300 | 1 |
301-600 | 2 |
601-1000 | 3 |
1001-1600 | 4 |
1601-3600 | 5 |
3601-5000 | 6 |
5000+ | 7 |
1 ton = 0.907 Mg
The pay factor is then computed using the following table:
Table 121. Minnesota payment schedule for density.
Percentage of Gmb (< 100 mm from surface) | Percentage of Gmb (> 100 mm from surface) | Percent Payment |
≥ 93.6 | ≥ 94.6 | 104 |
93.1-93.5 | 94.1-94.5 | 102 |
92.0-93.0 | 93.0-94.0 | 100 |
91.0-91.9 | 92.0-92.9 | 98 |
90.5-90.9 | 91.5-91.9 | 95 |
90.0-90.4 | 91.0-91.4 | 91 |
89.5-89.9 | 90.5-90.9 | 85 |
89.0-89.4 | 90.0-90.4 | 70 |
< 89.0 | < 90.0 | Remove and replace |
The profile index is determined using a California-type profilograph. Profiles will be made for segments of 0.1 km. The following table determines the pay factor for smoothness:
Table 122. Minnesota payment schedule for smoothness.
mm/km per 0.1-km Segment | Dollars per Segment |
0-13 | 110 |
14-25 | 90 |
26-38 | 65 |
39-79 | 0 |
80-92 | -90 |
93-105 | -180 |
106-118 | -360 |
> 118 | Corrective action |
Table 123. Minnesota QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | QC Testing Frequency by Contractor | Verification Test by Minnesota DOT | Acceptance by Minnesota DOT |
Gradation (extracted) | Truck or paver | One day's planned production, divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
Asphalt content | Truck or paver | One day's planned production, divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
Air voids | Truck or paver | One day's planned production, divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
VMA | Truck or paver | One day's planned production, divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
Gmm @ Ndes | Truck or paver | One day's planned production, divided by 1000, then rounded to the next whole number | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
TSR | Plant | One per 10,000 tons | NA | NA |
Gsb | Plant | One per 10,000 tons | NA | NA |
CAA | Conveyor | One per day | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
FAA | Conveyor | One per day | One per day | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
Moisture content | Truck or paver | Engineer's discretion | Engineer's discretion | NA |
Smoothness | Roadway | One pass per lane segment (0.1 km) | Observation of QC | Based on QC testing as verified by observation |
Density (percentage of Gmb) | Roadway | Three cores per lot | One companion core per lot | Based on QC as verified by Minnesota DOT's tests |
NA = Not applicable
1 ton = 0.907 Mg
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project. In addition, the contractor is responsible for providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction. The contractor must also provide qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated on the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, asphalt properties, voids @ Ndes, VMA @ Ndes, fractured faces, TSR, Ndes, Nini, Nmax, stripping, RAP gradation, FA angularity, MSG, and dust-to-asphalt ratio.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, voids @ Ndes, mix moisture, VMA @ Ndes, FA angularity, density, fractured faces, MSG, stripping, and RAP gradation. In addition, the contractor must provide split samples to the engineer for verification testing. Sampling frequency for QC of voids, VMA, gradation, MSG, FA angularity, CA angularity, RAP gradation, stripping, and asphalt content is as follows:
Table 124. Mississippi sampling frequency.
Total Estimated Production (tons) | Number of Tests |
50-600 | 1 |
601-1500 | 2 |
1501-2700 | 3 |
2701+ | 4 |
1 ton = 0.907 Mg
Determination of the lots for density testing is as follows:
Table 125. Mississippi lot determination for density.
Daily Production (tons) | Number of Lots |
0-300 | 1 |
301-600 | 2 |
601-1000 | 3 |
1001-1500 | 4 |
1501-2100 | 5 |
2101-2800 | 6 |
2800+ | 7 |
1 ton = 0.907 Mg
Mississippi DOT is responsible for QA and acceptance of the material. QA is accomplished by verification testing on split samples, testing additional samples at any time, and observing the QC tests. Lot size varies based on the contract quantity.
Acceptance is based on the QC tests as verified by Mississippi DOT's tests for total voids, VMA @ Ndes, gradation, asphalt content, and density. Acceptance for smoothness is based on the observed contractor QC tests. Should the QC tests and the verification tests fail to meet the allowable differences, the engineer's test results will be used for acceptance.
Pay factors are assigned for gradation, in-place density, total voids @ Ndes, smoothness, and VMA @ Ndes. Pay factors for these properties can be determined from the following tables:
Table 126. Mississippi pay factors for mixture quality.*
Item | Produced in Warning Bands | Outside JMF limits (allowed to remain in place) |
Gradation | 0.90 | 0.75 |
Asphalt content | 0.85 | 0.75 |
Total voids @ Ndes | 0.70 | 0.50 |
VMA @ Ndes | 0.90 | 0.75 |
* Minimum single pay factor applies.
Table 127. Mississippi pay factors for density.
Pay Factor | Lot Density (percentage of maximum density) |
1.00 | ≥ 92.0 |
0.90 | 91.0-91.9 |
0.80 | 90.0-90.9 |
Table 128. Mississippi pay factors for smoothness.
Profile Index (inch/mi per lot) | Pay Factor (percentage of unit bid price) |
≤ 3 | 105 |
> 3-5 | 102 |
> 5-7 | 100 |
> 7-8 | 95 |
> 8-10 | 90 |
> 10 | Unacceptable |
1 inch/mi = 16 mm/km
Table 129. Mississippi QC/QA tests.
Test | Sample Location | QC Testing Frequency by Contractor | Verification Testing Frequency by Mississippi DOT | Acceptance by Mississippi DOT |
Binder sampling | Plant tank | One per 200,000 gal | ≥ 10% of QC tests | NA |
Binder content | Truck | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | Based on verified QC by Mississippi DOT's tests |
Mix gradation (extracted) | Truck See | QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | Based on verified QC by Mississippi DOT's tests |
MSG | Truck | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
Voids @ Ndes | Truck | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | Based on verified QC by Mississippi DOT's tests |
Fractured faces | Stockpiles | One per day | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
RAP gradation | Stockpiles | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
Moisture damage to mix | Plant mix | One per 2 weeks | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
VMA @ Ndes | Truck | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | Based on verified QC by Mississippi DOT's tests |
CA angularity | Stockpiles | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
FA angularity | Stockpiles | See QC table 1 | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
Density (nuclear) | Roadway | Two readings per lot | = 10% of QC tests | Based on verified QC by Mississippi DOT's tests |
Smoothness | Roadway | One wheel path per lane per segment (0.1 mi) | Observation of QC tests | Verification by observation |
Percent moisture in mix | Truck | Two per day | = 10% of QC tests | NA |
NA = Not applicable
1 mi = 1.61 km, 1 gallon (gal) = 3.785 liters (L)
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project. In addition, the contractor is responsible, through the mix manufacturer, for providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction. The contractor must allow the engineer access to all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
Mix design verification is evaluated on the following properties: gradation, asphalt content, compaction @ Nini, Ndes, Nmax, VMA, VFA, dust-to-asphalt ratio, CA angularity, FA angularity, sand equivalent, and flat or elongated particles.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, MSG, BSG, air voids, VMA, VFA, moisture content, RAP extraction, mix temperature, and density. Additionally, the contractor must provide split samples for verification testing by the New York State DOT. The lot size is 1 day's production of a JMF with equal sublots not to exceed 1150 metric tons.
New York State DOT is responsible for QA and acceptance of the material. New York State DOT's assurance tests are independent of the contractor's QC tests. The contractor's control tests are used to assign a quality adjustment factor (QAF) for pay factors if the results agree with the verification test results. If New York State DOT's tests and the contractor's tests are not within specified tolerances, referee testing is conducted on independent samples and these results will be used for the determination of the QAF.
Acceptance for density is based on the PWL of the percent MTD. Acceptance for gradation, air voids, mix moisture, asphalt content, VMA, VFA, MSG, and BSG is based on the contractor's QC tests if the results are within specified tolerances of New York State DOT's tests.
Pay factors are assigned for gradation, asphalt content, in-place density, and air voids. The method for determining the pay factors is currently being researched.
Table 130. New York QC/QA tests.
Test | QC Testing by Contractor | Assurance Testing by New York State DOT | Acceptance by New York State DOT |
Gradation (extracted) | One per every other sublot, minimum of one per day | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
Aggregate moisture | Aggregate moisture | One per every other sublot, minimum of two per day | One per lot minimum NA |
Air voids | One per sublot | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
Wet analysis of percent passing #200 | One per week | NA | NA |
Mix moisture | As required by New York State DOT | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
Asphalt content | Four times per day minimum | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
RAP moisture | Two per week | NA | NA |
RAP extraction | Two per week | NA | NA |
Binder test | Two per day | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
VMA | One per sublot | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
VFA | One per sublot | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
Density | Four cores per 1800 lane-meters | Average of four per lot | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
MSG | One per day | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
BSG | One per day | One per lot minimum | Based on verification of QC by New York State DOT's tests |
Mix temperature | Four times per day minimum | NA | NA |
NA = Not applicable
The contractor is responsible for developing the mix design for the project and providing a QC plan that must be approved by the engineer prior to construction. The QC program will include process control inspection, sampling and testing, and necessary adjustments in the process that are related to the production of a pavement that meets all of the requirements of the specification. The contractor must also provide qualified personnel and equipment to conduct QC testing. The contractor must allow the engineer access to the laboratory to observe any and all testing procedures, calculations, test documentation, and plotting of results.
The contractor must exercise control over the following properties: asphalt content, gradation, air voids @ Ndes, VMA @ Ndes, VFA @ Ndes, Gmm, Gmb @ Ndes, dust-to-asphalt ratio, percentage of MSG @ Nini, and aggregate moisture content. In addition, the contractor must provide split samples to the engineer for assurance testing. Testing frequency is as follows:
Table 131. North Carolina testing frequency.
Daily Production (metric tons) | Number of Tests |
80-1000 | One |
1001-2500 | Two |
2500+ (in 1500 increments) | One per 1500 metric tons |
North Carolina DOT is responsible for QA and for acceptance of the material. The verification tests are conducted on split samples. Testing frequency is equal to or greater than 10 percent of the contractor's control testing. QA is accomplished by conducting verification tests on split samples, observing tests conducted by the contractor, monitoring control charts, and conducting assurance testing on samples independent of the QC tests.
Acceptance is based on the QC tests as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests for asphalt content, Gmm, Gmb @ Ndes, and density.
Pay factors are assigned for gradation, binder content, air voids, VMA @ Ndes, density, and profile index. Pay factors are determined as follows:
Table 132. North Carolina payment for mix produced in warning bands.
Item | Percentage of Bid Price for Mix |
Gradation | 90 |
Binder content | 85 |
Air voids | 70 |
VMA @ Ndes | 90 |
* Minimum single payment applies.
The pay factor for density is determined using the following formula:
where: PF = pay factor computed to the nearest 0.1 percent
D = deficiency of the lot average density, not to exceed 3.0 percent
The pay factor for smoothness is determined on a lot-by-lot basis, where a lot is 25 test sections of 100 ft (30 m) of single lane. Measurements are made using a North Carolina Hearne Straightedge. The pay factor is assigned as follows:
Table 133. North Carolina pay factor.
Smoothness Index | Acceptance Category | Corrective Action | Pay Adjustments |
0.0-9.9 | Acceptable | None | +$300 |
10-20 | Acceptable | None | +$100 |
30-40 | Acceptable | None | No adjustment |
50-60 | Acceptable | Allowed | -$300 |
Any other number | Unacceptable | Required | -$600 |
Table 134. North Carolina QC/QA tests.
Test | Sampling Location | QC Frequency by Contractor | Verification Frequency by North Carolina DOT | Acceptance by North Carolina DOT |
Gradation (extracted) | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | ≥ 10% of QC testing | Based on QC as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests |
Asphalt content | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | ≥ 10% of QC testing | Based on QC as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests |
Air voids | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | ≥ 10% of QC testing | Based on QC as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests |
VMA | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | ≥ 10% of QC testing | Based on QC as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests |
Gmm | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | NA | NA |
Gmb | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | NA | NA |
VFA | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | NA | NA |
Dust-to-asphalt ratio | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | NA | NA |
Percent MSG | Truck at plant | See QC table 1 | NA | NA |
Aggregate moisture content | Cold feed | One per day | NA | NA |
Smoothness | Roadway | Test each 100 ft of single lane | Observe QC test | As verified by observation |
Density | Roadway | One test per 1500 linear-feet | ≥ 10% of QC testing | Based on QC as verified by North Carolina DOT's tests |
NA = Not applicable
1 ft = 0.305 m