U.S. Department of Transportation
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Research > Structures > Covered Bridge Manual |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-098 |
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The following people made contributions to this manual:
Messrs. Robert L. Brungraber, Abba Lichtenstein, and Scott Sabol provided reviews, consultations, and improvements.
Dr. Brungraber provided extensive and important contributions to the chapter on timber connections.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation, and Warren Tripp in particular, for his leadership of the Statewide Covered Bridge Study and follow-up covered bridge rehabilitation projects, which were important for compilation of this manual.
McFarland-Johnson, Inc., for permission to use the information and photographs gleaned from the Statewide Study of Covered Bridges in Vermont and the follow-up rehabilitation projects at Paper Mill and Hopkins Bridges.
Shumaker Consulting Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., for permission to use the information and photographs related to the Mill Bridge project in Vermont.
The Delaware County Department of Public Works for information and photographs related to rehabilitation of the three publicly owned covered bridges in the County-Downsville, Hamden, and Fitch's.
Joe Nelson for permission to use photographs from his covered bridge Web site (www.vermontbridges.com) and his modification of figures from his book, Spanning Time - Vermont's Covered Bridges, to highlight special features and use terminology consistent with this manual.
Duncan McElroy for preparation of the connection figures presented in chapter 14.
Robert Canham, Ed Levin, and John Smolen for their preparation of articles about new covered bridge construction presented in the appendices of this manual.
Dann Hall and his software development firm for the ongoing support with refined computerized analysis on multiple covered bridge projects.
Joseph Conwill for review of chapters 2 and 3 to improve the accuracy of these brief summaries.
Tara Jendrzejewski for reformatting the references listed in Chapter 20.
Caroline Brown, Ed Barna, and Jim Smedley for permission to use their photographs herein.
The following people provided valuable reviews of the manual:
Neil Daniels, P.E., Ascutney, VT.
Eric DeLony, Chief, Historic American Engineering Record, Washington, DC.
Dario Gaspirini, P.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Corvallis, OR.
Jan Lewandoski, Greensboro Bend, VT.
Paul Liles, Jr., P.E., Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA.