U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-034 Date: September 2016 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-034 Date: September 2016 |
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Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DFLTD) - Version 2.0 Software Download
This Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) project (DTFH61-14-R-00036) seeks to research and update FHWA technical references for design of large diameter open-end piles (LDOEPs) using the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) framework. One task of this study is the development of a database of LDOEP load tests and performance data for the evaluation of bearing resistance methods and calibration of LRFD resistance factors. As part of this task, an updated version of the FHWA Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DLFTD) was created, bringing in all of the existing data as well as the new data collected during this study.
This database user manual provides an overview of the new deep foundation load test database developed for the project. The document describes database installation procedures and the DeepFoundationView module. This user manual also describes the database query tools along with the process for data retrieval, data entry, and data visualization.
This report will be of interest to geotechnical and foundation engineers and those concerned with the axial performance of LDOEPs and other deep foundation elements, who intend to use the new deep foundation load test database (DLFTD v.2).
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
FHWA-HRT-17-034 |
2. Government Accession No. | 3 Recipient's Catalog No. | ||
4. Title and Subtitle
FHWA Deep Foundation Load Test Database Version 2.0 User Manual |
5. Report Date September 2016 |
6. Performing Organization Code | ||||
7. Author(s)
Kathryn Petek, PhD, P.E. |
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address Shannon & Wilson, Inc. |
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) |
11. Contract or Grant No.
DTFH61-14-C-00036 |
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Task 2 – Database User Manual, 8/2015 to 9/2016 |
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
The FHWA Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) was Jennifer Nicks, HRDI-40. |
16. Abstract
This Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began the development of the first version of the Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DLFTD) in the 1980s. Over 1,500 load tests were collected and stored for various types of piles and drilled shafts in different soil conditions. As part of a new FHWA research study initiated in 2014 to investigate and update FHWA technical references for the design of large diameter open-end piles (LDOEPs) using the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) framework, load tests on LDOEPs had to be collected. As part of this task, an updated version of the FHWA Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DLFTD v.2) was created, bringing in all of the existing data as well as the new data collected during this study. This DFLTD v.2 user manual provides an overview and instruction and the use of the new deep foundation load test database developed for the project. The document describes database installation procedures and the DeepFoundationView module. This user manual also describes the database query tools along with the process for data retrieval, data entry, and data visualization. |
17. Key Words
18. Distribution Statement
No restrictions. This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 |
19. Security Classification Unclassified |
20. Security Classification Unclassified |
21. No. of Pages
22. Price |
Form DOT F 1700.7 | Reproduction of completed page authorized |
SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors
This updated version of the Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DFLTD v.2) was developed as part of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research project, Bearing Resistance of Large Diameter Open-End Piles (2014–2017), and provides a collection of deep foundation load test data for researchers and practicing engineers. Potential applications of this database include reviewing previous load test case histories, estimating side and end bearing resistance (based on sites with similar conditions), and calibration of resistance factors. Load test types in the new database include axial static, rapid (Statnamic), and dynamic load tests. Foundation types include open- and closed-end steel pipe piles, concrete cylinder piles, steel H-piles, pre-stressed concrete piles, drilled shafts, augercast piles, micropiles, timber piles, and others. Deep foundation load test data from the existing FHWA Deep Foundations Load Test Database (DFLTD, Version 1.0, 2007) was transferred to the current database.
DFLTD v.2 is constructed with two separate Microsoft Access™ files. The individual files and their intended functions are:
The load test database uses Microsoft Access 2013 database development software and Advanced Software Engineering’s Chartdirector™ graphics utility. The database and applications have been created for use on a Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system and a Microsoft Access 2010 database or greater. The appendix includes a listing of all database lookup tables and defines all the field names in the database.
Data included in the database was obtained from a large number of sources. These sources primarily included conference proceedings, journal articles, and engineering reports. Native digital data for the various in situ and load tests was generally not available for these sources. Therefore, the LDOEP data including subsurface explorations, dynamic testing, and load test data (force, displacement, force distribution, and load transfer) is digitized from these publications. There may be some slight variation between the original publication and the digitized values included in the database.
The database is installed in the following steps:
Download the database from FHWA DFLTD v.2
Save the downloaded compressed “zip” file in a folder of the user’s choice. Extract the three files from the zip file. Recommendation: the database will run faster if saved locally. Running the database from a network server may slow performance.
The resulting folder should look similar to figure 1.
Source: FHWA
Figure 1. Zip file contents.
Run the application chartdir_com.exe to install the graphics utility.
Microsoft Access must be installed on the computer. Prior to running the database for the first time, the use of macros must be enabled on Microsoft Access. To enable macros, start Microsoft Access and go to File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center Settings>Macro Settings and select Enable All Macros. Depending on the computer user’s rights and permissions, a person with computer administrative privileges may be required to change these macro settings. Depending on the version of Microsoft Access, the databases may not function without macros enabled.
Source: FHWA
Figure 2. Microsoft Access macro settings.
Once macros are enabled, double-click on the DeepFoundationView application to run the database.
A general diagram showing the structure and operational flow of the database is presented in figure 3. See figure 28 in the appendix for a more detailed structural chart. This Users Guide discusses the DeepFoundationView application, which is used to search, view and export data to Microsoft Excel™ files.
The database sign convention is positive for compressive loads and upward displacement. Tension loads and downward displacement are negative. The sign convention is used for the LDOEP study data. The majority of the previous DFLTD data follow this sign convention with a few exceptions.
Figure 3. Database Organization.
The DeepFoundationView application allows the user to query the database. When the application is first opened (figure 4), the user is able to create queries to identify the load test results by project; location; exploration and subsurface conditions; deep foundation type; installation methods; and load test criteria. The text search tab (figure 4-A) allows searching by the project name, description fields, and location fields.
Figure 4. Project tab.
Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 show the search tabs and criteria that can be used to create a query. Perform queries by selecting one or more criteria on any of the available tabs (figure 4-A). The radio buttons (figure 4-B) allow users to search various portions of the database including: all data, only LDOEP study data, DFLTD data, or other new data.
Perform queries by selecting one or more items within the Project, Location, Explorations & Subsurface Conditions, Deep Foundation, or Load Test tab(s). Selections are cumulative for all the tabs, except Text Search.The Text Search tab searches the database text fields including project name, project description, location, and deep foundation designation.
At the bottom of each tab (figures 4-C, 5-C, 6-C, 7-C, and 8-C), the number of results that match the selected criteria is displayed. Click on Get Load Tests (figure4-D) to see the query results.
Clear the selections on a single tab by clicking the “Clear Selection(s)” button (figure 4-E). Alternatively, clear all selections on all tabs by clicking the “Clear All Selection on All Tabs” button (figure 4-F).
Toggle between English and metric units by clicking the radio box (figure 4-H). Most tabs contain a radio button to switch between English and metric units.
The project tab (figure 4) allows direct selection of load tests by project. The project tab provides summary info including project name, city, State, country, general soil type, load test count, and availability of explorations. Navigate within the project window (figure 4-G) using the mouse and scroll bar on the right.
The location tab (figure 5) allows the user to select load tests by the country, State, and city where the test was performed. The location tab only lists locations with load tests in the database. If a location is not listed, it does not have load tests in the database.
Source: FHWA
Figure 5. Locations tab.
The Exploration & Subsurface Conditions tab (figure 6) allows the user to select the exploration type, general soil type, foundation side soil type, and foundation base soil type.
The database uses the broad soil type classifications of cohesive, non-cohesive, intermediate geomaterial, rock, and variable. The soil type is classified as uniform condition if at least 70 percent of the soil along the pile side or base consists of the specified material type. Variable sites consist of a combination of soil types where combined layers for each soil type are less than 70 percent of the total.
Source: FHWA
Figure 6. Explorations and Subsurface Conditions tab.
The Deep Foundations tab (figure 7) allows the user to select foundation type and installation method. In addition, the foundation dimensions can be limited by entering the desired values into the dimension limits fields (figure 7-I). Toggle between English and metric units by clicking on the radio button (figure 7-J). This tab also includes check boxes that allow users to select projects that include driving records, dynamic testing, or have an artificial plug or constrictor plate.
Source: FHWA
Figure 7. Deep Foundation tab.
The Load Test tab (figure 8) allows users to select the load test type and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International D1143 procedure for static load tests. Users can enter the desired limits for load range and pile head displacement (figure 8-K). Additional radio buttons allow users to select compression tests only, tension tests only, combined tests only, or all load test types. Check boxes allow users to include load transfer (i.e. t-z and q-z curves) and force distribution data.
Source: FHWA
Figure 8. Load Test tab.
The Text Search tab (figure 9) searches the database text fields including project name, project description, location, and deep foundation designation. Figures 11-E and 16-P provide examples of the fields that can be searched with text search.
Terms or phrases entered on the Text Search tab search the database independently of the other tabs shown on figure 9. Term Search allows users to search terms or portions of words. Using Term Search will return load tests that include any of the terms or portions of words included in the search field. Phrase Search allows for searching of word groups. Phrase search returns only load tests that include the exact phrase and word order.
For example, if a user enters “Port Said” into the Term Search field, the query returns all load tests with the word “Port” or “Said”. If a user enters “Port Said” into the Phrase Search field, the query returns only load tests with the phrase “Port Said.”
Source: FHWA
Figure 9. Text Search tab.
Click the Get Load Test button on the bottom of any tab to create the query results window shown on figure 10. Query results are listed in alphanumerical order. Individual project records are viewed by clicking the View Detail button (figure 10-A). Alternatively, the set of projects can be viewed by clicking the View Details, All button (figure 10-C). Projects can be excluded by checking the exclude box (figure 10-B).
The Export List and Export Data functions are discussed in Section 4.3.
Figure 10. Query Results tab.
After performing a database query, the View Details and View Details, All buttons (figures 10-A and -C) open a new window displaying the desired load test data. The View Details button provides the results from a single project, whereas the View Details, All button provides the records from all projects returned by the query.
The new window provides available project, exploration, and deep foundation information on separate tabs and sub-tabs as shown in figure 11. The user can move between selected projects using the Select Project dropdown list in figure 11-D. Projects are listed in alphanumerical order.
The load test query results list, as shown in figure 10, will include only deep foundations that meet the criteria that the user specified on the database query tabs. However, View Details and View Details, All return load test data by project and therefore may include data that does not meet the criteria. For example, a user could search for open-end steel pipe piles loaded in tension. The query results from the Get Load Test(s) button will retrieve a list of tension load tests on open-end steel pipe piles. However, View Details and View Details, All would include projects with the tension load tests on open-end steel pipe piles, as well as all other load test and deep foundation types performed for those projects with tension load tests on open-end steel pipe piles (i.e. the dataset may include compression load tests along with the tension load tests). The key takeaway is that the list of projects will conform to the desired query criteria; however, the projects may contain additional explorations, deep foundations, and load tests that were not included in the query criteria.
This tab provides location, data source, and general project information that is applicable to all deep foundations and load tests within a project. The information contained on the Project tab within the View Details tab is shown on figure 11.
Source: FHWA
Figure 11. Project tab within View Details.
Source: FHWA
Figure 12. Explorations tab within View Details.
Figure 12 shows the information contained on the Explorations tab. Clicking the View Exploration Inventory button (figure 12-F) provides a complete listing of the available exploration types for a specific project. Alternatively, clicking the dropdown arrows for exploration type and exploration name (figure 12-G) reveals the exploration inventory one by one. Additional exploration information for the selected exploration can be reviewed by clicking on any of the tabs shown at figure 12-H. The available types of exploration information include exploration details (standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), etc.); soil layers; laboratory tests; groundwater; and dynamic measurements (shear wave, compression wave velocities, etc.). Different tabs are available depending on the exploration type.
Within the Exploration Details tab, the graphical plotting utility allows users to create plots of SPT blow count as a function of depth (figure 13-I) for borings, or any of the available parameters for the CPT (figure 14-K) explorations. Images for any of these plots are exported to a file by clicking the Save Image button (figures 13-J and 14-L). The digital data is exported using the Export Data function discussed in Section 4.3.
Native digital data for the various in situ tests was generally not available during data collection of the LDOEP study. The plots of SPT blow count are based on the numerical values shown in the Exploration Details tab. The LDOEP study CPT data was primarily digitized from plots in publications. There may be slight variation between the original publication and the digitized CPT Test values included in the database. The source of the DFLTD data is unknown.
Source: FHWA
Figure 13. Exploration details within Explorations Tab. Standard Penetration Test.
Source: FHWA
Figure 14. Explorations Details within Explorations Tab. Cone Penetration Test.
Figure 15 shows the soil layers tab, where generalized soil layering is provided for the project. The generalized soil layering information may include engineering and index properties that can be viewed by scrolling right in the tab.
Source: FHWA
Figure 15. Soil Layers tab within Explorations.
Figure 16 shows the information contained on the Deep Foundations tab. Clicking on the View Deep Foundation Inventory button (figure 16-M) provides a complete listing of the available deep foundation types and their respective designations for a specific project. Alternatively, clicking the dropdown arrows for deep foundation designation (figure 16-N) reveals the deep foundations inventory one by one. The available Deep Foundation information for the selected project can be reviewed by clicking on any of the tabs shown in figure 16-O. The available types of deep foundation information include location, geometry and properties, installation, dynamic tests, and load tests.
Source: FHWA
Figure 16. Deep Foundations tab within View Details.
Figure 17 shows a view of the Installation tab for piles. The available fields depend on the deep foundation type. The View Installation Details button (figure 17-Q) opens a new window of installation details.
Source: FHWA
Figure 17. Installation tab within Deep Foundations.
Figure 18 shows the Installation Details for a driven pile. The bar across the top of the window (figure 18-R) indicates the number of drive sequences on file that can be individually selected using the Drive Sequence dropdown list (figure 18-S). The initial drive/restrike information, driving record, and vibratory hammer information are available by clicking the corresponding tabs (figure 18-T).
Source: FHWA
Figure 18. View Installation Details.
Figure 19 provides a sample of the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) Analysis data. To access this data, click on the Dynamic Test w/Signal Matching tab (figure 16-O), and then click the View CAPWAP Test button. The upper table provides a summary of the CAPWAP analyses with the total capacity and key parameters for each blow or drive sequence analyzed (figure 19-U). The lower table provides the detailed CAPWAP data along the pile length for an individual blow or drive sequence (figure 19-V). The detailed CAPWAP lower table data can be viewed for an individual drive sequence by clicking the respective row of the upper table (figure 19-U). Graphs of the Force in Pile, Force in Segment, Segment Unit Resistance, and Sum of Segment Force are created using the graphing utility (figure 19-W), if data is available. Images for any of these plots are exported to a file by clicking the Save Image button (figure 19-X). The digital data is exported using the Export Data function discussed in Section 4.3.
Source: FHWA
Figure 19. CAPWAP Test Results within Dynamic Tests w/ Signal Matching tab.
The Load Tests subtab (figure 16-O), within the Deep Foundations tab, contains information related to Static, Statnamic, and Osterberg axial load testing. Figures 20 and 21 provide examples of the Static and Statnamic load test results that are contained within the tab. Both the Static and Statnamic load test results (figure 20-Y and 21-Y) include tabs of Test Setup & Summary, Load Displacement, Load Transfer, Force Distribution, and Nominal Resistance. Examples of load displacement, load transfer, and force distribution data, including graphing options, are shown in figures 22, 23, and 24 for static load tests, and in figures 25, 26, and 27 for Statnamic load tests. The Osterberg test tab contains the same Load Displacement, Load Transfer, Force Distribution, and Nominal Resistance tabs, as well as information about the Osterberg capacity.
Source: FHWA
Figure 20. Load Test Results within Load Test tab. Static Load test.
Source: FHWA
Figure 21. Load Test Results within Load Test tab. Statnamic Load Test.
Source: FHWA
Figure 22. Static Load Test Graphics Options within Load Test tab. Load Displacement tab.
Graphs are generated using the dropdown lists shown in figures 22-Z, 23-AA and 23-AB, and 24-AC. The available plotting options for base resistance are shown in figure 23-AB. Side resistance transfer curves will be plotted for all available levels similar to figure 26-AD. The plotting options available for the static load test data are also available for the Statnamic and Osterberg cell load tests data.
Source: FHWA
Figure 23. Static Load Test Graphics Options within Load Tab test. Load Transfer tab.
Source: FHWA
Figure 24. Static Load Test Graphics Options within Load Test tab. Force Distribution tab.
Source: FHWA
Figure 25. Statnamic Test Graphics Options with Load Test tab. Load Displacement Tab.
Source: FHWA
Figure 26. Statnamic Test Graphics Options within Load Test tab. Load Transfer tab.
Source: FHWA
Figure 27. Statnamic Test Graphics Options within Load Test tab. Force Distribution tab.
The database sign convention is positive for compressive loads and upward displacement. Tension loads and downward displacement are negative. This sign convention is used for the LDOEP study data. The majority of the previous DFLTD data follow this sign convention with some variations for individual cases.
Native digital data for the static and Statnamic load tests was generally not available during data collection of the LDOEP study. The load displacement, load transfer, and force distribution data was digitized from plots in the available publications. There may be some slight variation between the original publication and the digitized values included in the database.
Query results from the Get Load Test(s) button can be exported using the Export List and Export Data buttons shown in figure 10-C. Both buttons export to Microsoft Excel format files.
The Export List file contains all the fields shown in figure 10 for the selected projects. The units for the Export List file will be in either English or metric as selected on the query results page. Row 1 of the Microsoft Excel file contains the column label and corresponding units at the end of the label as appropriate. Subsequent rows list the project details as shown in figure 10. Some row entries contain abbreviations; an alphabetical list of these abbreviations and associated descriptions is provided in the appendix, in table 2.
The Export Data button generates Microsoft Excel files that contain the data for the selected entries. One Microsoft Excel workbook is created for each project name. Ten or more worksheets are created within each project workbook to organize the large amount of project information. The worksheet names correspond to the database tables listed in figure 28 and table 1 in the appendix, with columns or rows for each of the table fields listed. Some entries contain abbreviations; an alphabetical list of these abbreviations and associated descriptions is provided in table 2 in the appendix.
The worksheet column and row labels contain the corresponding units at the end of the label as appropriate. The units will be in either English or metric as selected on the query results page.
Native digital data for the various in situ and load tests was generally not available. The in situ and load test data was digitized from plots in publications. Additionally, some projects include multiple in situ tests such as the CPT, with a single CPT containing over 1,000 data points. The Filter command, under the Data Menu in Microsoft Excel, can be used to quickly filter the data to present only the desired CPT, load test, load transfer curve, etc.
The database sign convention is positive for compressive loads and upward displacement. Tension loads and downward displacement are negative. The sign convention is used for the LDOEP study data. The majority of the previous DFLTD data follow this sign convention with some variations for individual cases.
Project | KeyProject |
SourceDb | |
ProjectName | |
Address | |
City | |
County | |
StateCode | |
CountryCode | |
USCSPredominant | |
ASTMPredominant | |
ASTMLegacy | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
VerticalDatumCode | |
HorizontalDatumCode | |
GeologicProvinceCode | |
GeologicUnit | |
GeneralSoilDescription | |
ProjectID | |
Title | |
Remarks | |
Owner | |
DataSourceCompanyAgency | |
DataSourceFirstname | |
DataSourceLastname | |
DataSourcePhone | |
DataSourceEmail | |
PrimeConsultant | |
GeotechnicalConsultant | |
GeneralContractor | |
Publication | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
Exploration | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyExplorationType | |
ExplorationSubType | |
ExplorationDate | |
ExplorationHammerTypeCode | |
HammerEfficiency | |
ConeDiameter | |
ConeAngle | |
ConeBaseArea | |
RodDiameter | |
ConeType | |
CPTRatioa | |
CPTRatiob | |
PMTInstallMethodCode | |
PMTDeviceTypeCode | |
Remarks | |
DepthToWaterStatic | |
MeasuringDepthWaterStatic | |
DepthToWaterArtesian | |
ArtesianMeasuringDepth | |
FreshOrSaltWater | |
GroundElevation | |
Easting | |
Northing | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Station | |
Offset | |
USCSCodePredominant | |
ASTMCodePredominant | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationBoring | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
SamplerTypeCode | |
FieldBlowCount | |
BlowIncrement | |
BlowEquivalent | |
RQD | |
USCSCodeLegacy | |
ASTMCodeLegacy | |
GeologicUnitCodeLegacy | |
SptPhiLegacy | |
SptCohesLegacy | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationPressuremeter | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
PressureLimiting | |
LateralStress | |
K0 | |
InitialModulus | |
ReloadModulus | |
ShearModulus | |
UndrainedShearStrength | |
FrictionAngle | |
DilationAngle | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationVaneField | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
PeakShearStrength | |
ResidualShearStrength | |
RemoldedShearStrength | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationVaneStepBlade | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
LateralPressure | |
K0 | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationGroundwaterMonitoring | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDateTime | |
DepthToWater | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationDynamicMeasurements | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
ShearVelocity | |
CompressionVelocity | |
ShearModulus | |
BulkModulus | |
YoungsModulus | |
PoissonsRatio | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationLabResults | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepth | |
USCSCode | |
ASTMCode | |
MoistureContent | |
TotalUnitWeight | |
DryDensity | |
RelativeDensity | |
UnitWeightMax | |
UnitWeightMin | |
LiquidLimit | |
PlasticLimit | |
PlasticityIndex | |
D10 | |
D30 | |
D60 | |
PercentGravel | |
PercentSand | |
PercentFines | |
PercentClayFraction | |
Permeability | |
Saturation | |
CompressionIndex | |
ReCompressionIndex | |
VoidRatio | |
CoefficientOfConsolidation | |
CoeffficientOfCompression | |
T90 | |
PreconsolidationPressure | |
OCR | |
ShearTestCode | |
Cohesion | |
Phi | |
EffectCohesion | |
EffectPhi | |
ShearStrLegacy | |
ModulusLegacy | |
TypeModLegacy | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationSoilLayerBoring | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepthToBottom | |
USCSCode | |
ASTMCode | |
PrimarySoilDescriptionCode | |
SecondarySoilDescriptionCode | |
PlasticityDescriptionCode | |
LayerDescription | |
GeologicUnit | |
BlowCountInterpreted | |
BlowIncrement | |
CohesionInterpreted | |
FrictionAngleInterpreted | |
CptqcInterpreted | |
CptfsInterpreted | |
UnitWeightInterpreted | |
ShearVelocityInterpreted | |
YoungsModulusInterpreted | |
ShearModulusInterpreted | |
KoInterpreted | |
OCRInterpreted | |
WaterContentInterpreted | |
LLInterpreted | |
PLInterpreted | |
PIInterpreted | |
RQDInterpreted | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ExplorationSoilLayerCPT | KeyProject |
KeyExplorationName | |
KeyDepthToBottom | |
USCSCode | |
ASTMCode | |
PrimarySoilDescriptionCode | |
SecondarySoilDescriptionCode | |
PlasticityDescriptionCode | |
LayerDescription | |
GeologicUnit | |
BlowCountInterpreted | |
BlowIncrement | |
CohesionInterpreted | |
FrictionAngleInterpreted | |
CptqcInterpreted | |
CptfsInterpreted | |
UnitWeightInterpreted | |
ShearVelocityInterpreted | |
YoungsModulusInterpreted | |
ShearModulusInterpreted | |
KoInterpreted | |
OCRInterpreted | |
WaterContentInterpreted | |
LLInterpreted | |
PLInterpreted | |
PIInterpreted | |
RQDInterpreted | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DeepFoundation | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
PileDesignation | |
PileType | |
ConstructionMethodCode | |
StructureNumber | |
PierGroupNumber | |
SacrificialOrProductionPile | |
NumberOfSections | |
GeometryCode | |
TipTreatmentCode | |
GroundElevation | |
DepthToWater | |
SoilTypeGen | |
SoilTypeSide | |
SoilTypeTip | |
TopElevation | |
TipElevation | |
TotalLength | |
EmbeddedLength | |
PermanentCasedLength | |
PermanentCasingBottomElevation | |
DistanceToReactionPile1 | |
DistanceToReactionPile2 | |
DistanceToReactionPile3 | |
DistanceToReactionPile4 | |
BatterAngle | |
InstallStartDate | |
InstallEndDate | |
InstallationSubcontractor | |
Easting | |
Northing | |
Station | |
Offset | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Remarks | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DeepFoundationDistToExploration | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyExplorationName | |
DistanceToExploration | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
tbl_DeepFoundationSection | KeySite |
KeyProject | |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeySectionNumber | |
FoundationType | |
ConstructionMethodCode | |
SectionLength | |
TopDepth | |
BottomDepth | |
TopElevation | |
BottomElevation | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
DeepFoundationSoilLayer | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDepthToBottom | |
DepthToWater | |
USCSCodeInterpreted | |
ASTMCodeInterpreted | |
PrimarySoilDescriptionCode | |
SecondarySoilDescriptionCode | |
PlasticityDescriptionCode | |
LayerDescription | |
GeologicUnit | |
BlowCountInterpreted | |
BlowIncrement | |
CohesionInterpreted | |
FrictionAngleInterpreted | |
CptqcInterpreted | |
CptfsInterpreted | |
UnitWeightInterpreted | |
ShearVelocityInterpreted | |
YoungsModulusInterpreted | |
ShearModulusInterpreted | |
KoInterpreted | |
OCRInterpreted | |
WaterContentInterpreted | |
LLInterpreted | |
PLInterpreted | |
PIInterpreted | |
RQDInterpreted | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionAugerCast | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
Diameter | |
CrossSectionArea | |
MomentInertia | |
ConcreteStrength | |
ConcreteModulus | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
ReinforcementCode | |
ReinforcementTotalXArea | |
ReinforcementYieldStrength | |
ReinforcementModulus | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionCylinderConcrete | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
OuterDiameter | |
InnerDiameter | |
WallThickness | |
CrossSectionArea | |
MomentInertia | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
CompositeModulus | |
ConcreteStrength | |
PrestressPressure | |
PostTensionStress | |
PrestressYN | |
PostTensionYN | |
ReinforcementYN | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionDrilledShaft | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
DiameterMain | |
DiameterSocket | |
PermanentCasingInnerDiameter | |
PermanentCasingThickness | |
PermanentCasingOuterDiameter | |
CrossSectionArea | |
MomentInertia | |
ConcreteStrength | |
ConcreteModulus | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
ReinforcementCode | |
ReinforcementTotalXArea | |
ReinforcementPctXArea | |
ReinforcementYieldStrength | |
ReinforcementModulus | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
DescriptionHPile | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
HpileCode | |
HpileCodeOld | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
CrossSectionArea | |
DepthSection | |
FlangeWidth | |
FlangeDepth | |
WebThickness | |
CoatingArea | |
MomentInertiaXX | |
MomentInertiaYY | |
SteelModulus | |
SteelYieldStrength | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
DescriptionMonotube | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
TopDiameter | |
TipDiameter | |
Gauge | |
TaperAngle | |
Modulus | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
DescriptionPolyconcrete | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
CoreDiameter | |
NumberOfSides | |
SideLength | |
EquivalentDiameter | |
Perimeter | |
CrossSectionArea | |
MomentInertia | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
ConcreteModulus | |
ConcreteStrength | |
PrestressPressure | |
PrestressLegacy | |
ReinforceLegacy | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionSteelPipe | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
WallThickness | |
OuterDiameter | |
InnerDiameter | |
CrossSectionArea | |
EndArea | |
MomentInertia | |
WeightPerUnitLength | |
SteelModulus | |
SteelYieldStrength | |
ConcreteFilledYN | |
ConcreteDepth | |
ConcreteStrength | |
ConcreteModulus | |
ReinforcementTotalXArea | |
ReinforcementPctXArea | |
ReinforcementYieldStrength | |
ReinforcementModulus | |
CompositeModulus | |
ArtificialPlugYN | |
ArtificialPlugNote | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionStepTaper | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
Diameter | |
Gauge | |
ConcreteFilledYN | |
SurfaceArea | |
CrossSectionArea | |
MomentInertia | |
Modulus | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DescriptionTimber | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
TopDiameter | |
TipDiameter | |
MomentInertia | |
Modulus | |
TaperAngle | |
WoodTypeCode | |
Strength | |
UnitWeight | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallAugerCast | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
AugerDiameter | |
AugerPitch | |
TotalTheoreticalVolume | |
TotalGroutVolume | |
TimeDrilling | |
TimeGrouting | |
InstallationRemarks | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallAugerCastConcreteVolume | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDeepFoundationDepth | |
TheoreticalVolume | |
MeasuredVolume | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrilledShaft | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
ConcretePlacementCode | |
BottomCleanOutCode | |
ShaftCaliperYN | |
ConcreteVolumeYN | |
InstallationRemarks | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrilledShaftCaliper | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDeepFoundationDepth | |
Diameter | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrilledShaftConcreteVolume | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDeepFoundationDepth | |
TheoreticalVolume | |
MeasuredVolume | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrivenPile | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
InstallationRemark | |
VibratoryHammerCode | |
VibratoryStartDepth | |
VibratoryEndDepth | |
VibratoryStartDate | |
VibratoryEndDate | |
VibratoryTotalTime | |
VibratoryPenetrationRatePer305mm | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrivenPileHeader | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDriveSequenceCode | |
ImpactHammerCode | |
ImpactHammerName | |
RatedEnergyEng | |
RatedEnergyMet | |
PDASubcontractor | |
DateDriveStart | |
DateDriveEnd | |
DriveNumberOfDays | |
DepthDriveStart | |
DepthDriveEnd | |
NumberBlowsBOD | |
SetBOD | |
NumberBlowsEOD | |
SetEOD | |
HelmetWeight | |
PileCushionMaterial | |
PileCushionArea | |
PileCushionThickness | |
PileCushionModulus | |
InstallationRemark | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
InstallDrivenPileDriveRecord | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyDriveSequenceCode | |
KeyDeepFoundationDepth | |
TimeMeasured | |
BlowsPerIncrement | |
BlowIncrement | |
Stroke | |
PDABlowDepth | |
PDABlowNumber | |
PDABlows | |
PDACSXStress | |
PDACSIStress | |
PDAFMXForce | |
PDAMaxTransferedEnergy | |
PDAETREnergyTransferRatio | |
PDAETHPotentialEnergyTransferRatio | |
PDACaseCapacityJc0 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc1 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc2 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc3 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc4 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc5 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc6 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc7 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc8 | |
PDACaseCapacityJc9 | |
Remarks | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
InstallDrivenPilePlug | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
DrivingShoeInnerDiameter | |
DrivingShoeOuterDiameter | |
PlugLengthRatioYN | |
IncrementalFillingRatioYN | |
FinalFillingRatioYN | |
PlugRemarks | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
DeepFoundationDynamicTest | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
Capwap | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyBODEODCode | |
KeyBlowNumber | |
Remarks | |
SetupDays | |
CapacityTotal | |
CapacityShaft | |
CapacityToe | |
UnitResistanceToe | |
CaseDampingShaft | |
CaseDampingToe | |
SmithDampingShaft | |
SmithDampingToe | |
QuakeShaft | |
QuakeToe | |
UnldLegacy | |
CsknLegacy | |
CtoeLegacy | |
LsknLegacy | |
LtoeLegacy | |
SkdpLegacy | |
BtdpLegacy | |
MsknLegacy | |
MtoeLegacy | |
TgapLegacy | |
PlugLegacy | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
CapwapDetail | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyBODEODCode | |
KeyBlowNumber | |
KeySegment | |
DistanceBelowGages | |
DepthBelowGrade | |
RuForceInSegment | |
ForceInPile | |
SumRuSumSegmentForcesSide | |
SegmentUnitResistance | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTest | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
TestDate | |
SetupDays | |
LoadTestSubcontractor | |
LoadTestCode | |
LoadTypeCode | |
LoadDirectionCode | |
ASTMProcedureCode | |
MaxLoadCriteriaCode | |
FailCriteriaYN | |
CyclicTestYN | |
LoadXferDataYN | |
MeasuredSideYN | |
MeasuredTipYN | |
PileTopElevAtTest | |
GroundElevAtTest | |
WaterTableAtTest | |
StaticTotalLoadApplied | |
StaticTotalDisplacement | |
StaticSideForce | |
StaticBaseForce | |
StaticSideForceWithResidual | |
StaticBaseForceWithResidual | |
StaticBaseDisplacement | |
StatnamicTestIDLegacy | |
StatnamicDevice | |
StatnamicCatchSystem | |
StatnamicTotTime | |
StatnamicPreLoad | |
StatnamicPreDisplacement | |
StatnamicMaxLoad | |
StatnamicMaxDisplacement | |
StatnamicMaxLoadMiddendorp | |
StatnamicMaxDisplacementMiddendorp | |
StatnamicMaxLoadSUP | |
StatnamicMaxDisplacementSUP | |
StatnamicMaxLoadMUP | |
StatnamicMaxDisplacementMUP | |
MaxUnitBaseResistance | |
OCell1RatedCapacity | |
OCell1Depth | |
OCell1MaxUniDirectionalForce | |
OCell1MaxUpDisplacement | |
OCell1MaxDownDisplacement | |
OCell1Remarks | |
OCell2RatedCapacity | |
OCell2Depth | |
OCell2MaxUniDirectionalForce | |
OCell2MaxUpDisplacement | |
OCell2MaxDownDisplacement | |
OCell2Remarks | |
OCell3RatedCapacity | |
OCell3Depth | |
OCell3MaxUniDirectionalForce | |
OCell3MaxUpDisplacement | |
OCell3MaxDownDisplacement | |
OCell3Remarks | |
OCellMaxTopLoad | |
OCellMaxTopDisplacement | |
OCellMaxTipLoad | |
OCellMaxTipDisplacement | |
StaticLegacy | |
LoadTestRemarks | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestStatic | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLoadStep | |
ReadTime | |
ElapsedTime | |
TotalAppliedLoadGeneric | |
TotalAppliedLoadCell | |
TotalAppliedLoadJack | |
TotalAppliedLoadStrainGage | |
DisplGeneric | |
DisplPileHeadSurvey | |
DisplDialGage | |
DisplWireLine | |
DisplLiquidLevelGage | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestStatnamic | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLoadStep | |
ReadTime | |
ElapsedTIme | |
StatnamicForce | |
StatnamicDisplacement | |
StatnamicForceMiddendorp | |
StatnamicDisplacementMiddendorp | |
StatnamicForceSUP | |
StatnamicDisplacementSUP | |
StatnamicForceMUP | |
StatnamicDisplacementMUP | |
StatnamicForceBase | |
StatnamicDisplacementBase | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy | |
LoadTestOsterberg | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLoadStep | |
ReadTime | |
ElapsedTime | |
TopLoad | |
TopDisplacement | |
TipLoad | |
TipDisplacement | |
OCell1Load | |
OCell1NetLoad | |
OCell1Expansion | |
OCell1UpDisplacement | |
OCell1DownDisplacement | |
OCell2Load | |
OCell2NetLoad | |
OCell2Expansion | |
OCell2UpDisplacement | |
OCell2DownDisplacement | |
OCell3Load | |
OCell3NetLoad | |
OCell3Expansion | |
OCell3UpDisplacement | |
OCell3DownDisplacement | |
EquivalentMaxTopLoad | |
EquivalentMaxTopDisplacement | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestSegment | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLevel | |
TopElevation | |
BottomElevation | |
MaxUnitSideResistance | |
DisplAtMaxSideResistance | |
DisplLocationCode | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestSegmentBase | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeySequence | |
BaseForce | |
BaseForceWithResidual | |
UnitBaseResistance | |
BaseDisplacement | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestSegmentSide | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLevel | |
KeySequence | |
UnitSideResistance | |
SegmentDisplacement | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestForceDistributionData | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyTotalAppliedLoad | |
Ptr | |
Force01 | |
Force02 | |
Force03 | |
Force04 | |
Force05 | |
Force06 | |
Force07 | |
Force08 | |
Force09 | |
Force10 | |
Force11 | |
Force12 | |
Force13 | |
Force14 | |
Force15 | |
Force16 | |
AddDate | |
CreatedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
LoadTestForceDistributionGage | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLevel | |
KeyStrainGageName | |
StrainGageElevation | |
ResidualForce | |
AddDate | |
CreatedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
LoadTestNominalResistance | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyFailureCriteriaCode | |
FailureLoad | |
SideResistance | |
BaseResistance | |
Displacement | |
CreatedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedBy | |
ModifiedDate | |
LoadTestStaticInclinometer | KeyProject |
KeyDeepFoundation | |
KeyLoadTest | |
KeyLoadStep | |
KeyProbeDepth | |
Displacement | |
ModifiedBy | |
AddDate | |
ModifiedDate | |
CreatedBy |
Code | Code Definition | Description of Usage in Database | Associated Database Table(s) |
10percentD | 10% Pile Diameter Displacement | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
12mmD | 0.5 inch (12mm) Displacement | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
150DL | 150% Design Load | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
200DL | 200% Design Load | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
25mmD | 1 inch (25mm) Displacement | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
50mmD | 2 inch (50 mm) Displacement | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
5percentD | 5% Pile Diameter Displacement | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
AA | AASHTO | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
AB | Alberta | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ABW | Aruba | Country code | tbl_Project |
AC | Auger Cast | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
ACNP | Auger Cast Pile Construction | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
AF | AASHTO/FDOT | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
AFG | Afghanistan | Country code | tbl_Project |
AGO | Angola | Country code | tbl_Project |
AH | Automatic Hammer | Exploration hammer type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
AIA | Anguilla | Country code | tbl_Project |
AK | Alaska: 3" OD sampler w/ 340 lb @ 30" | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
AK | Alaska | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
AL | Alabama | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ALA | Aland Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
ALB | Albania | Country code | tbl_Project |
ALP | Air-Lift Pump | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
AND | Andorra | Country code | tbl_Project |
AR | Air Rotary | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
AR | Arkansas | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ARE | United Arab Emirates | Country code | tbl_Project |
ARG | Argentina | Country code | tbl_Project |
ARM | Armenia | Country code | tbl_Project |
ASM | American Samoa | Country code | tbl_Project |
ASPH | Asphalt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
ATA | Antarctica | Country code | tbl_Project |
ATF | French Southern Territories | Country code | tbl_Project |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | Country code | tbl_Project |
AUS | Australia | Country code | tbl_Project |
AUT | Austria | Country code | tbl_Project |
AZ | Arizona | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
AZE | Azerbaijan | Country code | tbl_Project |
B | Both Compression and Tension | Load type or direction | tbl_LoadTest |
B | Bottom of Pile | Load transfer segment displacement measurement location | tbl_LoadTestSegment |
BAS | Basalt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
BC | Drilled Shaft, Caisson, or Pier | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
BC | British Columbia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
BDI | Burundi | Country code | tbl_Project |
BEL | Belgium | Country code | tbl_Project |
BEN | Benin | Country code | tbl_Project |
BES | Bonaire | Country code | tbl_Project |
BFA | Burkina Faso | Country code | tbl_Project |
BGD | Bangladesh | Country code | tbl_Project |
BGR | Bulgaria | Country code | tbl_Project |
BH | Becker Hammer | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
BHR | Bahrain | Country code | tbl_Project |
BHS | Bahamas | Country code | tbl_Project |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Country code | tbl_Project |
BLM | Saint Barthelemy | Country code | tbl_Project |
BLR | Belarus | Country code | tbl_Project |
BLZ | Belize | Country code | tbl_Project |
BMU | Bermuda | Country code | tbl_Project |
BO | Boca | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
BOD | Initial Drive | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
BOL | Bolivia | Country code | tbl_Project |
BOR | Boring | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
BOR1 | Beginning of Restrike 1 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
BOR2 | Beginning of Restrike 2 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
BOR3 | Beginning of Restrike 3 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
BOR4 | Beginning of Restrike 4 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
Bpclo | Becker Penetration Test (Closed-End) | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
Bpopn | Becker Penetration Test (Open-End) | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
BRA | Brazil | Country code | tbl_Project |
BRB | Barbados | Country code | tbl_Project |
BRH80 | Brinch Hansen 80% | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
BRH90 | Brinch Hansen 90% | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | Country code | tbl_Project |
BTN | Bhutan | Country code | tbl_Project |
BUH | Butley Hoy | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
BUR | Burmeister: 3.625" OD sampler w/ 250 lb @ 20" | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
BVT | Bouvet Island | Country code | tbl_Project |
BWA | Botswana | Country code | tbl_Project |
C | Cambridge | Pressuremeter type | tbl_Exploration |
C | Compression | Load type or direction | tbl_LoadTest |
CA | Casing Advance | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
CA | California: 2.5" OD sampler w/140 lb @ 30 " | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
CA | California | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
CAF | Central African Republic | Country code | tbl_Project |
CAN | Canada | Country code | tbl_Project |
CAPWAP | CAPWAP | Dynamic testing with signal matching method | tbl_Capwap |
CB | Center Bar | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
CC | Concrete Cylinder (hollow) | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
CD | Triaxial: Consolidated Drained | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
CEM | Cemented | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CH | USGS Group Symbol: CH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CH | Chin | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
CHE | Switzerland | Country code | tbl_Project |
CHL | Chile | Country code | tbl_Project |
CH-MH | USGS Group Symbol: CH-MH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CHN | China | Country code | tbl_Project |
CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | Country code | tbl_Project |
CL | Clay | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CL | USGS Group Symbol: CL | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CL-CH | USGS Group Symbol: CL-CH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CLGR | Clayey Gravel | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CL-ML | USGS Group Symbol: CL-ML | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CL-OL | USGS Group Symbol: CL-OL | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CLSA | Clayey Sand | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CLSI | Clayey Silt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CMI | Constant Movement Increment | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
CMP | Composite | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CMR | Cameroon | Country code | tbl_Project |
CO | Core Drilling | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
CO | Core | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
CO | Colorado | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
COB | Clean-out Bucket | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Country code | tbl_Project |
COG | Congo | Country code | tbl_Project |
Cohesive | Cohesive | Generalized soil type for classification of site, pile side, and pile base conditions | tbl_Project, tbl_DeepFoundation |
COK | Cook Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
COL | Colombia | Country code | tbl_Project |
COM | Comoros | Country code | tbl_Project |
CONC | Concrete | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
CP | Closure Plate | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CPT | Cone Penetrometer | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
CPT | Piezocone, Type Unknown | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
CPT10M | 10-cm2 Type 1 Piezocone (midface porewater pressure) | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
CPT10S | 10-cm2 Type 2 Piezocone (STANDARD) (shoulder porewater pressure) | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
CPT15 | 15-cm2 Type 2 Piezocone (shoulder pore water pressure) | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
CPV | Cape Verde | Country code | tbl_Project |
CRI | Costa Rica | Country code | tbl_Project |
CRP | Constant Rate of Penetration | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
CSI | Cutting Shoe - Inside Fit | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CSO | Cutting Shoe - Outside Fit | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CSU | Cutting Shoe - Unknown | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CT | Connecticut | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
CTDT | Drive-Tite Boot | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CTI | Constant Time Interval | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
CTTP | Conical Toe - Pointed | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CTTR | Conical Toe - Rounded | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
CU | Triaxial: Consolidated Undrained | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
CU | Curvature | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
CUB | Cuba | Country code | tbl_Project |
CUW | Curaçao | Country code | tbl_Project |
CXR | Christmas Island | Country code | tbl_Project |
CYC | Cyclic Loading | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
CYM | Cayman Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
CYP | Cyprus | Country code | tbl_Project |
CZE | Czech Republic | Country code | tbl_Project |
D | Driven | Pressuremeter installation method | tbl_Exploration |
DA | Davisson | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
DB | DeBeer | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
DC | District of Columbia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
DE | Delaware | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
DEB | DeBeer | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
DEC | DeCourt | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
DEU | Germany | Country code | tbl_Project |
DFC | Douglas Fir - Coast | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
DFIN | Douglas Fir - Interior North | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
DFIS | Douglas Fir - Interior South | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
DFIW | Douglas Fir - Interior West | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
DH | Donut Hammer (Rope And Cathead) | Exploration hammer type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
DJI | Djibouti | Country code | tbl_Project |
DL | Design Load | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
DM140 | Dames & Moore (3 or 3.25” OD) w/ 140 lb @ 30” | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
DM300 | Dames & Moore (3 or 3.25” OD) w/ 300 lb @ 20” | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
DMA | Dominica | Country code | tbl_Project |
Dmoth | Dames & Moore (3 or 3.25” OD) w/ other | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
DMT | Dilatometer | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
DNK | Denmark | Country code | tbl_Project |
DOM | Dominican Republic | Country code | tbl_Project |
DS | Drilled Shaft | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DS | Driving Shoe | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DS | Direct Shear | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
DSD | Drilled Shaft Dry | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSOSC | Drilled Shaft Oscillator | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSRC | Drilled Shaft Reverse Circulation | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSRO | Drilled Shaft Rotator | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSS | Direct Simple Shear | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
DSWB | Drilled Shaft Wet with Bentonite | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSWBC | Drilled Shaft Wet with Bentonite (Temp Casing) | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSWP | Drilled Shaft Wet with Polymer Slurry | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSWPC | Drilled Shaft Wet with Polymer Slurry (Temp Casing) | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSWW | Drilled Shaft Wet with Water | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DSWWC | Drilled Shaft Wet with Water (Temp Casing) | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
DT | Double Tangent | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
DZA | Algeria | Country code | tbl_Project |
EC | 10-cm2 Electric Cone | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
ECU | Ecuador | Country code | tbl_Project |
EGY | Egypt | Country code | tbl_Project |
EOD | End of Initial Drive | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
EOR1 | End of Restrike 1 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
EOR2 | End of Restrike 2 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
EOR3 | End of Restrike 3 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
EOR4 | End of Restrike 4 | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
ERI | Eritrea | Country code | tbl_Project |
ESH | Western Sahara | Country code | tbl_Project |
ESP | Spain | Country code | tbl_Project |
EST | Estonia | Country code | tbl_Project |
ETH | Ethiopia | Country code | tbl_Project |
FC | Franki | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
FCC | Franki Pile Construction | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
FD | FDOT | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
FDRC | Full Depth Rebar Cage | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
FF | Free fall | Drilled shaft concrete placement method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
FH | Fuller-Hoy | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
FHWA | FHWA | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
FIN | Finland | Country code | tbl_Project |
FJI | Fiji | Country code | tbl_Project |
FL | Florida | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
FLK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Country code | tbl_Project |
FRA | France | Country code | tbl_Project |
FRO | Faroe Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States of | Country code | tbl_Project |
FV | Field Vane Shear | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
FV | Field Vane Shear Test | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
GA | Georgia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
GAB | Gabon | Country code | tbl_Project |
GBR | United Kingdom | Country code | tbl_Project |
GC | USGS Group Symbol: GC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GEO | Georgia | Country code | tbl_Project |
GGY | Guernsey | Country code | tbl_Project |
GHA | Ghana | Country code | tbl_Project |
GIB | Gibraltar | Country code | tbl_Project |
GIN | Guinea | Country code | tbl_Project |
GLP | Guadeloupe | Country code | tbl_Project |
GM | USGS Group Symbol: GM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GMB | Gambia | Country code | tbl_Project |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Country code | tbl_Project |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | Country code | tbl_Project |
GP | USGS Group Symbol: GP | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GP-GC | USGS Group Symbol: GP-GC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GP-GM | USGS Group Symbol: GP-GM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GR | Gravel | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GRA | Gravel | Statnamic load test catch system | tbl_LoadTest |
GRC | Greece | Country code | tbl_Project |
GRCL | Gravelly Clay | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GRD | Grenada | Country code | tbl_Project |
GRL | Greenland | Country code | tbl_Project |
GRSA | Gravelly Sand | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GRSI | Gravelly Silt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GSC28 | Vertical Datum: GSC28 | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
GTM | Guatemala | Country code | tbl_Project |
GUF | French Guiana | Country code | tbl_Project |
GUM | Guam | Country code | tbl_Project |
GUY | Guyana | Country code | tbl_Project |
GW | USGS Group Symbol: GW | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GW-GC | USGS Group Symbol: GW-GC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
GW-GM | USGS Group Symbol: GW-GM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
HA | Hansen | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
HAS | Hollow Stem Auger | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
HC | Hand Cleaned | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
HI | Hawaii | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
HKG | Hong Kong | Country code | tbl_Project |
HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
HND | Honduras | Country code | tbl_Project |
HO | Housel | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
HP | H Pile | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
HP | High Plasticity (LL > 50) | Soil layer plasticity description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
HP | Hydraulic Pump | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
HPP | H-Pile Point | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
HPT | H-Pile Thickened Section | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
HRV | Croatia | Country code | tbl_Project |
HTI | Haiti | Country code | tbl_Project |
HUN | Hungary | Country code | tbl_Project |
HYD | Hydraulic | Statnamic load test catch system | tbl_LoadTest |
IA | Iowa | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ID | Impact Driven Only | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
ID | Idaho | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
IDN | Indonesia | Country code | tbl_Project |
IL | Illinois | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
IMN | Isle of Man | Country code | tbl_Project |
IN | Indiana | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
IND | India | Country code | tbl_Project |
INIT | Initial Drive | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
Intermediate Geomaterials | Intermediate Geomaterials | Generalized soil type | tbl_Project, tbl_DeepFoundation |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory | Country code | tbl_Project |
IRL | Ireland | Country code | tbl_Project |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Country code | tbl_Project |
IRQ | Iraq | Country code | tbl_Project |
ISL | Iceland | Country code | tbl_Project |
ISR | Israel | Country code | tbl_Project |
ITA | Italy | Country code | tbl_Project |
JACK | Jacked | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
JAM | Jamaica | Country code | tbl_Project |
JET | Jetted | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
JETID | Jetted and Impact Driven | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
JEY | Jersey | Country code | tbl_Project |
JOR | Jordan | Country code | tbl_Project |
JPN | Japan | Country code | tbl_Project |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | Country code | tbl_Project |
KEN | Kenya | Country code | tbl_Project |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | Country code | tbl_Project |
KHM | Cambodia | Country code | tbl_Project |
KIR | Kiribati | Country code | tbl_Project |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Country code | tbl_Project |
KOR | Korea, Republic of | Country code | tbl_Project |
KS | Kansas | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
KWT | Kuwait | Country code | tbl_Project |
KY | Kentucky | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
L | Lateral | Load type or direction | tbl_LoadTest |
LA | Louisiana | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
LAO | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Country code | tbl_Project |
LB | Labrador | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
LBN | Lebanon | Country code | tbl_Project |
LBR | Liberia | Country code | tbl_Project |
LBY | Libya | Country code | tbl_Project |
LCA | Saint Lucia | Country code | tbl_Project |
LEM | Loading in Excess of Maintained | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
LFC | Load Frame Capacity | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
LIE | Liechtenstein | Country code | tbl_Project |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Country code | tbl_Project |
LL | Lateral Load | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
LMSTN | Limestone | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
LOG | log-log | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
LP | Low Plasticity (LL < 50) | Soil layer plasticity description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
LSO | Lesotho | Country code | tbl_Project |
LTU | Lithuania | Country code | tbl_Project |
LUX | Luxembourg | Country code | tbl_Project |
LV | Lab Vane | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
LVA | Latvia | Country code | tbl_Project |
M | Monotube | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
M | Menard | Pressuremeter type | tbl_Exploration |
MA | Massachusetts | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MAC | Macao | Country code | tbl_Project |
MAF | Saint Martin (French part) | Country code | tbl_Project |
MAR | Morocco | Country code | tbl_Project |
MAZ | Mazurkiewicz | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
MB | Manitoba | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MC | Miniature Cone | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
MC | Maximum Curvature | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
MCO | Monaco | Country code | tbl_Project |
MD | Maryland | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MDA | Modified Davisson Offset Limit | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Country code | tbl_Project |
MDC | Mandrel Driven Concrete Filled | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
MDG | Madagascar | Country code | tbl_Project |
MDV | Maldives | Country code | tbl_Project |
ME | Maine | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
Mean Sea Level | Vertical Datum: Mean Sea Level | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
MEC | Mechanical Cone (Dutch and Begemann) | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
MEC | Mechanical | Statnamic load test catch system | tbl_LoadTest |
MEX | Mexico | Country code | tbl_Project |
MH | USGS Group Symbol: MH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
MHHW | Vertical Datum: MHHW | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
MHL | Marshall Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
MHW | Vertical Datum: MHW | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
MI | Micropile | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
MI | Michigan | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MIP | Micro Pile Construction | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
MKD | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of | Country code | tbl_Project |
ML | USGS Group Symbol: ML | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
ML | Maximum Load | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
MLI | Mali | Country code | tbl_Project |
MLLW | Vertical Datum: MLLW | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
MLT | Malta | Country code | tbl_Project |
MLW | Vertical Datum: MLW | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
MMR | Myanmar | Country code | tbl_Project |
MN | Minnesota | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MNE | Montenegro | Country code | tbl_Project |
MNG | Mongolia | Country code | tbl_Project |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
MO | Missouri | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MOZ | Mozambique | Country code | tbl_Project |
MR | Mud Rotary | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
MRT | Mauritania | Country code | tbl_Project |
MS | Mississippi | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MSR | Montserrat | Country code | tbl_Project |
MT | Montana | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
MTQ | Martinique | Country code | tbl_Project |
MUS | Mauritius | Country code | tbl_Project |
MWI | Malawi | Country code | tbl_Project |
MYS | Malaysia | Country code | tbl_Project |
MYT | Mayotte | Country code | tbl_Project |
NA | Not Applicable | Soil layer plasticity description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
NA | Not Applicable | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
NA | USGS Group Symbol: NA | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
NA | NA | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
NA | Not Applicable | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NAD27 | Horizontal Datum: NAD27 | Horizontal datum for project | tbl_Project |
NAD83 | Horizontal Datum: NAD83 | Horizontal datum for project | tbl_Project |
NAM | Namibia | Country code | tbl_Project |
NAVD88 | Vertical Datum: NAVD88 | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
NB | New Brunswick | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NC | Not Cleaned | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
NC | North Carolina | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NCL | New Caledonia | Country code | tbl_Project |
ND | North Dakota | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NE | Nebraska | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NER | Niger | Country code | tbl_Project |
NF | Newfoundland | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NFK | Norfolk Island | Country code | tbl_Project |
NGA | Nigeria | Country code | tbl_Project |
NGVD29 | Vertical Datum: NGVD29 | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
NH | New Hampshire | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NIC | Nicaragua | Country code | tbl_Project |
NIU | Niue | Country code | tbl_Project |
NJ | New Jersey | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NLD | Netherlands | Country code | tbl_Project |
NM | New Mexico | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
Non-Cohesive | Non-Cohesive | Generalized soil type | tbl_Project, tbl_DeepFoundation |
NONE | None | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
NONE | None | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
NONE | None | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
NONE | None | Pile tip treatment code for timber piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
NONE | None | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
NONE | No Hammer | Exploration hammer type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
NOR | Norway | Country code | tbl_Project |
NOSMP | No Sample | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
NPL | Nepal | Country code | tbl_Project |
NRU | Nauru | Country code | tbl_Project |
NS | Nova Scotia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NU | Nunavut | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NV | Nevada | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NW | North West Terr. | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NY | New York | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
NZL | New Zealand | Country code | tbl_Project |
O | Other | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
OC | Octogonal Concrete | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
OH | USGS Group Symbol: OH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
OH | Ohio | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
OK | Oklahoma | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
OL | USGS Group Symbol: OL | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
OL/OH | USGS Group Symbol: OL/OH | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
OMN | Oman | Country code | tbl_Project |
ON | Ontario | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
OR | Oregon | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ORCL | Organic Clay | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
ORSI | Organic Silt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
OST | Osterberg | Load test type | tbl_LoadTest |
OTH | Other | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
OTH | Other | Statnamic load test catch system | tbl_LoadTest |
OTHER | Other | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
OTHER | Other | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
OTHER | Other | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
OTHER | Other | Pile tip treatment code for timber piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
OTHER | Other | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
OTHER | Other | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
OTHER | Other | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
OTHER | Other | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
Other | Horizontal Datum: Other | Horizontal datum for project | tbl_Project |
Other | Vertical Datum: Other | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
P | Pre-Drilled | Pressuremeter installation method | tbl_Exploration |
PA | Pennsylvania | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
PAK | Pakistan | Country code | tbl_Project |
PAN | Panama | Country code | tbl_Project |
PB | Pile Boot | Pile tip treatment code for timber piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
PCN | Pitcairn | Country code | tbl_Project |
PE | Prince Edward Is. | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
PER | Peru | Country code | tbl_Project |
PHL | Philippines | Country code | tbl_Project |
PIST | Piston | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
PITCH | Pitcher Barrel | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
PL | Plunging | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
PLW | Palau | Country code | tbl_Project |
PMT | Pressuremeter | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | Country code | tbl_Project |
POL | Poland | Country code | tbl_Project |
PP | Pile Point | Pile tip treatment code for timber piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
PP | Pocket Penetrometer | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
PRC | Partial Rebar Cage | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
PRI | Puerto Rico | Country code | tbl_Project |
PRK | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Country code | tbl_Project |
PRT | Portugal | Country code | tbl_Project |
PRY | Paraguay | Country code | tbl_Project |
PSE | Palestine, State of | Country code | tbl_Project |
PT | Peat | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
PT | USGS Group Symbol: PT | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
PYF | French Polynesia | Country code | tbl_Project |
QAT | Qatar | Country code | tbl_Project |
QC | Quebec | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
QT | Quick Test | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
QU | Quebec | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
RC | Round Concrete (solid) | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
RC | Rock Crusher | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
RD1 | Restrike 1 | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
RD2 | Restrike 2 | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
RD3 | Restrike 3 | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
RD4 | Restrike 4 | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
RD5 | Restrike 5 | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
REU | Reunion | Country code | tbl_Project |
RI | Rhode Island | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ROB | Red Oak - Black | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
ROCK | Rock | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
ROCK | USGS Group Symbol: ROCK | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
Rock | Rock | Generalized soil type | tbl_Project, tbl_DeepFoundation |
ROU | Romania | Country code | tbl_Project |
RUS | Russian Federation | Country code | tbl_Project |
RWA | Rwanda | Country code | tbl_Project |
S | Self-Boring | Pressuremeter installation method | tbl_Exploration |
S | Load Transfer Segment | Load transfer segment displacement measurement location | tbl_LoadTestSegment |
SA | Sand | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SACL | Sandy Clay | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SAGR | Sandy Gravel | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SASI | Sandy Silt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SASTN | Sandstone | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | Country code | tbl_Project |
SBV | Step Blade Vane | Exploration Type | tbl_Exploration |
SC | Square Concrete | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SC | USGS Group Symbol: SC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SC | South Carolina | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
SD | South Dakota | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
SDN | Sudan | Country code | tbl_Project |
SEN | Senegal | Country code | tbl_Project |
SGP | Singapore | Country code | tbl_Project |
SGS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
SH | Steel H-Pile | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SH | Safety Hammer (Rope And Cathead) | Exploration hammer type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
SHELB | Shelby Tube | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
SHN | Saint Helena | Country code | tbl_Project |
SI | Silt | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SICL | Silty Clay | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SIGR | Silty Gravel | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SISA | Silty Sand | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SISTN | Siltstone | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Country code | tbl_Project |
SK | Saskatchewan | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
SLB | Solomon Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
SLE | Sierra Leone | Country code | tbl_Project |
SLV | El Salvador | Country code | tbl_Project |
SM | USGS Group Symbol: SM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SM-ML | USGS Group Symbol: SM-ML | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SMR | San Marino | Country code | tbl_Project |
SO | Sonic Drilling | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
SOM | Somalia | Country code | tbl_Project |
SONIC | Sonic Core | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
SP | Screw Piles | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SP | Screw | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SP | USGS Group Symbol: SP | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SPC | Steel Pipe Closed | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SPC10 | 10-cm2 Seismic Cone | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
SPC15 | 15-cm2 Seismic Cone | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Country code | tbl_Project |
SPO | Steel Pipe Open | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
SP-SC | USGS Group Symbol: SP-SC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SP-SM | USGS Group Symbol: SP-SM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SPT | SPT: 2" OD sampler w/ 140 lb @ 30" | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
SRB | Serbia | Country code | tbl_Project |
SSD | South Sudan | Country code | tbl_Project |
ST | Step Tapered | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
ST | Slope Tangent | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
STA | Statnamic | Load test type | tbl_LoadTest |
STD | Standard (Maintained) Test | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
STD | Static | Load test type | tbl_LoadTest |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe | Country code | tbl_Project |
SUR | Suriname | Country code | tbl_Project |
SVK | Slovakia | Country code | tbl_Project |
SVN | Slovenia | Country code | tbl_Project |
SW | USGS Group Symbol: SW | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SWE | Sweden | Country code | tbl_Project |
SW-SC | USGS Group Symbol: SW-SC | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SW-SM | USGS Group Symbol: SW-SM | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
SWZ | Swaziland | Country code | tbl_Project |
SXM | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | Country code | tbl_Project |
SYC | Seychelles | Country code | tbl_Project |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | Country code | tbl_Project |
T | Timber | Deep Foundation Type | tbl_DeepFoundation |
T | Texam | Pressuremeter type | tbl_Exploration |
T | Torvane | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
T | Tremie | Drilled shaft concrete placement method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
T | Tension | Load type or direction | tbl_LoadTest |
T | Top of Pile | Load transfer segment displacement measurement location | tbl_LoadTestSegment |
TA | Tangent | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
TCD | Chad | Country code | tbl_Project |
TCP | Texas Cone Penetrometer | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
TER | Terzaghi - 1 inch | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
TEX | Texas Cone Penetrometer | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
TGO | Togo | Country code | tbl_Project |
THA | Thailand | Country code | tbl_Project |
TJK | Tajikistan | Country code | tbl_Project |
TKL | Tokelau | Country code | tbl_Project |
TKM | Turkmenistan | Country code | tbl_Project |
TLS | Timor-Leste | Country code | tbl_Project |
TN | Tennessee | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
TON | Tonga | Country code | tbl_Project |
TP | 10% Pile Diameter | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
TRASH | Debris/Trash | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | Country code | tbl_Project |
TUN | Tunisia | Country code | tbl_Project |
TUR | Turkey | Country code | tbl_Project |
TUV | Tuvalu | Country code | tbl_Project |
TWB | Thicker Wall Bottom Section | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
TWN | Taiwan, Province of China | Country code | tbl_Project |
TX | Texas | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
TZA | United Republic of Tanzania | Country code | tbl_Project |
U | Uniform | Deep foundation geometry | tbl_DeepFoundation |
U | Unknown | ASTM D1143 Static Load Test Procedure | tbl_LoadTest |
UC | Unconfined Compression | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
UC | Ultimate Capacity | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
UD | Triaxial: Unconsolidated Drained | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
UGA | Uganda | Country code | tbl_Project |
UKR | Ukraine | Country code | tbl_Project |
UMI | United States Minor Outlying Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
UN | Unknown | Steel reinforcement type for drilled shafts and augercast piles | tbl_DescriptionAugerCast, tbl_DescriptionDrilledShaft |
UNK | Unknown | Timing of CAPWAP measurement relative to driving sequence | tbl_Capwap |
UNK | Unknown | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
UNK | Unknown | Pile tip treatment code for steel H-piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
UNK | Unknown | Pile tip treatment code for closed-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
UNK | Unknown | Pile tip treatment code for open-end steel pipe piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
UNK | Unknown | Pile tip treatment code for timber piles | tbl_DeepFoundation |
UNK | Unknown | Timber pile wood type | tbl_DescriptionTimber |
UNK | Unknown | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
UNK | Unknown | Cone penetration test type | tbl_Exploration |
UNK | Unknown | Pressuremeter installation method | tbl_Exploration |
UNK | Unknown | Pressuremeter type | tbl_Exploration |
UNK | Unknown | Exploration hammer type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
UNK | Unknown | Exploration sampler type | tbl_ExplorationBoring |
UNK | Unknown | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
UNK | Unknown | Drilled shaft bottom clean out method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
UNK | Unknown | Drilled shaft concrete placement method | tbl_InstallDrilledShaft |
UNK | Sequence Unknown | Drive sequence for pile driving record | tbl_InstallPileDrivenPileHeader |
UNK | Unknown | Maximum load criteria for load test | tbl_LoadTest |
UNK | Unknown | Statnamic load test catch system | tbl_LoadTest |
UNK | Unknown/Not Specified | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
UNKNOWN | USGS Group Symbol: UNKNOWN | USCS soil classification code (ASTM D2488) | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
Unknown | Vertical Datum: Unknown | Vertical datum for project | tbl_Project |
URY | Uruguay | Country code | tbl_Project |
USA | United States | Country code | tbl_Project |
USACE | US Army Corps of Engineers | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
UT | Utah | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
UU | Triaxial: Unconsolidated Undrained | Laboratory strength test type | tbl_ExplorationLabResults |
UZB | Uzbekistan | Country code | tbl_Project |
V | Variable | Deep foundation geometry | tbl_DeepFoundation |
VA | Virginia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
Variable | Variable | Generalized soil type | tbl_Project, tbl_DeepFoundation |
VAT | Holy See (Vatican City State) | Country code | tbl_Project |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Country code | tbl_Project |
VD | Vibrated Only | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
VDID | Vibrated and Impact Driven | Deep Foundation installation method | tbl_DeepFoundation |
VE | Vesic | Load test nominal resistance criteria | tbl_LoadTestNominalResistance |
VEN | Venezuela | Country code | tbl_Project |
VGB | British Virgin Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
VIR | US Virgin Islands | Country code | tbl_Project |
VNM | Viet Nam | Country code | tbl_Project |
VT | Vermont | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
VUT | Vanuatu | Country code | tbl_Project |
WA | Washington | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
WB | Wash Boring | Boring method type | tbl_Exploration |
WCL | with Clay | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WGR | with Gravel | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WI | Wisconsin | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna | Country code | tbl_Project |
WOR | with Organics | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WROCK | Weathered Rock | Soil layer primary description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WSA | with Sand | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WSI | with Silt | Additional terms for soil layer description | tbl_ExplorationSoilLayerBoring, tbl_DeepFoundationSoilLayer |
WSM | Samoa | Country code | tbl_Project |
WV | West Virginia | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
WY | Wyoming | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
YEM | Yemen | Country code | tbl_Project |
YU | Yukon | State, Province, or FHWA district | tbl_Project |
ZAF | South Africa | Country code | tbl_Project |
ZMB | Zambia | Country code | tbl_Project |
ZWE | Zimbabwe | SW | tbl_Project |