U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-RD-01-160
Date: March 2002 |
Commercial Vehicle Driver Survey: Assessment of Parking Needs and PreferencesPDF Version (2.55 MB)
PDF files can be viewed with the Acrobat® Reader® APPENDIX A. DRIVER SURVEYFor Office Use Only
Truck Parking Needs and Preferences
Section A: Background
2. Do you participate in TEAM driving? (Please mark only one box.) .----------- . ------------------ . ------------------- . ------------------------- . Almost Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Almost Never 3. What is your sex?
4. Are you TYPICALLY a LONG-HAUL/REGIONAL or SHORT-HAUL/LOCAL driver? (Please mark only one box.)
Section B: Parking Patterns and Preferences5. How many DAYS do you SLEEP AT HOME EACH MONTH? _____________ days 6. In a TYPICAL week on the road, HOW MANY TIMES do you park in the following places for longterm rest (at least 4 hours of rest)? (Please write the number of times per week next to each.) I sleep... in a rest area parking lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ times per week in a truck stop parking lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .______ times per week in a parking lot not designated for truck parking (e.g., park & ride) . . . . ______ times per week on the shoulder of the highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .______ times per week on an entrance/exit ramp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ times per week in sleeper birth while team driver drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ times per week at a loading/unloading location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ times per week in a location not shown above (please specify) _____________ . . . . . . ..______ times per week 7. Who TYPICALLY decides where you will stop to park? (Please mark all that apply.) · I do · my company does (e.g., dispatcher or other company employee) · other, please specify _______________________________________________________ 8. If you park to SLEEP AWAY FROM HOME, WHEN IS THE DECISION MADE about where you will park? (Please mark all that apply.) · N/A-- I don't park to sleep away from home · as I'm driving, the decision is made · before I start driving, the decision is made · other, please specify _______________________________________________________ 9. On a scale from 1 to 5 ("Almost Always Important" to "Almost Never Important"), please rate how often the following features are important to you when you park at a truck stop or rest area. When I park my truck, this feature is... (circle only one number for each feature)
10. Trucks are sometimes parked on ramps or shoulders along the road. Why do you think ramps and shoulders are sometimes used for truck parking? PLEASE MARK THE 4 MOST COMMON REASONS · no nearby parking facility · no empty spaces in nearby truck stops or rest areas · nearby parking spaces have time limits that are too short · hard to drive around parking lots · empty nearby parking spaces are blocked by other trucks, cars, or RVs · the ramp/shoulder is convenient for getting back on the road · better lighting on ramp/shoulder than in lot · less likely to be bothered by strangers (e.g., drug dealers, prostitutes) · other, please specify____________________________________________________ 11. Please indicate how often you encounter EACH of the following parking situations: I encounter this parking situation... (mark only one box for each situation listed on the left)
12. When you stop FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS, where do you PREFER to park, at rest areas or truck stops? Parking Facility Preference(mark only one box for each reason listed on the left)
Section C: Parking Solutions13. What type of up-to-the-minute information on truck parking availability would help you plan your stops while you drive? (Please mark all that apply.) . location of truck parking facilities along the road I'm traveling . number of truck parking spaces available at upcoming parking facilities . length of time limits on upcoming truck parking spaces . features (e.g., food, fuel, phone) that are available at upcoming parking facilities . other, please specify___________________________________________ 14. How would you like to receive up-to-the-minute information on truck parking availability? (Please mark all that apply.) . electronic visual display in vehicle . radio in vehicle (e.g., CB, low-power FM, DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication)) . the Internet . other, please specify___________________________________________ 15. Below is a list of possible truck parking improvements. PLEASE MARK THE 5 IMPROVEMENTS THAT YOU THINK WOULD HELP THE MOST. · improve lighting · increase security presence · landscape to minimize hiding places for criminals/criminal activity · improve amenities at rest areas · build more truck stop parking spaces · build more rest area parking spaces · separate truck, car, and RV parking · use car parking for truck parking during peak overnight hours · enforce time limits on truck parking · eliminate time limits on truck parking · improve parking layout/configuration (e.g., more diagonal pull-through) · improve signs and roadway information for parking facilities · up-to-the-minute information on parking space availability · adopt standard spacing between rest areas · provide alternative parking (e.g., at weigh stations, Park-N-Ride, private parking lots) · stop enforcement officers from waking driver · educate drivers/dispatchers about planning parking stops before trip · other, please specify ____________________ Section D: Information About This TripPLEASE NOTE: The following items pertain ONLY to THIS TRIP - from the time you left home until the time you return home. 16. Where did you pick up (or drop off) your last load? City __________ State __________ 17. Where will you drop off this load (or pick up the next load)? City __________ State __________ 18. Where is your home base (normal work reporting location)? City __________ State __________ 19. Right now, about how far are you away from home base (to the nearest mile)? · 0-199 miles · 200-499 miles · 500-999 miles · 1,000-1,999 miles · 2,000 miles or more 20. On this trip, where did you last park your truck to sleep? · I have not slept yet · truck stop · rest area · ramp · loading dock · other __________________ 21. Where is the next place that you plan to park your truck to sleep? · home · truck stop · rest area · ramp · loading dock · other ________________ 22. How many days will you be away from home on this trip? ___________ Days 23. Please indicate how often you have encountered EACH of the following parking situations ON THIS TRIP. ON THIS TRIP, I have encountered this parking situation... (Mark only one box for each situation listed on the left)
24. In which towns/cities are you scheduled to PICK UP or DROP OFF loads on this trip (including your origin and final destination)? Please list all towns/cities here: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU ! |