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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-139
Date: December 2005

Enhanced Night Visibility Series, Volume VIII: Phase II—Study 6: Detection of Pavement Markings During Nighttime Driving in Clear Weather

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Table 10. Group A VES counterbalancing.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB
five UV–A + HLB HID hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB
HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB HID
three UV–A + HLB HID HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID
five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP HID
HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP
hybrid UV–A + HID three UV–A + HLB HID five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP
five UV–A + HLB HID three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HLB HID hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB
HID HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID
five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID HID three UV–A + HLB
HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB HID
hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP HID three UV–A + HLB
three UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP
five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP
three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID
HID HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB
HLB–LP HID three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB HID hybrid UV–A + HID
HLB–LP HID three UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB HID
HID five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP
five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB
three UV–A + HLB HID HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB
HID three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HLB HID hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB HID
five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID HID three UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB HID HLB–LP
three UV–A + HLB HID five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID
HLB–LP HID hybrid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HID HLB–LP HID five UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HLB
five UV–A + HLB HLB–LP three UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID
HID hybrid UV–A + HID three UV–A + HLB HLB–LP five UV–A + HLB
three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB hybrid UV–A + HID HID HLB–LP
three UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HLB HID HLB–LP hybrid UV–A + HID

Table 10 represents the different counterbalanced orders for group A VESs for half of the participants, but they are not in the order in which they were presented. To run two participants at the same time, the orders above were paired so that the participants would not be in the same vehicles at the same time. In addition, this table represents the first night for half of the participants and the second night for the other half of the participants. Table 11 shows the inverse for group B.

Table 11. Group B VES counterbalancing.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB HLB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID HOH
five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB three UV–A + HID HOH HLB
three UV–A + HID HOH five UV–A + HID HLB hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB
HLB three UV–A + HID HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB five UV–A + HID
HOH five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB HLB three UV–A + HID
HHB HLB three UV–A + HID HOH five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB three UV–A + HID HLB five UV–A + HID HOH
HOH HLB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB
HLB HOH HHB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB
three UV–A + HID five UV–A + HID HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB HLB
five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB HHB HOH three UV–A + HID
HHB three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HOH HLB five UV–A + HID
HLB HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID
hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB three UV–A + HID HOH HHB five UV–A + HID
HOH five UV–A + HID HHB HLB hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID
five UV–A + HID HHB HOH three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB
three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB five UV–A + HID HOH HHB
HHB three UV–A + HID five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB HOH
hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID HLB HHB HOH five UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HID HLB HOH five UV–A + HID HHB hybrid UV–A + HLB
HOH HHB hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID five UV–A + HID HLB
five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID HOH HLB HHB
HLB five UV–A + HID HHB hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID HOH
HHB HOH five UV–A + HID HLB hybrid UV–A + HLB three UV–A + HID
HLB HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID HHB
HHB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB
HOH three UV–A + HID HLB HHB five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB
hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID HHB HOH
five UV–A + HID HHB HOH hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB three UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB HLB HOH five UV–A + HID
HOH HHB five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HLB
Mid UV–A + HID five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HOH HLB HHB
hybrid UV–A + HLB HOH three UV–A + HID HLB HHB five UV–A + HID
five UV–A + HID HLB hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB three UV–A + HID HOH
HLB hybrid UV–A + HLB HHB HOH five UV–A + HID three UV–A + HID
three UV–A + HID HHB HLB five UV–A + HID hybrid UV–A + HLB HOH


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