U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-98-107
Date: February 1998 |
Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle FacilitiesRecommended Procedures for the "Pedestrians" Chapter of the Highway Capacity Manual PDF Version (596 KB) PDF files can be viewed with the Acrobat® Reader®
6. APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL FORMULAS FOR COMPUTING RECOMMENDED MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESSInterrupted Pedestrian Facilities Signalized Crossings Delay: Griffiths et al.'s Method. Griffiths et al. (1985) derived the following expression for pedestrian delays with two-way vehicle volumes below 1,500 vehicles/h: For vehicle volumes at or above 1,500/h (with pedestrian noncompliance less likely at these high vehicle volumes), they found that the following formula best fit their simulation results:
Under vehicle actuation, they found the following best matched simulation results:
Space: Virkler et al.'s Method. Virkler, Elayadath, and Geethakrishnan (1995) offer the following expression for required effective green time (Greq):
Regarding space-based methods at signalized intersections, Virkler assumes 1.2 m/s platoon flow speeds in the following calculation, which reflects this:
For larger effective crosswalk widths, he offers the following modification:
Virkler then offers the following method of determining sufficient total crossing time (WALK plus flashing DON'T WALK), which accounts for the effects of dispersion of platoons larger than 15 persons, for crosswalks with effective widths up to about 3 m:
Unsignalized Crossings Delay: Griffiths et al.'s Method. Griffiths et al. (1985) established the following expression for pedestrian delay at a zebra crossing:
The exponential portion of the expression reflects the authors' observation that pedestrian groups experience no delay when their arrival at the curbside occurs before a preceding pedestrian group has reached about halfway across the road. The Federal Highway Administration is dedicated to providing alternative formats of information and publications that are accessible to people with disabilities. For additional information or to request an alternative format, please send an e-mail to: TFHRC.WebMaster@fhwa.dot.gov |